King of Veeky Forums
Any objections?
Other urls found in this thread:
these clowns are unfunny
Average roid monkey with hipster numale beard
King of 14 year old first year lifters maybe
hehe he's just so quirky and R4N|)OM XDXXX RawR =P z0mg *drops rohypnol into your drink behind you*
>doesn't trip on fit
wow what a great 'king'
isley is still king
>isley is still king
Literally who? Also alpha destiny doesn't trip yet he's still king....
He lives with a nigger GF. Not our guy, user.
isley is just fat
/pol/ you don’t get a say. go complain about Jews and call someone a soyboy elsewhere
isleee, isleee, isleee. ya neber learn
>Ummm try again sweetie
His body is still pretty decent but holy shit he's ugly now
>Literally who?
you can post your opinion after you've studied the board culture, you don't even know the main trips on this board
fucking cringe
>Also alpha destiny doesn't trip yet he's still king....
he never was or will be sweetie :)
>fucking cringe
>fat lard calls people "fucking cringe" when they don't give a shit about random people that post with a name
Also I'm sorry sweetie, but Alex is currently king. U mad?
Not enough bloat
So many false prophets
sorry kiddos Frank is the One True King of Veeky Forums
He will always be our king
he's posted here too
his face does not carry fat well. He will oscillate between handsomeish and ugly just by cutting and bulking between like 10-18% bf
gooks can't be king of anything important
>His body is still pretty decent
I was just saying that because he's still pretty big. All he has to do is cut.
>fat lard calls people "fucking cringe" when they don't give a shit about random people that post with a name
I'm not fat, and Isley has been here since before you even looked at a gym
>Alex is currently king. U mad?
not mad because it's just a wild accusation that isn't true, only newfags would grab a youtube celebrity and crown him king, your opinion literally doesn't matter as you have no say on the matter
Which is like a prerequisite for being King of Veeky Forums
are you still mad that Ganghis Khan Raped your ancestors?
>being this new
>I'd look great if I cut
How about stop dreaming about your potential, and actually start cutting. He looks like shit now. No matter how strong he is, without a shirt he is a walking embarrassment. Some people have no shame
He’s the philosopher of Veeky Forums not the king
> unless the mind is open the pussy stays closed
>not mad
>is mad
Stay mad newfag, Alex is and will always be king. Nobody knows what the fuck an "isley" is and nobody cares
I mean the guy was basically a living embodiment of Veeky Forums back in 2011/2012
he did a video where he stuck a BBC dildo to the gym floor and squated down until his ass touched it for reps in the middle of a crowded gym. what's more Veeky Forums than that?
his ironic humour was exactly like 4chans were normies wouldn't really get it, but it was hilarious at the time, I think he really peaked at this video
but his gf left him and he hung out with her and her new bf and everyone turned against him calling him beta
Correct answer
That's like saying I'm bald but all I have to do is grow hair to look good.
did he do gay porn?
You tell me
a fat fuck dating a fat fuck is king? k mate
God damn this dude has amazing genetics
King of Fit is Scooby (long may he reign) as he represents the oldest and most steadfast ideals of Veeky Forums (gayness, getting big, while also being a fucking weirdo)
Zyzz is the Prince since he literally "made it" even if it cost him his life in the process.
Everyone else is several tiers below. Although I would maybe consider Big Lenny for honorable mention as he certainly lives a very hyper-Veeky Forums life. (delusional, loves traps, and shits on everyone else)
>implying anyone comes even close