
>Never been mired
>shitty job that doesn't pay enough
>gainz going away, losing motivation to lift
>fat despite lifting for a decade
>never had a gf
>lost 80lbs of fat
>putting it back on
>nfl team sucks dick
>dead inside

You're a man right?
Under 30?
That means you haven't even warmed up yet.
Take care of the next years and become the guy you always wanted to be in your 30s.
You will rake maximum pussy. Men age fucking well when they take care of themselves.

So your choice, you can either take care of yourself and in 2-3 years look back on your awesome progress, or just stay cuck and be exactly the same when you turn 30. Up to you user.

>29 going 30
all I have is frog posting, could be worse thou

this absolutely

31 here
highschool:awkward good-looking kid, fugg, but the girls pick me rather than the opposite, not necessrily the prettiest

uni: girlfriend on and off, always feel I could do better, smoke more and more weed, gradually faze out of relationships, fugg here and there, nothing worth bragging about

post-uni:few years as bartender, gf? lol, it's sodome and gomorrah, drugs, sex parties, the whole shabang

26: decide I'm not going to be a bartender all my life. Dive into work,work. Work around the clock for 3 years to put enough aside to enroll in MBA, get in, work even more, classes+night job, holidays. absolutely no life, no gf, no sex (twice in 4 years), party max twice a year, generally fall asleep after the 2nd glass because I'm so fucking tired

29: graduate with honors, valedictorian. The international career I was aiming for falls apart when we discover my brother is schizophrene, decide to go back to France to help family.

30: assistant F&B director in a big hotel/casino resort. Hours are insane, still no life, jsut manage to keep working out 1-2 a week lest I go full Freefall because of stress, salary no where near justifying the hours. Come to the realization my MBA won't prevent me from working week-ends, christmas and NY eve (food industry, stay away kids). Feel like I've fucked up everything, spend money and energy for nothing, and like I'm a fucking mongoloid who believed himself smart and enterprising. I gradually start hating my job


Today: Jumped the fence. Quit my job 6 months ago, and forbid myself to accept anything remotely connected to the food industry. Kinda bum around smoking weed and doing temp jobs for a 5-6 month,but fitness and food are back on track now that my life has some regularity to it, then get tired of it.
Currently in the final laps of hiring interviews to work for a global recruiting firm as hiring consultant for financial executives. I'm the leanest and hottest I've ever been, students hit on me when I go out. If this job comes through I'll be making more money than I ever made before, even without bonuses (which are nearly 1/3 of gross yearly), I'll be able to work 12 hours a dy if needed but still have time for sports and cuties and the lads, hop in on my parents and brother twice a week, i.e a life.

Nothing is set before 30, guys take longer to mature, most of my friends also found their footing after their twenties.

You are depressed first of all because of that weight. Focus on losing the fat, and block out the rest. The self-esteem boost will trigger a chain reaction of looking at everything more positively and feeling more aggressivity and appetite for everything.
Don't think it's "too late", you're still a pup from a 50 yo perspective, now is the time to take risks and send everything to fuck if it's not what you hoped for in life. Falling in a runt is the worst thing you could do.

Pretty much the same as you but I'm scrawny. I won't give up if you don't user.

Also, stop watching sportsball

Time to do a cycle then TRT and wake up from the fog you're in

Even if I make it I'll still be fucking 30 with zero life experience.
I'm not going to "rake maximum pussy."
I'll be too old for late teens/early 20s girls, and I'll be too inexperienced/immature for girls my own age.

Nice self-defeatist mindset. And what makes you think that you can't. Have you been there and done that?
What exactly do you have to lose in trying? Do you have any idea how fast you can get life expierence? Do you really think all those "normies" that are 30s have figured it all out?

Like I said, you can stay cuck, or fucking get off your ass and do something about.

Sort yourself out user.
I genuinely want you to succeed.

26 soon-ish 27 here

got a year contract at work in IT
no gf
my own place
feeling lonely than ever
skipping gym left and right

It's not that I'm giving up in terms of lifting but there's some adjustment of expectations.

In my teens and 20s I always assumed that I'd find some waifu to be with. It never happened and now I realize I'm almost 30 and have never had a gf.
Most girls my age are mothers or at least have had a ton of relationship experience. I'm just evaluating the position I'm in and I'm in no-man's land because there are decades of my life that I can never get back and no matter what I do I will always have those missing experiences that others expect me to have.

Just getting fit and building muscle isn't going to magically fix all those lost years.

I know that feeling user.
I totally get it.

But I want to you realize that despite all that, you've get years ahead of you. Years that can be spend in ways that make you happy.
If anything, you can look back when you are 90 and say: "Well, I sure wasted 1/3 of my life, but 2/3 have been fucking awesome thanks to that. Took me long enough to finally wake up and be the man i always wanted to be."

You are lucky and blessed to be born a man. I know some men in their 50s who not only look like they are in their 30s, but who are still freakishly horny, and even get young girls. Why? Because they take care of themselves, and live life to the fullest.
Constraints are for those with no grand vision.

Learn from your mistakes user, and then move the fuck on and make new, better ones.

feel the same way
thought i'd at least be together with my soon to be wife by now

>only now starting to lift
>got cucked by (ony) ex after 5 years of relatiionship
>no gf for 2 years
>no motivation to see Masters thesis through, deadline end of Jan
>shitty dorm
>current workplace doesn't want me full time after graduation

At least I am still employed for 4 months with no major expenses, and I am making gains so looking forward to my first fit summer and mires at the beach.

are you
more or less literally
>same age
>got cucked by exgf too
>no motivation to do jack shit

appreciate the write up

>making enough money to afford everything I want
>35hour week
>lifting 5x per week
>always in good mood

being 30 is so much better than being like 15-25yo. I love the daily routine, the work, the comfiness of no suprises in my life. everything is just chill.

What have I missed out on? Give it to me straight. I can't go on until I have closure.

fuck a fatty
then fuck a normal chick
then fuck a literal Veeky Forums chick

t. me

Well, it's complicated.
Technically you missed out on teen love, but the whole teen love meme is arguably an imagistic social construct part of "youth culture" (jewish psyop warfare)


Needed this, thank you.

>married to my bf I've had since I was 19
>own a house
>have a 2 year old
>losing weight
>still feel like my life is falling apart

I have an autoimmune disease (Crohn's) and my husband wants me to get pregnant again. If we did, I would want to have a kid sooner rather than later, but I'm terrified my Crohn's will flare up again.

Last time I had to have 2 surgeries in 3 days at 5 months preggers and I had to be monitored for the rest very closely. Almost lost the baby. Almost died.

On top of that when I got pregnant last time I was obese, and I don't want to be again. I haven't lost enough weight in my mind to get pregnant again. I want to lose another 30 lbs, but that will take time.

On top of that the very idea makes me terrified. And my husband understands, but he still wants another kid. I'm torn and feeling depressed. Either I take the risk, try to have another child, could lose it or not, could need surgery or not, etc or regret not having another child.

idk what to do guys.

>Be 18
>Get a job driving a truck because I'm not some pretentious cunt
>Now 29, pretty wife, two kids, own my house outright, nice car, work out every day
College is a Jewish trap to get you in debt.

See a doctor and ask him all this shit.

>still in college but has no idea what I want to do
>technically considered a junior
>working at a shit job for years
>feels stuck
>I feel like since I've only worked shit minimum wage jobs all my life that this is as good as it will get
>don't work out that much anymore
>no gf ever
>still a virgin
>been 3 years since I got a hug from a girl
>always depressed
>always thinking about kill myself

I'm trying to push through the pain. I tell myself that it will get better, but fucking hell I'm not even sure anymore.

>NEET since late august
>graduated college year prior
>can't find relevant work
>had horrible state of mind during college years and shitty nihilistic relationship for most of it. Barely made anything out of my time at college. Got a degree and done.
>decide to sort myself out as I was set to graduate. Relationship dies.
>1 year and a half of getting Veeky Forums, never been "happier". Diet on point etc. Love staring at myself in the mirror. Crawled out of the nihilistic mental black hole.

I have no job and its because I have no experience for what I want to get into. Most internships demand you still be in school. If it wasn't for this board the gym, my dog and few irl friends I'd probably have done away with my life.

My network is shit, my experience is shit. What do? Janitorial work?

What was your major?

Re-enroll, do the bare minimum and use the time to gain XP, duh.

This. You might fuck it up, but that still gives you better odds than if you never even try, and there really is no good reason you can't live a good life.

I think, first, you need to forget women for a while. Not forever. Just put them behind your own growth and the life you will start building.

I'm doing just what this user says, I've been in your situation, and am still climbing out of it.

I've got a five year plan; get Veeky Forums and get into work I like. I've already finished training in a trade I enjoy, after exploring them, and will be starting work in spring. From there I'll start saving and living a more social life. Enjoy time with my older family members.

In ten years? I tentatively plan to be married, be it to a good traditional woman or a foreign girl after a long holiday, with my own home and a child or two. If needed, make this twenty years. It's life; there is no rushing these things.

Nothing major.
>breaking up gf for about a year.
>after 5 months in decided to move in.
>got into a an argument about her acting career.
>called me a bitch cause I didn't fully approve.
>breaks up with me.
>Crash at ex roomies place
>Now I'm seeing 2 places today

I don't want to feel anymore Greg's. It hurts. But I know it's what's the best for both of our careers and well being

Biological sciences
Go back to school to do internships? probably the best course of action I guess. Squeezing blood from a stone $ wise at this point.

Yeah, and depending on your school/uni's requirements in terms of courses / hours per week for internships you might get away with also working something else on the side to make a few bucks.

>shit job even with CS degree
>has free gym

How do I fix my shit body while I can?

Lift and eat appropriately.

I did. Two actually. My surgeon and my gastroenterology doctor.
They'd keep me on my immuno suppressants throughout the pregnancy. Which has it's own risks because until a few years ago it was widely believed it caused birth defects. New studies show, not so much. But every one of my containers say "Don't take if pregnant or breastfeeding". My doctor would keep me on it throughout the pregnancy to prevent a flare up or curb one to do minimal damage.

Women with Crohn's are prone to flare ups either during or immediately after pregnancy. My past experience shows I'd have a flare up during if I didn't take the medication.

They say the closer to a healthy weight I am the better the pregnancy will be, but the longer it takes the older I get and that has it's own risks. On top of that, I don't want my daughter 4+ years difference to a younger sibling. I wanted them closer. I would have had another already if I didn't need follow up surgeries after my daughter was born.

i dunno if you all have looked into adoption or how hard it is to do/how long it takes but that could be an alternative to getting pregnant again

Been lifting for about 3 months doing GSLP.

As far as eating properly, should I be eating more or less?

are you two me?

How do I start lifting?

who fucking gives a shit about your nfl team. Why in a million years would you ever base your happiness on that????

Drop the hormones.
This means no more dairy and sugar.

>caring about nigger ball

Fucking hell how do most of you live without killing yourselves? I'm an 18 year old uni sophomore and I feel like I've wasted so much time and opportunities, not to mention the depression

By realizing that, really, even those who have taken advantage of the time and opportunities are nowhere close to content, and are agonizing over the way they spent the time and which opportunities they took instead of others.

Life is just that, life. It goes on and you make of it what you will until you meet your maker, hopefully on good terms with Him.

I wanted to become a Priest/Pastor. Despite all the bad press and the way the church is in decline in the west. I still do. Yet, instead, I'm a Veeky Forums locksmith. Life is pretty weird in the places it takes you. If you can say the world is a better place, and lives were improved by your own existence, even if only slightly, I'd say it's a good life.

I don't really eat sweet things and the only dairy I eat is cheese.

Just get an ostomy and let your husband fuck it

surrogate mother

No it's a great experience and I feel bad for anyone who decided not to give it a go.

>parents: you don't know what you want to do? go to college! you'll figure it out
>me: lolok
>two years in: why the fuck am I still here I knew it was a fucking debt trap god damn
>the next two years I work and dump money hard into loans, pay off about 15k total
>now going to a smaller comm. college for welding, for a fraction of the cost, and now get a degree ezpz thanks to already having all my gen eds under my belt
>tfw just working out and welding

Finish college you pussy. Get a real job, then fuck escorts every week. Just get it done, user!

30 years old and got back into lifting. More gains than ever, looking better than ever, more success with women than ever. Spent the last one and a half years working like 80-100 hours a week on my business so I can live off it. Not nearly there, but getting closer. Still depressed but things are getting better. Have developed closer relationships with some of my friends and might start sharing a house with a good buddy who is also self-employed, so we can help each other grow our businesses more efficiently.

Less. You fat, disgusting, repulsive, cowardly, salami, fuck.

But I hate my accounting major and can't see myself doing it in the future. I've already switched majors like 2 times now.

I have been trying to get a new job though. I want to get a nice comfy office job, but my resume is a fucking joke and since I've only worked in my shit job, its hard for recruiters to take me seriously.

You guys should turn this thread into a general. There are probably tons of people on this forum that are over 25, haven't done shit with themselves, and have fallen victim to the feminine viewpoint that life is best in the early years.
I wonder how many of us have no career, no social skills, no sex life, no friends, no future and are just sitting here waiting for a push in the right direction...

>never been mired
>no job
>30k in debt from college
>no degree because dropped out
>no motivation to leave my bed
>never had a gf
>never had sex
>never been kissed
>never been hugged
>lost 60lbs of fat
>keeping it off because I'm too depressed to eat
>losing mass and muscle fast
>waiting for my body to whither into nothingness

What did you major in?

I did 3 years of Pre-Pharmacy, 2 years of Pharmacy school. I fucking hated it and every asshat involved in it. No degree because fuck you go the full way or rot. I have an Associates, but that isn't worth the paper it's written on.

>tfw 25 in a month

where did time go

Apply to community college for a semester. Take whatever you want it doesn't matter. You're a student again. Get that internship and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

Thanks bud.

Am I really that fat? Only 5'8 and 155 lbs

>26 yo
>engineering degree that I just scraped by in.
>cool job with stacks of great experience but stressful work environment.
>salary isnt the best, but its alright becuase of post tax bonuses.
>have to travel and live alone for work and cant have any real relationships
>missed my friends wedding this year because I was overseas working.
>still semi fit
>hard to find motivation to excercise when there's no gyms around.

half of my life is good but other half is shit. I've realised that you need affection and physical intimacy to stay sane as a human. I'm losing it slowly from lack of deep human touch and work/travel stress.

Its nice to vent sometimes. Hope all of us find a way forward. Good Luck cunts.

Should have done what I did, and never have affection or intimacy in your life. It makes it a lot less harder to be lonely when you've never felt what it's like to be with another person.

I like welding in my spare time. Wish I'd studied in something more mechanical based when I was younger.

I dont want to make you feel bad user, but I'd much rather know what I'm missing out on than not.

I'm 18 years old, and after my sophomore year of college I'm gonna take my credits and try out for the Rangers. The only reason I have the courage to straight up lie to my mother and break her heart is because I've stopped taking life so seriously. I've spent recent months training and daydreaming about what could be. But I fear the nonchalance I'm bringing into my life is poisonous, I don't feel anything for things other than the dream I'm obsessed with. I'm scared this will haunt me later on, like I'm gambling my happiness on a test I'm preparing for. Should I be more worried? Or is this what focus looks like?

>be 24
>avoid any attempts at intimate relationships because degree and career means i will probably move
>meet this girl
>every part of me says fuck it
>go for it
>wake up in the morning like nothing could beat me down

go for it and find it dude. it's sad that some people act like the best way to live is in some kevlar shell that has no windows because they miss so much more not seeing out than people do seeing in

Can't you be a pharmacy tech? I know its not the same but at least you will have experience working around medicine and in a professional setting.

you're 18 m8. you're allowed to make stupid decisions and get away with it. if the worst thing that happens is that you get 4 years of military experience, then you will come out of it like 21 with a new idea of what to do.

no one in their 20's knows what they're doing. i know guys who've done electrical engineering who then go on to do medicine. i know guys who started as teachers and became geologists.

>just out of 4+ year relationship with someone I've known and adored for over a decade
>thought I would marry this woman
>relationship deteriorated due to true emotional intimacy with me being impossible
>nuclear breakup
>moved back home
>got better job
>quit booze
>quit smokes
>quit porn
>day 50 of nofap
>recently hit 5 plate diddly

things are looking up

why are women so much goddamn work?

Once they love you they want ALL of your attention and presence ALL of the time

How do you not feel smothered by that?

Do you wear the number of women you've slept with on your sleeve? Go out there and fuck lol

Not that it would shake me from my decision because I'm not a fucking pushover, but why do you think it's a stupid decision?

Well then fuck off and be depressed then jesus christ

Boo hoo a woman loves me waahhh

Jk dude, it sounds like your life is getting back on track. Plus note pic related for your next girl

i don't think it's one. it could end up being one of those things where you will later reflect and think "fuck maybe shouldn't have done that". there's obvious risk associated with ranger school - high washout rates, injury etc. some people look at that risk and will say it's not a smart decision, but they look at the washout rates like they're luck based statistics and not reflections of qualities within a population.

just do what you want. if it doesn't work, you have a lot of time to reconsider and realign. i'm almost 25, and i'm currently studying and applying to medicine through one giant cunt of a post grad pathway that takes less than 10% of people who sit the exam. i'm only just now thinking about engineering or something.

all i can say m8 is that it's grit, and being too stupid to quit. that's what will get you there, or somewhere just as nice.

lol this is the main thing keeping me going at this point

>bought a new place
>gonna quit my job and start a business with my friend
>learning to kickbox
>have a supportive qt gf

Life is comfier than ever

no more cheese.
No more Casomorphins keeping you an addict.

>accountant for 8 months even though i graduated 2 years ago, wasnt proactive looking for jobs
>pay is pretty shit
>study is cutting into my gym time
>tfw no gf ever

>work a shitty job getting paid $10.25/hour
>work 6 days a week but only get 36 hours
>most holidays I have to work but don't get holiday pay
>no gf
>fucked up teeth

The worst part is I'm okay with it. I day dream all day about making my life better but when it comes time to do things I'm so complacent I just pretend everything is okay and go back to work. I wouldn't even know where to start making changes.

>caring that much about people chasing a ball
I shiggy diggy

I just turned 26 (literally yesterday) and I celebrated like I do every day, sitting in my room alone. On a Sunday. Watching football, alone.

I am beyond any help.

>trying to finally kick the nicotine (vape)
>successfully no longer crave cigs and can barely finish the one I have on rare occasion

How much better am I going to feel when I cold turkey this shit? I've done it before and it I always notice that I no longer have that lingering anxiousness/restlessness.

>mired by middle aged women only
>good job
>stalling at shit lifts (lmao 1.5 pl8 max bench) because can't eat enough due to cut
>never leaving skinny fat purgatory
>anime sucks (turn a gundam has been good though, thanks /m/)
>trying to improve diet to squeak out gains during cut
I may as well bulk, but I don't wanna jump into fat territory

Happy birthday user, join a sport/hobby and you'll make friends there

Stop watching nigger collision in the year 2017


Requires a license now.

Cunt, go back to your containment board... all of you sad sacks of shit.

It's one of the most retarded sports, just a whole bunch of retarded 300lb apes running into each other for 8 seconds at a time. It has nothing to do with what Drumpflestiltskins says about it, not that kneeling for the national anthem makes it any more appealing to watch.

Do you follow any sport or are you a typical liberal that doesn't believe in physical fitness unless you're wearing a skin-tight latex suit and riding a bicycle?

26 hitting 27. I just went on a journey for my passion found out it was empty too. Life just kind of empty. Bored every day. Not making gains in gym. Trying to find a goal. Realize I don't want anything. Idk what do wait 40 years till I die?

a chance at used up roasties keeps you going?

>a typical liberal that doesn't believe in physical fitness unless you're wearing a skin-tight latex suit and riding a bicycle?

your god empeorr literally said that fitness is bad for you because it "drains your batteries that start at 100% at the beginning of life" you fucking autistic MAGAngoloid

Veeky Forums is safe space. plz go.

Baseball and hockey. Not a liberal btw, pretty much the opposite -- "Drumpflestiltskin" was used satirically

Pic related (it's every woman you'll ever fuck when real men are around and you try to be manly)
Then allow me to attempt to change your mind. Baseball is boring as fuck and hockey is just soccer with sticks.
Football is nuanced and casuals and newbies have a hard time with it because it's hard to understand what's happening. Whereas simpler sports you literally just follow the ball. Football is strategic. Yeah, great players will make great plays and pure athleticism can carry teams. But it's such a team sport that even a single weak cog can be exploited and cause the entire team to falter. This is why there's only 16 games in a season but only 2 teams have gone undefeated, and neither won the championship. It's a tough sport.

>you make "le libcuck hates fitness XD" comment
>your god president literally said "i dont exercise because it drains the finite reserve of energy your body has"

Jesus christ, conservacuck

That’s true tho
If you work out you’ll have less energy to do other things

>this many strawmen
>this much desire to argue about politics
I was just asking him a question while throwing in a snarky comment about leftists being pussies. Stop proving me right, cuckboy. Shouldn't you be out telling everyone you're not racist? And don't use my Lord's name in vain you atheist nigger.

What's your problem, faggot? You were the one to bring up Trump.