Between Chad/Virgin and Onions, I am just super excited for this year's New Years Comic.
What do you brehs wanna see from Sir this year?
Between Chad/Virgin and Onions, I am just super excited for this year's New Years Comic.
What do you brehs wanna see from Sir this year?
Other urls found in this thread:
I hope he doesn't do one. He doesn't want to and we don't deserve it
onions, soy, BBC, piano man, leg press lady
Does sir ever even shitpost anymore aside from his new years comics?
Flex a 'cep
Roach guy
Sorry I made cube
Self-waterboarding guy
Dat last sip of your life
Boogie bypass
Manlet pit/manlet dumbbell
I love you for you who are
Vegan invasion
He actually came here and asked us.
He made a thread about it a week ago
We’re all in baby
>flex a cep, I know what girls like
Big autismo.
Nothing else
>I love you for you who are
fuck I remember that thread. my heart hurts
Surely this """guy""" should make an appearance
Who is that hooked nosed woman that is in everyone of Sirs new year comics?
Do people unironically enjoy these shitty "comics"?
You guys are more incel than I thought....
don't have it but it was just a thread about your ideal gf
Sir, if you're reading this, please don't do a comic. You don't enjoy doing them anymore and this board is a husk of it's former self. Everyone who has been on this board long enough knows that this board has been invaded by meme forcing migrants who unironically don't even lift. Everything good about this board's culture is long gone and so are the trips.
You are literally too good for this board, Sir. We don't deserve you anymore.
shut the fuck up you cunt ass bitch
I want his comic
a gym stereotype
That guy who fucked all those twinks to get back at his ex
Vegan spamming is real but how do you think can he implement it in his comic?
Also betadestiny trying to get notcied by Bugez Senpai
>that guy fucking traps to get back at his ex
>roach farmers
sorry for reddit cancer
>le forced shitpost is funny
fuck off
> makes a counter counter shitpost tot the counter shit post against the /pol/ shitposting
When will meme warfare end
BAVARIA posting is a counter to BBC posting
Tables can alway be turned faget
Now someone will make a counter to bravaria posting, thus is meme warfare
Maybe, but if it puts out good OC I dont see the problem really
Will he have the guts to show dead 15 year old smith machine BP?
Here's your (You)
>no /fitlit/
Nah we already have that down
the guy who shouts made for bbc every thread
is "the sorry i made cube" still on the archive? anyone can send me a link?
My boi eating onions
there wont be one this year
fuck off
You are COMPLETLY right.BIG BAVARIAN COCK is known to be the ONLY one to be able to COMPLETLY satisfy any women. In fact women all around the world CRAVE the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. They ALL lust to be CONQUERED by a REAL dick and openly fantasize about it EVERY day, to be just ONCE fucked as a REAL women. NOTHING else rivals the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. Women like these were BORN to SERVE the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. Their first instinct is to be BRED by the BIG BAVARIAN COCK, to give BIRTH to their children.
What about that one user that got kicked out of his gym or whatever for screaming during his sprints
>chad memes
>flex a 'cep
>dead pianoman
>doublejointing machine
>waterboarding yourself for gains
>the roach muncher
>manlet pits
>the whole zercher meme exercise lot
we are truly blessed with memes
i still struggle to tell if these are exercise or fetish videos
Forgot mewing
you forgot to sip on your cool glass of lemonade
This must be physically removed.
Also, functional fitness should be included. That Spider-Man fellow using the cables for some extremely dynamic and functional patterns.
>gif related with the cops saying "caught this one trying to escape the pit"
also put the height over the cops head as 6'0" and the dude they're carrying as 5'11"
/fitlit/ was the second best thing to ever happen to Veeky Forums after /mlpol/.
This is Veeky Forums, content creators are what make this place. What have you contributed?
Accidentally made cube
Why am I only hearing about this now? I can't imagine how much of a clusterfuck this was
The guy fucking gym twinks to make his ex-gf jealous.
Some guy with a cube shaped workout plan
i actually haven't laughed this hard since i was like 16 stoned for the fifth time, i couldn't breath for at least a minute, the genuine nature, and the absurdity, were just too much
I feel like roach guy is often overlooked.
Also James K. needs to be in this motherfucker
This one always makes me want to kill every fucker that browses Veeky Forums.
That "meme" was literally just an autistic piece of shit shilling his garbage day and night. It wasn't funny, nobody did it, the posts stopped IMMEDIATELY after this comic was created.
Fuck you all.
wtf are you talking about? feeling fit was funny
don't be mad because you missed the thread
I didn't miss the thread. The thread was just a fucking retard samefagging his own post to oblivion. There was 300 replies and only 50 posters. Kys.
>oops i made a cube
i don't get why this is funny, i feel like whenever its mentioned its just cube OP keeping it relevant
Have you made any OC yourself. I'm not that guy but I've made some virgin chad OCs like this one
and this one
if i saved this meme, would you die?
Does this guy have a website? Love his art.
/mlp/ is a blue board but because /pol/ is nsfw /mlp/ got to let out 4+ years of pent up sexual desires to fuck cartoon horses, I’ve never seen /pol/ so scared
Oh man, I should have checked it out, that sounds hilarious.
Sir has been dead for three months. Have you not seen the thread?
who is the big hook nosed woman he always draws
/fitlit/ was fucking great
hier mein kollege