Why do amateur BBers all have the same style? Copy of a copy of a copy
Usually some kind of snapback
Flashy coloured retarded high shoes
Random tribal tattoos
Uneven bodies and strange skin
Why do amateur BBers all have the same style? Copy of a copy of a copy
Usually some kind of snapback
Flashy coloured retarded high shoes
Random tribal tattoos
Uneven bodies and strange skin
cookie cutters
Hat to hide the balding.
Flashy shoes and tattoos to keep your eyes off the top of the head.
Dime a dozen
snap back to hide balding.
high tops to make their neglected calf muscles look bigger
You mean a diamond dozen.
I'm all about /brightlycoloredretardshoes/ but the hats are lame and the tatts kys-tier
I think he means a dye mound douse zen
How goofy is this
dyel non-dosing? basically normies who "work out"
Hey there smoothskin
>hats to hide balding from steroids
>shoes to cover ankles to make calves look bigger (they cover the narrowest point in the taper)
>weird skin from steroids
>random tribal tattoos I've literally no idea why. They must think they look good
Agree about the balding but do their calves look neglected?
same pic w/o hat
It isn't that their calves are neglected. It's just high shoes cover the narrowest point and make the calves look bigger.
Imagine if the guy on right in was wearing low trainers and you could see his dainty little girl ankles. His calves would look smaller
This OP is a born asshole, they are a perquliar breed but they are many in numbers, they like to show off their bright plumage to attract a mate, but a lass they can only rangle used up gym thots, a similar species, but a creature in its own regard.
because there is a limited amount of ways you can look.
Donny diamond azoff
On the tattoos, research suggests that those who get them usually have one screw or another loose. Need for attention, need for validation, difficulty coping, etc. Goes in parallel with the level of obsession amateur and pro bodybuilders have.