This absolute qt of a woman is the world champion in weightlifting for women's 75kg weightclass

This absolute qt of a woman is the world champion in weightlifting for women's 75kg weightclass.

Say something nice about her.

Reminder, she's thicc af

Made to the British broadcasting corporation

She was cute before the steroids fucked her face.

I want to put my penis in all of her holes.

So do I

more pics
Specially like this
And even these

who is she? im going to raise a perfect family with her in a big house with 2 dogs and a picketfence i want her

Lydia Valentin

fuck she already has an upper middle class family, how can poverty ridden food stamp africans even compete?

I want to marry her

Made for the big white pay check


her form is ridiculously tight, she and Klokov should have kids and they would definitely break all the world records

>Say something nice about her.
un culo tremendo



Nah, I hate them even more.
Guess again.

Then you have to be a gabacho

>dating Spanish """""""""""""""people'""""""""""""""

el nope

Had to google what it means, but ew, fuck no.

This guy gets it

Brit? A true pirate would not hate scatalans over spaniards

me gusta

Oh I love this. This is much better than /pol. It's like one-way shitposting. I can make fun of your country without the retaliation.
The best part - I don't even dislike Spaniards (maybe other than your complete inability to accept English as an international language)