Someone redpill me on blaha

i want to hate the guy but find myself agreeing with him in all of his videos. Is he someone legit thats become a meme?

Other urls found in this thread:

with a fresh take on the fitness game, he cuts out the bullshit and gives you the straight facts in an unapologetic manner, the guy's a real pistol and sometimes uses rough language so be warned etc'.

i especially like how he tells it like it is and calls out the big name supplement companies for their tom-foolery.

It's because he's consistently wrong, pretends to be a navy seal, looks like shit, lifts like shit, lies pretty much all the time, has a wife who looks like my asshole, acts like a total manchild and constantly regurgitates shitty advice from magazines or pointlessly calls out YouTubers for views. He's basically an even more autistic Veeky Forums

The only advice he gives that isn't complete shit/ contradictory is common sense. He contributes nothing of value.

His obvious lies and tryhard nature is grating


His navy seal LARPing is the funniest fucking part. He just won't give up.

he's a compulsive liar. if you can squeeze some not-shit info from him, good on you.

best fitness youtuber keeps it real don't listen to the haters and brainlets

His videos are some of the saddest things I think I’ve watched that are fitness related. I watched one from thanksgiving last year or something and it was his wife and her mom and him eating a shitty looking dinner while he ranted about something, the entire time his mother in law is chiming in but you could see the disgust in her face as he kept talking.

Agreement isn't the same as being right.

U should stop agreeing with him

I cant find a reason to hate Blaha in 2017. Solid advice and reasonably strong.

If you manage to ignore all his autismo regarding to his personal life and focus on the lifting related i guess he's kinda ok, i feel a little bit the same about alex destiny. But I kinda agree more with blaha.

Still, i'd rather watch candito over any of these.

Personally, he's a physical and mental dumpster fire.

Advice wise, he's actually knowledgeable and usually coherent

Blaha is a complete and utter retard. Any good "advice" he gives is just him regurgitating common sense and reading abstracts from studies.

Here is a short list of videos that will make you hate blaha

Wait, he is larping about being a seal now? I thought it was just a mercenary with no military experience..

>constantly regurgitates shitty advice from magazines

This is a blatant lie.

Who the fuck cares?

it's a thread about blaha you amerimutt subhuman shitstain nigger

lmao so many jealous blaha haters, hilarious

meanwhile i hit 1/2/3/4 on ICF in 8 months and look fucking great. keep crying faggots. sorry you're too low test for a real man.

You're doing stronglifts with some accesories, well done on following a good program. Dunno what it has to do with blaha though. Shouldn't take advice from a guy that looks like that

Yeah, better look like Medhi or Rippetoe, right?

He thinks hes a descendant from jesus christ and that he has reptilian blood or some shit.

Check out exposedTV on YouTube. Blaha is the biggest meme ever

I don't know about now but during his UK days he use plagiarized a bunch of old Muscle Media 2000 articles from the late 90's by Poliquin, Duchaine, and others.

sounds like you might be one of those homosexuals obsessed with his cock.

FYI , he has a gf. Sorry buddy, move on.

The fact of the matter is, these aren't just deadlifts. They're fasted ketogenic defecit vampire rajon rondo inner city batista bomb great demon axe fresh veggie gave my girlfriend the dicking two times a day underwater NDAening no caffeine sleepless Benjamin button illumaniti not a powerlifter just recomping for yearsening meniere's disease deli style diddys.

So take that into account.

I hope that's been informative and I will talk to you next time, but let me give you guys a bicep shot before I go

Yeah because prime rippe looked like such shit right?

>compulsive liar
>broke as fuck
>give advice based on a stuff he googled
>looks like shit
>never kept a promise to his viewers
he's basically Veeky Forums incarnated

new king of Veeky Forums confirmed

>he is a manlet 5'6'' and 5'9'' in his manlet booster boots.
>he looks like absolute dog shit, 25% to 30%+ bf, even while using roids.
>thinks he is strong but in reality he is not for his weightclass. 180 to 195lb class is way stronger than him.
>He is poor, cant dress decently and wears same clothes over and over again the filthy fuck.
>his girlfriend is ugly as fuck, and has the most ugliest proportions on earth for a female.
>nothing new or decent advice wise.
>has autism
>Delusional, thinks he is a navy seal or some shit like that, doing snatch and grabs, etc.
>says chris the nigger jones is natty.