As the title says desu. 5'10 163lbs
Bulk or cut?
The fuck are you gonna cut lanklet?
imo cut a little bit then bulk
Just do a slow bulk. You're at very good start position. Not fat, and not a skeleton. Just lift and eat at a slight surplus
cut. the answer is always cut. 7-12% bf with even just noob gains is aesthetic. save bulking for when you're not a dyel faggot.
cut 1 day, bulk 2 days, cut 3 days, bulk 5 days, cut 8 days, bulk 13 days
eat you are nothing right now cut is a waste of time, eat, get stronger, get bulkier feel like a god, then one day trim it back.
never bulk before you have a visible six pack. You can't get girls without a six pack
Sick of this question. If you have to ask bulk or cut, you should cut.also lift
In the off case that OP is not baiting: Please don't listen to these trolls. You need to build muscle mass, you're scrawny as hell. Lift like a madman and hit your macros. Slowbulk is the way to go for you.
I disagree, girls like skinny guys just fine and you could be inoffensive to look at after like 1-2months of cutting. After that you can lean bulk to your hearts content without worrying about becoming a pudgy piece of shit
>you could be inoffensive to look at
I have no idea what that means.
right now you look out of shape, if you were just skinny rather than skinnyfat you'd look less unhealthy
cut what?
Using this thread to ask the same question. Bulk or Cut?
6'4'' 190 lbs
Bench 110 lbs
Squat 145 lbs
Deadlift 200 lbs
Overhead 70 lbs
Row 120 lbs
Currently doing Phraks Greyskull routine every other day and eating 2800 - 3000 kcal / day with 1.8 g protein / kg bodyweight. Should I keep slow bulking or cut down?
it mean that it is possible for you to take on an appearance that isn't awful to lay eyes on, provided you put in the necessary work
but currently you are an eyesore and you are awarded no points. do not pass go. do not collect $200
>Bench 110
Neither. Just lift and eat like normal. No need to stress yourself over Calories until you've been lifting for at least a decade.
>Has breast scars
wtf are you
this wtf explain urself lanklet
looks like he also has scars just under his belly. some sort of fat and or loose skin removal surgery?