>almost 2018
>still no gf
Almost 2018
No fear in that dudes eyes went out like a total baus
Why are you people so obsessed to get a girlfriend? There's nothing else going on in your lives?
Do you know what website you're on?
Good point.
>tfw I have a feeling 2018 will be the year I'll finally find the girl I've been looking for
See you in 2019 after she has broken your heart
can i get a quick rundown on that gif
the guy married a muslim woman who already had kids & refused to give him kids
Then hes locked in prison for 15 years for killing muslims LOL
croat cucks btfo
I don't know why but me too, user.
>tfw gf and fucking sick of it
Grass is always greener
She wouldn't do that.
Nice. I hope you find her.
Are you sick of being in a relationship or just sick of your girlfriend?
>going back to school next year
It actually might happen. At least I'll be able to talk to women regularly
Former general from the Yugoslavian civil war, already did time in prison for war crimes put on trial for some other war crimes, ingested poison live on air after being found guilty
>sign up for tinder
>3 days and 0 matches
>super like a girl who likes ariel pink and sufjan stevens
im this close to killing myself. going to be a 22 yr old virgin next month.
You still have plenty of time.
>going to be a 22 yr old virgin next month.
wow that's fucking nothing kid
try being a 29 yr old virgin then talk
fix your local problems first
get yourself in a position to be able to invite others into your life, and then you can impress the world
improve your quality of living, live with a clean conscious, and the girls will flock to you
>t. jordan peterson
I'm so glad I finally lost my virginity a couple of months ago. Now to find a gf ...
We're all gonna make it, bros
holy shit you must be completely unaware of something MAJOR in your life that's caused this to happen to you.
What do you think it is?
Body issues?
Lack of confidence?
Lack of awareness?
Too high standards?
Over masturbation?
>first time on Veeky Forums
>wow there are people on Veeky Forums who talk about exerise? Neat!
>tfw find out its just more loser virgins who started lifting last week
>clean councious
What does he mean by that?
Hey now buddy, I started lifting over a year ago
>not being at least 95th percentile in every possible way
not having a list of failures beating you down mentally, making sure your to-do list is completed, come to a final conclusion with your past mistakes and regrets, so forth
I think I have all of these, except the over masturbation.
I see, but what about these list of failures, should I just try to forget them?
i've been broken up with my ex for just over a year, but it's been about a month since the last time we saw eachother and fugged. she texted me saying that that was "it" for her.
we dated for 5 years. she was hot, close with her family, didn't like drinking & partying much, mostly a good girl. I must've been doing something right.
now i can't talk to a girl for the fuckin' life of me. seriously. did I seriously spend so long in a relationship that a year after breaking up i'm still shaking the rust off?
someone please help me
I don't lift I just come here to shitpost
Golden times of Veeky Forums were 2010-2012
The memes were amazing
It takes time user, but the amount of time is different for everyone. It took me 8 months to really even want to talk to other women because I just compared everyone to her. Now it's been over a year, I had a fling with a couple girls and chat up some ladies whenever I go out. Still haven't found anyone I'd want to date seriously, but that tends to take me a while anyway.
just go out and practice my man, gonna get easier only with time and practice.
>28and never had a gf
>Only ever had sex with prostitutes
>Lost count of how many girls but its over 50 different ones
Do girls at this age still ask about how many previous partners youve had?
thanks user. it just feels like i'm spinning my tires you know? like i'm gonna be 26 soon, i don't wanna end up 30 and not married and still miserable.
how though? i feel so weird going out to clubs & bars alone, especially when the only bars are at least a 15 minute drive away so i can't go & get drunk when I need to drive home.
It definitely helps to have a bro or two to go out with because younger women (21-25) seem to disregard anyone there by themselves. Older women seem to care much less, try talking to them. They usually make better conversationalists anyway.
my "was" gf just texted me after 6 months
feels weird
Or maybe he doesn't care about having a relationship (like me)
Acquired girlfriend after 2.5 yrs if drunken one night stands. Now all my free time is spent staying at her house, fucking her silly, and doing couple activities. Before I was lifting every other day, building my turbo mustang and visiting friends/relatives
Not sure where to go from here
If you gonna go, go out sipping like a boss.
yeah fair point. issue there is that i'm in a city for school that i've got like no friends in. also the fact that i'm trying to lower my booze intake a bit doesn't help, lol.
Holy sit this guy is being memed into hell and back
I haven't been close with a woman for 7 years.
Coworker at my new job is really cool.
We just hooked up last week after I saw bladerunner with her and stayed the night.
I was so fucking nervous I slept in the same bed as her and didn't try anything.
Then in the morning she said her back hurts. I offer a back massage because I like doing stuff like that. Then one thing leads to another and were 69ing, and then she's on top riding me like crazy.
She's also 17 years older than me.
Tfw struck by the porn/masturbation curse and couldn't stay hard. I tell you what, no fap for someone else is a way better motivator then yourself.
>almost 2018
>still not assfucked by Aquaman
>tfw got a GF
>We both are at the love you stage
>Never loved anyone except my mom, dad, and Grandpas before
>Now I have someone I love more than any of them
>She talks to me about marriage, kids, etc.
>Still deathly afraid of losing her
>No desire to get drunk/inebriated in general anymore
>Don't even care about sex anymore, just want to be with her
>Feels weird because I made an identity as a Chad, could talk my way into any girls pants
>Now I turn down sex with 8+/10s because I want to be completely loyal
>Now all I want to do is work, get a house, start a family
Wew lads love is 100x better than thots. I recommend it.
how do you find a non-slut gf? obviously not tinder etc. so tell me how
you'll soon be cucked even if you're chad my man you're too much of a nice guy
Body issues
Lack of confidence
Lack of awareness
Too high standards
Over masturbation
getting a gf is just dumb, specially if you are in between 18 and 28, its just more responsability, more time and money wasted on something you know it won't last that long, also along with the risk of getting her pregnant and having a parasite that you will need to raise
untill you spend more and more time with her and realize she is as fucked up as you are and that you are an important part of her life, you'll love her but won't feel as attracted to her because she is batshit crazy, then you'll break her heart, she will stalk you and ruin your weekends out with your friends
>almost 27
>redpilled about women after multiple gfs
>financially stable enough to skip dating and just fuck hookers
Why not buy a high end sex doll friend?
There’s no chances of getting stds.
Croat muslim loving cuck who was about to be set free killed himself instead to "shame" the soulless communists
Like they give a shit LOL it wouldn't even make the news if it wasn't for removing kebab memes online.
Croats are ass hurt because the court blamed them for genociding muslims, and found this cuck guilty of killing muslims
Now his muslim step son runs his business, typical croat cucks
I'm also in a college town that I don't attend school at. Def makes things kinda weird. Also would prefer to reduce booze intake. Obvious advice is to take up a public hobby but we're on this website so maybe that's easier said than done. Just gotta find a friend circle and get introduced to some qt3.14s
2017 has been so shit for me
At least i'm starting to get fit
Finacially stable? now to get mentally stable :/
>gonna turn 27 soon
> gfs in the past 9 years
>finally want a girl who wants to stay and not jump ship at the sight of something we can work on together
God tattoos are fucking trash, but that is aesthetic as fuck...
If I ever reach the goal maximum size and aesthetics I'm going full devil jin mode
Because I want to fuck living women, duh.
I am mentally stable. For the first time in my life I don't give a shit about what women want, and it feels so good. Gfs are a massive sink of time and money, and frankly they're not worth it.
Easy, there Dragane
I'm listening to ASMR gf simulators right now, convince me to do something else. These vids actually make my heart feel warm so I'll cope with them against the feels
>get gf
>suddenly not into having gf
>getting more female attention
>leave gf
>"i will smash like crazy"
>suddenly lose all female attention
>want gf again
thus is the cycle
Why is everyone here a tattoo avenger?
>Body issues?
Not at all
>Lack of confidence?
Only with girls. I have no issues with adressing huge crowds. I'm a good public speaker
>Lack of awareness?
>Too high standards?
Sometimes but I just use those too high standards as an excuse
>Over masturbation?
>tfw had this feeling last year
Getting a girlfriend after the age of 23-25 is literally pointless, so your whole point is dumb.
The earlier you start your relationship, the better it's going to be and will probably last longer and be happier/more fulfilled.
Honestly, the fact that a lot of you think "I'll just get a girlfriend when I'm 30" is ridiculous.
What kind of women do you think you're going to get at 30?
>Single moms
>Crazy cunts
>ugly/overweight women
>Women who have been in 50 other relationships and you're just another "attempt" to see if it works this time
Get real. Young relationships are so emotional and amazing that nothing will ever compare.
>lost all hope but suddenly got a girl to go crazy for me
>wasn't into her at first but she really tries to please
>but I know we won't stick so I'm just enjoying it while it lasts
>talking to girl in class
>think shes a bit into me
>caught her staring today in class
>she has a bf
>almost 2k18
>gf left me
>0 motivation to find another emotionally/mentally unstable walking vagina
How do I stop being such a pussy?
Wherever I go I see girls staring at me and flirting, but I'm too beta to do anything, and if I do something it's weird.
Clean conscience is what he meant I think
realize that eventually youll be an old man, lonely and filled with regret
Just gotta keep moving forward
>can't bench 3pl8s
>thinks now is the time to introduce a gains goblin
after 2 years no gf, I got ideal gf for 2 months, but then she went back home.... to a country on another continent :- (
I realize this, I did two years ago. And I still can't do anything.
All I want is a qt gf. Why do I have to be so autistic
Goals tbch
just fuck a fat chick and get it over with. then you at least will be over the mental hump of being a virgin
Optimal lifts for getting a gf?
1/2/3/4 or higher? Is that just beginner level stats, I want a gf that's at least 7/10 so I'd say probably 3pl8 at least
I just broke up with a gf of about 4 years. Been almost 6 months, finally getting back into trying to flirt with women etc. First few times you get interest from a woman feels really good desu. It takes time.
same bruv,no balls tho,dont want my family to grief
Don't do it brah, there was a reason or there were reasons it didn't work
this. i'm generally a pretty left wing person but something about people who have very promiscuous/degenerate sex lives really is a deal breaker for me.
How fast did he die? And how did he smuggle poison into a parliament?
good luck with that,just dont get too attached,and dont think too much of her,trust me
under the nuts and he died in a few hours i think
Gfs are the only way you're ever gonna have kids. Let me know how you're feeling about your amazing single life when you're alone and childless at 55.
Hey, at least you'll have some sick cash to wipe those tears.
this guy gets it,just fugg thots untill you find a genetic lottery then bless her with your seed,everything else is a waste of life
Post your ideal gf, bros
remember how little it matters what you think of you. even if they aren't interested, or you say something dumb just move on
All folks I know who didn't have kids and lived their lives as hedonist fuckers all ended up miserable with low self-esteem.
why did santa drink the poison
>met the first girl in my life I've actually fallen in love with
>had to move to another city shortly afterwards
that feel when no reindeergf