Wat do?

The anvil at our gym is broken, and it looks like they are not going to be replacing it, what do i do?
Shuld i just start bringing my own?

how is it broken again? its still a big fuckin heavy hunk of metal

I would just bring my own if the gym is in walking distance

its missing one side and i cant hold on to it , so i cant do my anvil squats with it anymore

Im new to anvil training.. what type of exercises can it be used for?

front Anvil squats, Anvill overhead press, Anvil snatche, seated anvil rows, thats what i do atleast

I literally didn't even know there were gyms with anvils in them. I have always brought my own twice a week. Nobody says anything except for a few weird looks from other patrons at first. Now nobody bats an eye and I have a reputation as the anvil guy. Shits fine though, good piece of equipment and a good conversation starter. I have even had people ask me how to work out with it and there is a guy who joins me in my anvil routine on the days I bring it. You probably wouldn't have the same experience since your gym already had one, but I guarantee you will make friends with a few anvil anons at the gym who got accustomed to having one but don't have their own to bring.

Im looking at used Anvils online, thinking of getting a cheep one, and modifying it a bit by adding grip pads for safer lifts

You mean pussy pads.

The only mod a good anvil needs is a pair of side chains so you can do anvils skips for cardio and around-the-worlds for core training

>around-the-worlds for core training
Imagining what that would look like.. and it looks glorius in my mind

Careful with those; if you're still a new lifter you can really embarrass yourself with bad form on this one.
>mfw lifting buddy hit his head on a jump once
I still miss him sometimes.

>not going to the blacksmiths and traning with them

>Going to a blacksmith
>Not forging your own.

You first need an anvil to forge another anvil though.

not if you cast it in a mold

If that were true the first anvil would have never existed

What came first, the anvil or the anvil?

guys the gym knights are angry because the gymsmiths can't forge the fucking equipment, what do this can destroy this gym

What the fuck? This has to be trolling right? How much does a fucking anvil weigh and what’s wrong with just using weights at the gym

Depends on the Anvil, they are usualy 100Kg - 200 Kg

A anvil is more awkward to lift, trains up your supporting musculature

>Starting Anvil fags
Every new year's, like clockwork

Be gone heathen, everyone knows the great anvil forged the first anvil in her own loving image 7000 years ago

Is this a chloe thread now?

they're good for famer's walk with some rope tied round the horn and prow. Working in a forge had me carrying these bastards around daily really builds up your forearms and upper body.

Confirmed never gonna make it

What the fuck

You never even lifted an Anvil in your life... i bet your hands are soft as silk

>hands are soft as silk
yes. wanna feel? ;)

>i bet your hands are soft as silk
Like milk and honey. Sometimes I touch my skin with my nose and feel the soft feeling. Can you do same?

>using ropes
just grab it like a man
no homo

i use the gym twink for such effeminate services

my gym recently got an anvil, managed to do some anvil squats and anvil press. got to say it really hits every muscle, recommend

you should buy a 1000 lb monster truck tire and go to town on it with sledgehammer and then flip around the gym parking lot untol you tear a bicep

That's sounds nice. Touching another human being and all

FUARK Chloe grace moretz looks like THAT?

Mass monster era Chloe is best Chloe
