Questions that don't deserve their own thread thread

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Whats the best cardio for some one who broke their heels at a young age? Running absolutely destroys my feet.

Is "the ultimate diet" by Lyle McDonald any good? Been thinking if starting it since summer is coming up and I'm pudgy

Cycling / swimming

You just finished your workout and you want to head home but someone is doing cable cross flys and blocking your passage, he is right in the middle of his set. would you interrupt him to get through or wait?
i just waited, is it beta?

Is it illegal to hate black people?

Go around? You're retarded it's not like he's blocking the exit

can't go around, theres about a 5inch space to go through

Just say excuse me and squeeze by then.

What type of gym do you go to that there's a fucking cable machine blocking the exit?

he wasn't blocking the exit but the passage from one part of the gym to the other that leads to the exit.
The nigga was mid-set, would it be so beta to wait a few seconds and let him finish his set?

Answer my question.

Depends. If you have to wait more than 5 then it's pretty beta. That's just my opinion though. I'd be damned if I'm going to let some dyel faggot waste my time and make me miss my anabolic window

it was about 10-15 secs
he was around my size.

anyone else knows that feel that you always over-analyze events thinking if you did the right thing or not?

>thank you fit

Can I just leave out flat BP and do incline and decline instead or is it a must?

I prefer low bar squats to the high bar squats, but I also deadlift. Am I working the same muscles too much and should switch to high bar?

That would work fine honestly. Though doing incline/flat would probably be better since a properly executed bench has been shown to have the highest levels of chest activation.

Honestly you may ending up a bit bottom heavy but that depends on a lot of things. Check out Alan Thrall's physique, he's a good example of someone who does that a lot. If that's the look you would like to go for then do it.

I want to leave out flat bp exactly because I can't get proper chest activation but it seems fine with both incline and decline. I spent so much time figuring out the correct form, asked others to analyse it, watched videos, read articles, I just don't feel the flat bp in my chest as much as with the alternatives. I'm at a point where I think it's just not worth it.

Chalk it up as /self improvement/ but when i was a young boy, my memories of interaction with others was pretty shit. Accounts of girls being really mean to me are common from elders, even when i was thin and active like the other kids.

Same with family. I start doing better in grades after i leave American public school and go private. Still get beat at home.
>Fast forward from 10 to 21 yo
>3.4 GPA
>6 minute mile for 3 miles going on 10
>Mech Eng track
>parents unimpressed
>always asking for a girlfriend
>or trying the fuck all to take my money
>girl i give rides to school act even shittier
>rubs off onto my sister and she starts being even more abusive

Its the same now no matter how hard i try, whether i be fit or in college. What do I do?

As somebody that has decided to just recently lose weight and become healthy.
Recently lost 3 stone via eating less like a horse and more like a human being. I believe I've decided that I should probably gain muscle to put on my noodle arms.
Is there any point to doing those dumbbells or should you just do the bench weightlifting thing. Benchpress I believe.

I never understood dumbbell bench. Maybe to activate some flexor for balance? or so you don't get guillotined?

I'd start with bench press and do some research

Roger Roger.

Get the stronglifts app and work through that for a few months.

Thank you, this place is nicer than anticipated.

Cheap bulking lunch? I have rice and chicken thighs atm. Nice, but the value propersition of it compared to a basic ham sandwich for example isn't exactly good. I know it's marginal, but when a £1 packet if ham can last me a week, versus £6 a week on chicken thighs...

Veeky Forums i have lost a ton of weight (70 lbs) and i'm at the point where i really want to start lifting. I know i should have started before but i couldnt bear the way i looked anymore and my main concern was getting to a weight where I resemble a human being and not a ham-planet.

i've read starting strength and have a gym picked out already, i don't have an issue with any of the lifts described with the exception of the squat which is giving me a lot of trouble.

i'm having issues with the form described, mainly with the depth: if i try to squat with my own body-weight, i can't even get to parallel, or break the parallel line to complete a single rep. my feet are properly spaced at shoulder width and i am driving my knees out, but as soon i get to just above parallel i begin to lose my balance and i fall on my ass if i continue.

webm is basically what the book says you should be able to do with your bodyweight but i cant get to that depth and end up doing sort of what the guy on the right in the black pants is doing, above parallel and cant get any lower.

please help me fix this so i can start lifting, i don't want to get into a habit of bad form.

Is it possible to achieve Arnold's Conan physique natty?

Well, we are all nice here, simply put :)

Been working on my squat trying to perfect it and I thought I finally got it down. But sadly I either tore or strained my hip flexors last week, kept lifting because I'm dumb and thought it was just doms. Friday through sunday was pretty bad pain. I've been stretching though and it has gotten better and today it feels a LOT better but I attempted form to see with just a metal bar at home, and still can't hit ATG without tightness, just can go just barely parallel. Should I take the week off or how long exactly should I rest for? Been on SS for about 1 1/2-2 months now. 200x3x5 high bar squat.

Is 1/2/3/4 supposed to mean 1 rep or 5 reps?

how many hours do i spend in the gym each week before i become """that guy""" that spends too much time at the gym?

I just had this meal of chicken, bell pepper and a bunch of broccoli. Is this shit really that low on calories? Because i feel pretty full after this and eating like 800 more calories would feel like overeating.

Good job losing the weight first of all. Don't let bad form on one lift prevent you from doing the others.

If you're tall, you're going to have issues with depth at first. I've had friends who've had depth issues. I'd recommend still trying to squat with just bodyweight to get the form down, and in the meantime do leg press and accessory machine lifts that help the abductors and adductors. I'm not a PT, so take what I say with a grain of salt. Good luck dude, we're all gonna make it

There's already a thread, search the catalog faggot.

yes, this is why fat people are disgusting

Yup, the ingredients you listed are low calorie but filling. It is accurate.

That's really just a matter of perspective to whoever sees you at the gym. I go to the gym probably 5-6 days a week, around the same time each day, and so the people who go to the gym at the same time as me probably think of me as "that guy".
Also you gotta be big before anyone will think of you as "that guy". If you're a dyel it's likely nobody will notice

what is the difference between tonnage and volume?

What do you do if you lose a bunch of weight and it makes your dick get longer and now you can't go balls deep without hurting your wife
Is there a workout routine to make her pussy longer

no, it's encouraged

It's called autism. What website do you think you're on?

If I set a 5 pound dumbbell my dick will it get thicker?

Do I lose more fat by jogging for a long period of time or running for a short period of time?

After 3 month of lifting I'm can't get past 16 kg bench...I can easily do 5x5 of 16 kg but not with 17...what should I do...

you basically ate pure protein, protein is easily the most filling of all caloric types. as opposed to fats, which are very calorie dense foods and would be very high in calories for very little stomach space taken up.

If you do split training you can easily spend an hour or less in the gym without interruptions, but you’d have to go everyday. If you do full body workouts you’ll be in the for a long time, but only certain days of the week. Choose your destiny.

I need a good routine that can be done with no equipment. I'm not talking about these 0 8 15 reddit shit that wants you to get rings and a bar and shit.
All I own is a fitness mat [spoiler]and looking at my wallet, it will stay that way for now...[/spoiler]

Why does Veeky Forums not support spoiler?

How long did it take you guys to start seeing results.

i'm 2 months in and i'm wondering will i get a good body till summer or do i need to lower my expectations


Why do people hate ppl?

Here's some exercises I found through trial and error.
Feet elevated pushups
One armed pushups
One armed feet elevated pushups
Split squats
Bulgarian split squats
Glute bridges
Hip thrusts
Have your hands and feet close together and then walk out with your hands and walk back to your feet for a good ab workout.
Grab the table or something and do inverted rows

Work that into a routine or do them everyday. Work your way up to things you can't do obviously.

I would say you could avoid becoming "that guy" in the eyes of others if you refrain from posting your gym activities on social media. Theres that stupid cartoon where that moron is declaring that people who train are boring because they do nothing else, but I can think of several people in my feed/friends who literally post nothing else but selfies and videos from the gym. Wearing anything on your sleeve can be obnoxious. Just workout and mind your business.

With solid nutrition and a consistent exercise program, you can certainly improve your physique in the next 6 months. How would you describe your body type now?


does it make sense to take whey and creatine if you only train bodyweight and calisthenics??

I just ate some baked chicken that was fully cooked but tasted funny.
How much time left?

I can't really see whey being of use for some reason but you should take creatine. Make sure nobody in your family is balding though because if they are, you most likely will too.

Here took this pic a min ago, i look like a fucking dyel, am i to far gone or can i make it

It's six months to June and you're starting your cut? Why?

i have hair in KNUCKLE
im very hairy

Oh I'm not going to start right now, I'm just thinking of using it around February or March but I don't know if it's good or not. anyways i could cut right now and go outside in short and with a tank top because I live in Texas and it's baisically spring right now.

I know what you're talking about. I'm hairy as fuck too, but so is my bad and he's balding. It's up to you to decide weather it's worth taking the risk or not, but if you do make sure to drink lots of water. The stuff about bloating is bullshit though, for me it was at least....

Cut contact with your family bro, thats horrible for your psyche to deal with that shit constantly. Fuck join the military if you have to, thatll get you a family thatll treat you somewhat better than your current one

does lifting promote longevity?
fasting maybe?

I want to live for a century. should I start carefully training my tendonds,ligaments and bones,conditioning them?
lots of cold showers maybe

Alsp stop being a beta pushover faggit, stand up for yourself for once. And dont give rides to people who treat you like shit

Swimming, i swim 12km every week, gonna step it up to 16 this week.
If you wish to do mainly cardio, Freestyle(Front Crawl) Is like the equivalent of sprinting on land. Proper breast-stroke is also killer, but it's very technical, and also builds more strenght.

If you wish to do isolation exercise in the water to build strenght, squeeze the kickboard between your legs and do front crawl with your arms only, gently flip your legs to stabilize your body only.

If it doesn't hurt your heels, go ahead and do flutter kicks for as long as you possibly can while holding the kickboard.

Strongly suggest swimming not only for cardio, but for a million other reasons like posture as well.

are hindu pushups better ,worse,or different than,normal puhsups?

Gonna reply just because what i see is what i would've seen if i hadn't started exercising and eating clean.

Your arms are definitely bigger than mine i'll give you that, If you cardio like 40mins twice a week, and stop eating crap i'm sure you can!
I believe in you, heck if you'd just burn away all your fat you'd still look good.
Very slim fo sho, but still good.

Also, interesting how your stomach folds the same way mine does.
Even now that i'm like half a pund away from abs it still folds right above the bellybutton.

theyre triple more difficultt

>i look like a fucking dyel
But how did you look before you started lifting? As long as you made progress that's good. You'll be able to get some good progress in 6 months but don't expect too much.
>Your arms are definitely bigger than mine

Controversial question
What's the deal with oats.

either i see "It's the bomb! praise the all mighty oat, great complex carb with a high content of protein"

Or i see "Ew it's lacking 1/13 essential amino acids' it's shit, if you should just eat quinoa or something instead"

I'd rather be that guy who spends too much time in the gym than that guy who spends too much time in the bar.

>Or i see "Ew it's lacking 1/13 essential amino acids' it's shit, if you should just eat quinoa or something instead"
I've never seen that before....anyways just eat the oats if you want and quit being a bitch about it

You can be both at the same time.

Yeah, i'd always wanted to join the army. I guess that was my draw to it. Glad to have a reaffirmation.

Starting strength it's way different from all other routines I've used. Gym trainers and "experts" were giving me long ass 2hour routines (8-10 exercises per session, 5x12 sets) focused on just one body part, which forced me to use light weights (20lbs on press, for example)... but with SS I can go 50lbs on press, and sessions just go over 45 minutes. Still tired tho. It's that normal?

Thank you guys, I'm not pushing anything beyond realistic goals, i am eating clean only fish, eggs, chicken, rice, oats all the good stuf, though i am eating at a 500 cal surplus,just so I don't look like a hungry skeleton when i cut.

You should be tired. The intensity will get to the point that you're designed to fail due to the linear programming. It's why you can put on so much more weight quickly

How do I proceed? 1/2

Generic micromanaged cyclical ketogenic diet (i.e. carb cycling). Proven but annoying. Like Lyle.

You can just google cyclical ketogenic diet or anabolic diet if you like.

Yes. Antidiscrimination laws.

Im skinny fat, should i just do cardio till I lose my gut and then start lifting?

How did you diagnose this?


1 rep

same thing. both are the total weight you lifted in your work sets for an exercise.

Eat more. Rest more.

Because some idiots realize they need more volume to progress after a certain point, but not that they also need more rest, so they do PPL instead of a proper intermediate program, then come on here whining about how they're not making progress on their program with 30 exercises, and how they refuse to switch to a reasonable program.

Just start lifting.

"Give me your number and I will."


>those churlish replies.

Not happening my dude. Especially not with that opener

Then what are your openers? Not super experienced

is using creatine and mass gain supplements/other non steroid food supplements cheating?
can the SAME results be achieved without such mere products if you >work hard enough?

be honest guys

Cheating only applies if you're subject to the rules of competitive sports.

Most of the same results can be achieved with adequate protein, adequate calories, adequate exercise, and adequate rest, yes.

But many people find supplements are more convenient.

Ever since I started getting fit I have sexual fantasies for me to make make women in relationships pregnant and for them to raise the baby without the guy knowing.
Anyone else know this feel?

Fuck too complicated to calculate food.
ill strart buying supplements and shakes.

>i am eating at a 500 cal surplus,just so I don't look like a hungry skeleton
Are you even trying? Just go full bloatmode and cut

Ez gains and especially since you're new, you're going to be metabalizing more calories


Figure it out once, eat the same thing regularly. You already do mostly for breakfast and lunch. It won't be that big a deal to do it with dinner, too. Take breaks for dinner on Friday and Saturday if you want.

That's pretty common. Just don't rape anyone.

Is there a pill that makes you hairy as fuck?
I want to grow a beard and chest hair


Zinc is said to help with hair growth
Really made my back hair come into it's own