If i hit the gym in 6am do i eat before or after?

if i hit the gym in 6am do i eat before or after?

25g whey in water and some black coffee before, whatever fits your diet after

tnx mate

train fasted then eat 2-4 hours later.

I eat a bowl of oatmeal then take protein 45 mins before.

>Benches set it diagonally
>that close to dumbbell rack
>while being very close to each other
this is hell

After. I like to eat a big heavy dinner, sleep, then lift on just black coffee

IfI'm hitting the gym early (5.30-6am) I normally eat some almonds or something while my coffee is brewing which I will then drink while I walk to the gym. Real breakfast when I get back.

Eat a bunch of carbs and have coffee an hour before.
I genuinely find it hard to lift when I am not full desu, I could never lift in the morning.

>knocks your 1rm bench out of your hands and onto your face by hammer curling next to the dumbell rack


I eat a table spoon of PB and drink coffee

i genuinely enjoy the feeling of working out on an empty stomach, you feel light and can push harder without fearing you vomit all over yourself

coffee+bcaa for me, I never eat in the morning, usually wait for lunch, keep a few healthy snacks at hand if hungry during the morning, rarely touch them

I gym at 6AM every day.
If you don't eat beforehand you will be weak.
Eat a good meal before bed and make sure you get your carbs at least 30 minutes before you start your workout.

I work out early mornings. I usually just drink coffee before going. I can't be arsed to wake up earlier to eat and usually I'm not even hungry until ~1h after the workout.


>All these people saying coffee before gym

How do you manage to not shit yourselves? I'm admittedly not a regular coffee drinker but that shit is like WD40 for my bowels

Before, because you don't take creatine on an empty stomach.

Do you not have indoor plumbing in your country? If you do, then what’s the fucking problem?

my main problem with coffee is that I get all trembly. but maybe that just has to do with an insufficient carb intake on the previous day, I don't know really.

"anabolic window" is a meme. just hit your macros and eat at a surplus/maintenance/deficit (depending on your goals), that's it; it doesn't matter when you eat.

Are those almonds activated?

yo what the FUCK is up with that gyms setup.

Muscle milk in coffee before, banana slathered in peanut butter after.

>benches and barbells in front of dumbbells
>literal hazard for people benching (they should be isolated)
>yfw someone rams their ass into your 3pl8 bench and it falls onto your neck

I prefer my shits to be solid rather than liquid

All I have in my dorm room at uni is whey and milk. So I usually will chug my pre-workout then go lift then eat afterwards