Feels thread, gf recently broke up and I’m sad bros.
Feels thread, gf recently broke up and I’m sad bros
>Almost week 3 of nofap
>New girl at work is super hot
>Keep thinking about her every now and then and it makes my dick diamonds
H-How do I stop this
The furthest I’ve gotten with nofap was like 2 weeks. The further you get the harder it gets, both your willpower and your penis will suffer.
>tfw JOI is already real and it's only a matter of time before I can have my own JOI giving me JOI while I eat my dinner
Fuck her?
I'm autistic dude, I don't even know how to talk to her
What was it like having a girlfriend?
Unlucky, faggot
i can tell you what it was like when i had a gf.
she didn't love me i didn't love her but moments we spent together were still nice because biology.
Don't shit where you eat.
There are over 3 billion women in this world and a fresh batch comes out of the oven every day, no reason to risk your livelihood over one (1) girl. Especially since you are here on Veeky Forums so you are probably at least slightly socially awkward/retarded so you are much more likely to fuck it up and end up with a harassment claim. And if that happens, you'll get fired and it will follow you for the rest of your working life unless you start your own business.
Imagine going to a job interview:
>"Hey, user, we think you would be a really great fit here at our company, I just need to call your former boss to make sure and then we are set!"
>"Y-you... t-too..."
How can you make it stop? Find some other girl and fuck her OR break your nofap and bust a nut.
>doesn't realize that the entire purpose of nofap is to drive your test up and force you to overcome your autism
not gonna make it.
Op here, I can tell you it was nice, we would cuddle and shit. Then she broke up with me.
Good feels: facial hair is getting noticeably thicker by the week
Bad feels: my face looks like a fucking white pimple minefield
Not OP but;
It's absolutely amazing for 6-18 months in the honeymoon period where you are still incredibly sexually attracted to her and think everything about her is basically perfect. You're happier than you can rememeber ever being and you laugh and smile together constantly and just have loads of fun and great sex.
Then after that it's great having someone around who will be there for you whatever is happening, who you can share things with, and even though you are bored of pumping the same pussy all the time you are still getting sex on tap and sometimes it is still amazing, but not all the time. Your gf is a source of comfort and stability but also it will infuriate you sometimes to be responsible for someone else all the time and deal with their bullshit; they are a whole other person whos mind is not yours, and worse they are female, so at times you will clash and see them as a weight around your neck. But the idea of not being with them is very painful.
Also most men don't realise this but you have to take charge in the relationship and it is up to you to keep it fresh and exciting and keep her on her toes, it is up to you to keep finding things for the pair of you to do together, it is up to you to continue being the best man you can and not get comfortable or as OP found out SHE WILL DUMP YOU IF SHE IS BORED AS SOON AS SHE SEES SOMETHING BETTER. So it can also be tiring never being able to rest on your laurels.
That's what it is like having a gf.
>not realizing that the death of JOI was a good thing and freed autism robot Joe and allowed him to become a real boy
not gonna make it.
That last paragraph is horrifying. I'm not that type of active person at all.
Follow this advice only if you are an unattractive sperg. Every girl I've ever fucked has been a colleague, it is EZ MODE if you know what you're doing. Yeah there is some drama but so what?
True example from my workplace (a restaurant)
Hungarian waitress is flirting with some chefs, one of them (fat ugly smelly indian) puts his hand on her lower back and pulls her towards him. Even though at the time she is laughing, he gets fired a week later for harrassment.
Only a few days later I am in the little cramped stock room with her and she is bending over picking something up and I'm looking at her big ass and thong poking out almost licking my lips. She catches me looking, arches her back and says in a heavy eastern European accent, "hurt my bum". I smacked her ass hard and she squealed and laughs and said "no no, with that", pointing at my crotch.
Fucked her silly a couple days after.
It is what it is. Men, probably like OP, will delude themselves into thinking that everything is hunky dory because they 'cuddle and shit' but she is internally screaming for excitement, emotional drama.
It's unfair but it is the man's responsibility to keep his woman invested.
are you on TRT or something?
Why do you feel the need to lie on an anonymous image board?
her golden curls are making me act like an idiot
Take your Pinocchio fetish back to /pol/ and go slay your dragon princesses with Daddy Peterson, faggot
>internet dwelling autist can't comprehend someone actually had intercourse with a woman
I know it sounds crazy slutty but these european girls who emigrate alone are like that.
>being Low Energy
you will never be successful at anything.
Was gonna get angry but I can't even argue against that considering I'm unemployed. Don't know how to fake ambitions and high energy.
I assume since you're on this board that you lift, so that's a good start.
Just force yourself to go out and do things imo. Go somewhere nice you haven't been and walk around. Go to a restaurant and chat to the servers. Get a job, commit to it with enthusiasm. You say you dunno how to fake it so just force it.
Also supplement Vitamin D and eat loads of fruit and veg, get enough sleep and water.
>There are over 3 billion women in this world
Yes but lets narrow that down
>Black women are mostly ugly
>Hispanic women are also mostly ugly
>30% are fat
>4.5-8/10 in looks
>18-27 age range
>25-150 mile radius of your location
>no kids
What does this realistically leave? Probably a few thousand if you're in a big city. And chances are there is some other issue.
Happened to me with my ex who I was head over heels for. Been half a year and I still have dreams of cuddling her and things like that.
I’m failing the first semester of college and I even know why, but I hate the solution
How do I not be an autist then?
This may be one of the best posts on Veeky Forums, or at least the best version of this post
same desu
i know it's gaming
It’s my ADHD pill here
Every time I take it I pass with amazing grades but I want to die, and off of it I’m happy but also bad at school
No, your fabricated story was pure cringe. Make it more realistic next time.
>Be skinny 30 year old
>Been going to the gym for 3 months on Reg Park's routine
>Still skinny
>Don't like gym I'm at due to lack of equipment
>Go to different gym
>Talk to tour guide
>Tell him I'm on Reg Park's routine
>He's confused, "You're getting into powerlifting?!"
play ks brah, it got me over my ex
why do you wanna die?
I don’t know
It’s weird because off it I’m fine but on it I constantly think about suicidal shit
I’m much happier off it but I’m failing as I mentioned before. Here’s hoping I can fix my shit for second semester
Same here, when i feel sad remeber the ending with the artist one and I'm sure that I'm gonna make it
It's basically impossible to answer this question on a mongolian basket weaving forum, it's too complex.
The short version would be; be as physically attractive as you can be and don't worry about stuff you can't change. Be sure of yourself. Other people's opinions of you should fall off you like water. Don't fear rejection, don't be bitter, don't be needy. If you're talking to a girl in person or by text, would what you're saying pass the Jumbotron Test? Would you be embarrassed if what you were saying was displayed on a huge Jumbotron in a packed stadium? If the answer is yes, don't say it.
believe what you want virgin :^)
You'll be ok user.
Just stay strong, keep hitting those lifting goals, keep improving yourself
I believe in you
>"Y-you are a v-virgin!"
That was as creative as your sex story.
sounds so easy LOL yeah just be yourself as long as you're a 6ft jacked and tan Chad
>don't be bitter
You already failed. Sad!
What I would do if I was in your situation is just work it out to only do it during school to pass, then on the days off and stuff I’d just stop taking it. Maybe do it for like super important stuff.