Who else /livingthedream/?
Who else /livingthedream/?
if you replace most of the computer time with studying, then pretty much, ye
Sounds like me
Replace the fapping and gaming part with programming and it's literally me...
everyone of those is accurate except 3pm and cry at 12 am
This. Fucking hate studying btw
Same for me except waking up at 5:30am to go to the gym but all the benches and squat racks are taken
>does something A LOT
>claims he HATE it
Fucking normies get out
How do you boys manage to balance schoolwork, your jobs, and a regular lifting schedule?
never fap fap before workout though
i work at a gym full time and am a full time student. I make the schedule.
Take out 3 computers and put in electrical work for me.
I, personally, can't wait for the alzheimer's to kick in. If I can't remember how shitty my life is, then it's not so shitty then is it
hahaha im so depressed look at me xd
im going to kill myself any day now
let me post this a few more times bcuz im so depressed lmao
>08:00 wake up + eat + drive to work
>09:00 work
>17:00 be at home from work
>19:00 fap + eat + relax after work
>20:30 work out in homegym
>21:00 meal prep for next day + shower
>01:00 relaxing
living the dream.
I don't understand your schedule. You get home at 17h and only start eating, relaxing at 19h?
>be a slave
>be forced to do A LOT of painful physical labor
>claim to HATE it
>fapping before lifting
>fapping doesn't have Veeky Forums written on the pc