What's it like to be really fucking ugly

what's it like to be really fucking ugly

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you tell me

Why don't you tell me?

lol you tell me

Idk, why don't you tell us about it

I wouldn't know, you tell me

It's not something I have any experience with. Perhaps you yourself could elaborate on it.

that picture makes me sad

I'd like to find this guy and see if we can whip him into shape fit style. Get him down to like 10% bf, new haircut, shave etc just an experiment

I'll tell you
pic related

I'm just ugly so multiply my experience for 10. Imagine you create a Tinder account and put your best pics according to the general guidelines, you swipe right on almost anything everyday for 2 months and you get only 4 matches and one was a tranny and they're not really interested in you. Repeat the process a year later with different pics and only get 1 match.
That's just an example anyone can relate to. Also I'm 22 and have only kissed and have sex with one girl.

Everyone makes this face when they look at you

I can tell you

Im ugly, its simple

Girls just simply dont notice you and guys...well some guys are friendly and others just hate it for no reason

This guy apparently has a gf and goes to parties, unlike 80% of /fit. No idea how he pulls it off. I guess charisma is everything, after all.

This guy knew. He was an outcast from the start.

Probably really weird.
One one hand, you're miserable because nobody wants to have sex with you.
But on the other, if you don't give into despair, you are uniquely free from obligation.
You can cut your own hair and buy cheap clothes and not have to fuss with mind games from trying to get laid and loads of other crap the feasibly-fucking portion of the population has to deal with.

No he doesn't. His name is Travis Bowdish, you can look him up on FB. Poor guy is low inhibition and keeps getting baited into going on dates with out of state women who don't actually exist by trolls.

if cleared his acne, got a better haircut, lost weight, and shaved he wouldn't look *that* bad

...oh god. I'm just that ugly, aren't I?

Stop being that desilusional

Im proably like 5 times more attractive than him and im kissless if i was that ugly doesnt matter how much i tried No girl would have never talked to me
.fuck off

You know how a certain level of ugly circles back to cute? Like pugs or pigs? Same thing. Plus the whole pity thing because they think no one wants to talk to the uggo. It's much worse being straight up average, where no one notices you.

He lost weight and his skin got better and he still doesn't exactly look good.

He probably puts in more effort than you.

post pics

Poor guy. Genetics can be cruel.

Isn't Disney working on a live action Hunchback movie? I'd cast this dude as Quasimodo, he's probably easier to work with than legit mentally challenged dudes who look like Quasimodo.

There are much more girls that are >= ugly as this guy than there are ugly guys. So, there will be oneitis for him.

CRY ME A RIVER faggot.
try being real ugly one day in your life motherfucker.

ask your mom HEYO

As an ugly tell guy I can tell you, it's horrible. You're literally subhuman to women. You get the opposite of the halo effect, people treat you like shit for no reason. You know good looking people can say lame jokes and people laugh at them? You could tell the best joke in the world and people will blank you.

you sound like a whiny bitch desu

Girls will want to fuck you for the experience of fucking the ugliest man they've ever seen. Not every girl, but enough to keep you busy.

I'm a fashion model and all my friends think I get laid constantly, but I never do. Never. They always come to me for advice regarding such things and I know nothing, which I tell them but they think I'm joking. Seriously, I'm an unbelievable autist when it comes to these things: recently while drunk I told some girl that I wasn't having a lot of sex (none) and she told me that she'd help me with that, and I declined because I thought she wanted to help me set up an online dating acount or something. Now I realize how stupid I was, but when it'll happen again I'm sure I'll be just as much of a retard.

I wouldn't blame him in the slightest for going under the knife and getting a new face

If he lose more weight, cut his fucking hair and start to lift weights he could go from being a 1 to a 2. He seems happy, tho.

Ugly fag reporting, been called anything from sloth from the goonies, to having a face only a mother could love, sometimes people would mention I kind of look like a 'scary' person.

For me being ugly is actually a gift. I think it's a way to deter people who care just about status and appearance. IF someone ends up loving you, it will be for who you are, not for how you look. Just my opinion on the matter. I used to be really upset at how I looked, but now it doesn't really phase me at all. Nearly all of my friends have ended up leaving me because I'm in the stage of life where everyone is getting married/relationship/having kids, but it's cool because looking back I realized they were fake friendships anyway.

That's what I would do. Go to Hollywood and audition for ugly guy parts. Might as well accept the reality of your situation and try to make the best of it. You could probably slay some desperate thots in the process.

Girls do not treat like a human

post face or didn't happen

No way, my brother lurks this place.

it's quite the ride.


its kind of like being really dumb except you understand the reason why everyone treats you like garbage


I imagine that it is depressing.

This is so true

Ugly men simply cannot succeed through social means in times of peace and stability. Fuck's sake, even the rich and influential don't get away with it half the time, as evidenced by all those kike ""rapists"" who the Hollywood rosties turned on once they got their ride to fame, and their looks/youth faded away. The only way for an ugly man, and I mean ugly, not the female definition of "not Chad", to truly be alpha is through force like dictators, rebels, and terrorist leaders who have literal harems.

Clear up that acne, fix whatever the fuck is going on with those teeth, and start lifting and this guy wouldn't look that bad.

>I'm a fashion model
Yeah sure user we all are

Daily reminder that ugly, disabled, retarded, and disfigured women (any combination or all) are more likely to reproduce than a healthy ugly man.

That's basically just evolution. Women have to be picky because they can only reproduce every 9 months.
As a guy you can theoretically knock up 20 girls a day so you don't have to be picky.

sup guys, you won't want to hear this, and i know i'm going to get roasted here, but...

I have to actively try not to have sex with girls. It's not at all what you think.

I'm religious and feel really bad having sex with girls i'm not married to (23yo btw). Sometimes i really wish i was different, so it would be easier to stay clean, but things are as they are.

currently had sex with only 8 girls, trying to keep my lifetime numbers below 10.

however, the number of different girls that gave me oral is about 50, and kissed would be in the 100's, with 3 long-term gf's.

it's funny whenever i see virgin threads or people only having had sex with 1 or 2 girls, i kinda envy you guys.

you'll meet a girl one day who will think you're really special for staying clean for her.

Implying I would reveal my identity on an secret vietnamese origami robot texting forum

Drug dealers also. I’ve seen some ugly dudes bang fine women because they knew they had drugs and money.

>really religious
>have sexual relations before marriage

Read your post again, nevermind

:/ it feels pretty bad dude.

The worst part was when i was seriously dating a gorgeous little blond, cheer-leader, christian girl, and she asked why i wasn't a virgin too. If she knew everything, she'd be so disgusted.

B..But i'm under 10 so i'm not too far gone right brah?

Are you as bad as this guy?


i feel bad for this fella

Statistics are not on your side, I'm afraid. I'd clean your act up, repent. Find out what you really want in life.

it's lonely sometimes.
but i don't really put in the effort to talk to anyone so i can't be too upset.

you are right, sir.

What if i limited it to oral-only until marriage. thoughts?

Even the ugliest people I know have had qt gfs at some point but I haven't.
hmm... really peels your onion doesn't it?


Anyone got the screencap about anons experience of being ugly and handsome?

what is this?

Sexual immorality IS Sexual immorality, plain and simple. I would say based on your past, It is a start, but like I said, that is something you have to figure out with God, or whatever logos/deity you may believe in, not myself.

you get matches?
all i ever get are bots

Lmao, looks like an Oblivion NPC

you are right sir. Many thanks, and good gains to you.

>I declined because I thought she wanted to help me set up an online dating acount or something
so autistic you become chad

Who else /almosthandsome/?
Facial structure wise
>Very good cheekbones
>Good jaw
>Average blue eyes
>Average skin
>Nose slightly too big
My eyes aren't symmetrical and it throws off my entire face. I'm thankful I'm not truly ugly but damn, if only.

I think I'd kill myself.

Last year I got a nasty fungal infection on my scalp and it made my hair fall out and I had red blotches all over my face. I wasn't even hideous, it was just unsightly, but people treated me totally differently. I kinda realized from that experience that the reason everything has worked out in my life is that I'm extremely good looking. I'm lazy and a fuck up but I've been able to cruise, there's always some benefactor giving me chances and encouraging me to succeed.

It isn't even just dating, it's about customer service reps doing what you want, people at work being nice and helping you out, people at parties trying to make you feel at ease, strangers smiling at you on the street... just everything in general is easier when you're attractive.

Yep it's so fucking frustrating.

>he is 5 times uglier than you
>he has a gf and you don't
maybe it's time to accept that the reason you're alone isn't your looks but your awful personality

why dont you tell me

Mirroring the image on his left and right side of his face (compare to the original to see what I mean)

Maybe that or most likely the fact i only feel attracted to stacies

I think I'm just around average.
Need to lose another stone, kinda need a hair cut.
6'5 though so makes me better than most r-right guys?


shave brother shave

you look like the average dude but there's nothing wrong with that
lose some weight and put on some muscle then you'll look great

as advice for everyone else, odds are you're average. Even little things such as asymmetry, some complexion issues, or crookedness is normal and most girls won't judge unless they're complete thots

Average sounds right. Honestly though I know you want to lose weight but you should really try to get built, it'll give you some market value
If you lose weight you'll just have a standard body but if you get big/aesthetic you'll stand out a bit and it could make up for your average face

does he really compare?

I have a couple of "pretty boys" guy friends. It's insane watching them get away with autism, mooching off others, having no clue what they are doing. Like you said, any state office sec in her 40's will go out of her way for em, while I have to go find papers, come back overe and over. Let's not even mention the bar scene.

Cheers dudes.

Yeah man, I'm between jobs and not giving a fuck atm, getting laid on Wednesday though so I'll shave then.

Eggman is fucking prime jbs left and right these days, not even joking.

h-how did he get such clear skin? I'm actually jealous

That dude might actually look a lot better if he lost weight, cleaned his face, shaved and stopped smoking weed.

who is this freak of nature?


see also he doesn't smoke weed

He still needs to lose more weight, look at that neck flap. In that pic he looks maybe 1/3 of the way there. If he doesn't smoke weed, then there is some other likely reason he has the lazy eye. It might be heavy masturbation, or something related to dopamine abuse. His hair line isn't even terrible and if would start using conditioner and taking care of his hair it would look good. Also, the smug 'Look at me I'm so ugly' face he is making doesn't help. His skin cleared some, but he will need to keep working at cleaning his pores.

His IQ is probably around 80. I'm not even sure if he knows he's as ugly as he is, although he knows he's not attractive. The laziness of his eye varies, interestingly enough.

Lord of the Rings shit right there.


>I now I now nothing about girls besides there crazy
the most eloquent of poets

>you'll meet a girl who'll think you're really special for staying clean for her

im srs. i met one, she was disappointed that i didnt.

RIP sides

Aren't those statistics only for WOMEN tho?