Daily reminder do not skip leg day

daily reminder do not skip leg day

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lol herp a derp

hand tattoos


>leg day
>not doing primarily compounds and hitting every major muscle group every day

Wtf is up with her eyes?

bad photoshop

whoa, no thanks

Why wasn’t she cast as Wonder Woman?
Real talk

Because that way maybe the movie wouldn't have sucked balls?

have you ever seen her training videos? She is the female version of the curlbro, does only ass exercises, she makes a living off her butt on instagram, literally.

Despite shilling supps like every other instawhore at least she is open about her steroid use, being the only reason i respect her.

Reminder to take ur anavar

Who the hell is this girl? TinEye shows 0 results

Because she is probably a random dumb as fuck gym sloot that couldnt act decently if her life depended on it
Also she is way uglier than wonder woman actress

>not liking your sloots with delicious, extra long acrylics


What should I do in order to target my quads more? My ass is overdeveloped

What the FUCK is wrong with her eyes?

>Saaaam, bring the holy water!!


That's a bloke

Power comes from strength, and true strength comes for a pair of legs bolting you to the ground

What if I suck at legs

What if my bench is 285x3 and my squat/dl are both 315x3

edgy contacts

>being a novice

That's a good squat. Don't do squats and deads on the same day

>believing full body is only for novices

>demon eyes

yep confirmed demon

> literally just skipped squats
Fuck it I’ll do body weight

Bitchmale scarred of a vagina.
>a virgin

You sound like the kind of dude that loosely followed SS for a couple months, made little to no gains because you never learnt how to lift properly, and thinks he's no longer a beginner because he's been lifiting for two years doing 45 lbs for tricep pushdowns.

So compound programs are novice programs? Is Sheiko a novice program? What about any bulgarian derivative? Are they novice too? What a clown.


i don't know why people think of cookie cutter beginner programs when they hear full body

She either wears contacts or has eye tattoos

That's more than a vast majority of people will ever squat for a set. Don't believe people on Veeky Forums who belittle you for not squatting 5plate after 6 months of training like them, the amount of lying here is insane. Think of how many people you see squatting that much irl. Even in my uni gym full of chads, the only guys at that level are big boys

You keep squatting and deadlifting until you git gud. Magic.