Testosterone and Slay Count

What are your testosterone levels? (ng/dl)

What's your slay count? (# women penis in vag)

I'm 877 ng/dl and 33 slays (at 26yo)

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haven't checked, probably real low though

still a virgin

Dude I’m 18 and hi. I want to have my shit together like you when I get older. Knowing my test and how many grills smashed.

>Bragging about number of "slays" instead of number of masculine sons and Muslim terrorists actually slain in combat


3500 ish (fraud)

Around 1100 ng/dl when measured
0 Slays

891 ng/dl
30 years old wizard
Not event fat, ugly or manlet. Just insecure. Contemplaiting suicide daily, today was especially hard.

Oh, this isn't feel thread ? It is now.

865 ng/dl (19)
KHV. I must endure.

OP here.

Some top recommendations for natty lifters looking to increase T and slay more often:

- Bodyparts: take The Neck Pill. Shit is legit and I wish I knew this when I was that young.

- Compound lifts: 2x/week or so (e.g. deadlifts/squats, whatever you prefer). Get stronger.

- With compounds out of the way, focus on the following bodyparts for maximum aesthetics: neck, traps, shoulders, forearms. Shoulder-to-waist ratio has literally been studied by sociologists and is associated with more sexual partners for men lmao (so be wide up top and lean waist).

- Don't bulk like a fat fuck. Always have visible abs, you actually have higher testosterone at lower bodyfat (fat cells produce estrogen), and of course it's more aesthetic and gets you pussy.

- Supplements: get a solid multivitamin, add on zinc and magnesium and selenium and vit C. Lifting can deplete your mineral reserves, happens to a lot of guys, and they get burned out very quickly. It kills their test levels and can cause all sorts of weird shit from having high cortisol constantly, even hair loss.

- Weight loss and general health: intermittent fasting is an incredibly powerful tool. Good for overall health too.

- Diet general: high protein is a meme. Just get enough e.g. 1.5-2g/kg bodyweight. What studies actually show is that testosterone is higher when the diet has more fat and carbs. Fat (esp. saturated fat, cholesterol) are precursors to things that build testosterone, and carbs keep your cortisol down (which is antagonistic to testosterone).

- Bonus tip: chewing hard gum (look up mastic gum) will hypertrophy your masseter muscles and give you a bigger and more square jaw. Facial width-to-height ratio is positively correlated with women's preference for short-term flings i.e. slaying.

- Need to be lean too to really have a decent looking face. Face is key. You got what you got, sure, but whatever you have will look 10x better at a lower bodyfat. Reduce sodium so you're not puffy-looking too.

- Trouble leaning out/looking puffy? Do fasted cardio in the mornings, then don't eat till afternoon. Also, stay very hydrated.

- Slaying: online is so much more efficient than real life. But you need to put in the work first to become more fit and attractive than 95% of men (which is surprisingly easy).

These are my top high test slaying tips.

How insecure do you have to be to check ur test levels

800 ng/dl

~150 different vaginas around my benis at 25yo. Girls here in Finland are easy

had them tested for medical reasons but didn't ask, know it ended up being "high" but no idea how high.
2. Banged a girl 2 days after getting to college, and made her my piece for a few months, then found my current gf, took her virginity and have been with her since. its cozy.

>What are your testosterone levels? (ng/dl)
I don't know. I haven't made a test.
>What's your slay count? (# women penis in vag)
2. 24 yo

forgot to mention been with gf for 5 years.

Been there boyo. It's OK you just have self-esteem issues.

Here's what I'd recommend. Take good pictures of yourself and try online dating. You will get at least some amount of interest that will start to build up your core confidence that you missed out on when you were younger.

From there you might eventually smash an ugly/fat chick to get started. That's ok, gotta start somewhere. Every experience and positive feedback will give you more confidence, which will unlock new levels for you (i.e. better dates, slightly hotter girls, etc). Eventually you can get a gf.

No guarantee you'll feel "normal" (even I don't) but positive experiences over time absolutely build confidence.

What are your testosterone levels? (ng/dl)
No idea but I think it's pretty high. I'm good at lifting heavy, have morning wood, I'm pretty agressive and horny (fap to porn way too much)

What's your slay count? (# women penis in vag)
20 or more but only prostitutes (yeah I know, fuck my aspergers)


t. 34 year old who only gets laid when it is literally thrown at him by 5/10s

Thanks for the feedback user.

Damn that sounds like a full-time job though.

Are you a productive member of society user?

455 ng/dl (I’m on antipsychotics and a mood stabilizer so those lower it

did you get pharma jew'd?

Average is low 800 ng/dl. Sexed 8 women total. I'm married now. 34 yo

20, 900, 0

About 550 ng/dl
0, I probably got some mental issues like self esteem and shit to work through before I plow.

I'm 21 and I honestly don't feel that low test. I can grow a beard and I got a decent libido. Tell me Veeky Forums, am I low test?