>literally cannot stop squatting
my arms are atrophying into noodles
How often a week do you squat?
>literally cannot stop squatting
my arms are atrophying into noodles
How often a week do you squat?
I can't squat
I have zero endurance and the squat is too tiring, I can't even do a full set without weight
Once a week
Tbh I train my arms two times a week because they were really weak compared to my legs, the rest of the body I only do once a week.
wasting illness?
I know this feel user. I don't know what it is about the squat that makes it so special, but finishing a heavy set gives me a euphoric feeling, almost like life isn't completely pointless. Squatting is happiness. I'm addicted.
who the fuck gets HYPED UP to do a sick set of fucking curls?
me desu
curls are fun
>How often a week do you squat?
back injury
My favorite exercise right now is the Ripcep Marktensions. Even the heavy sets are so easy to do one after another. I can't push anything due to recovering wrist but I've never felt like my triceps are growing more than when I do them.
I started doing squats again like a month or so ago and I'm up to 335 for reps so I'm pretty happy about that.
>Ripcep Marktensions
What are those?
The tricep extensions. Like a skullcrusher but you go behind your head and like throw it up on an ez bar. Amazing exercise and I think my tris were weak in my bench anyway so this should be awesome when I can bench again.
how did you hurt back
>Ripcep Marktensions
Fucking lmao I don't even want to know what these actually are.
you mean 0 back injuries from a lack of squatting
Im a diddlylover but i do squats three times a week because im fucking weak there yet.
5-7 sets of squats per week
3-5 sets of leg press per week
3-4 sets of split squats per week
Gotta keep the quads working
Used to be assembly for Chrysler, tried to reposition a transmission on a skid to get a rear mounting bracket on.
>lift and twist
Herniated my t3,4 and 5 discs.
I know this feel.
I started off wanting to get MEMED and have big chest and arms and shoulders and shit, but I discovered squatting and it's by far the most satisfying lift.
This desu - for me it is the feeling in my lower back after finishing a really tough set. Not like DOMS, but a tingly and great feeling. I tried to explain it to my gf once but she ended up thinking I wanted her to peg me.
jesus christ man that's horrible
Right now 3 times a week.
Used to do two times a week, but I found each session I would always feel "rusty." When I started doing 3 times a week, the movement felt more natural as I kept going and I progressed faster. Would like to work up to four weeks since I genuinely love squatting now.
thinking about disregarding all other lifts apart from ohp for a month
so? did she peg ya with her pecker?
Three. SS baby.
>literally cannot stop squatting
usually twice; 50 reps total, with about 10 of those being near-max.
every time i workout, bout 4-6 times a week.
3 days a week, I used to be alone on the squat rack since I go to a boxing gym but lately the local teenagers have started to squat and deadlift with shit ROM (on the squat), foam roll and straps.
At least the guy deadlifting is actually strong and has good form.
I hope it was a fad and they go back to their dumbells so I can reclaim the squat rack
Every workout. 3 days a week. Totally drinking the SS Koolaid. Making gains in just 3 months that I never made before doing meme and fad workouts.
The first 2 months was the toughest, because I only ever did leg isolations on machines before and ran. ATG squats showed me all the muscles I was ignoring by not doing it. ]
Veeky Forums Veeky Forums changed my life!
Once a week. I go heavy everytime and my legs need at least 5 days rest, so I do legs on monday, bench and curl on wednesday and deadlift and row saturday.
5x5 3 times a week
I generally squat every time I go to the gym. 3x5 at my progression weight on Saturdays (most rested, most energy) and then something like 4x8-12 on Tues/Thur at 50-75% load (after work, much less energy).
when I was starting this would happen to me, just push yourself through the set, and if you feel tired to do another one just do it anyway, trust me, you don't know your limits.
2 days a week on schedule. often 3 times.
i like to do it slowly, often goes up with 20kg/44lbs per set until i reach an heavy load. then going extra heavy on my second B leg pass.
then a rest week every 4th so 4+1. i also do quite alot of assistence excersice for legs before this.
heavy is just around 200kg/440lbs
i weight 115kg/ fuck retard units and around 75cm circumfurence
Squatting is hard, first it fucked up my lower back, then my knees, then my ankles and then my hips
stuck at 100kg x 5 and progressing the weight just ends up fucking my hips up as my glutes are too weak.
the only thing that's wrong is that you'd rather cry and bitch than make progress.
>How often a week do you squat?
p much every day now
you deserved it
dont try to gain so damn hard then. if you not even can hold the posture you should definetly not put on more weight.
do assistance excersices
same here.
In rip we trust
haven't done a full set of squats in a gym for over a year, used to be at >3pl8 with autismo atg form
no ragrets
> 0
Used to squat, tore an adductor in my left hip while playing soccer. Now I can't do any lifts that require lateral stability (squat, conventional deadlift, sumo, lunges, any sport with cutting) without debilitating pain. Can still do leg press, RDL, SLDL because they all stay in the same plane.
twice a week, one day ill do back squat and another ill do front squat
>all these armlets
Cant squat cuz knee pain. Hopefully it will heal soon, i miss squatting and my legs are getting weak af
Wtf bro
You can train a bodypart 3x a week. Why are you doing anything once a week? Missing out on gains.
not related to this thread
this. same with deadlift too, and even sometimes bench if the set is heavy enough. there's just something about moving a heavy-ass weight that's just pure bliss. i can't describe it, but it's there.