Kettogenic help

So I've been on this since Saturday and I'm feeling good.Main reason I picked this was because carbs make me feel so sleepy and sluggish.

Any way my question is how many carbs should I eat on my reefeed?

Also I'm 80kg and I'm getting around 2050 calls in from this diet.
Is that enough for recomp purposes ? I'm getting 150g protein And probably around 200g+ fat

Should I add in more fat or protein ?

Haven't counted my carbs as I know they will be so low for example I had 4 storks of asparagus and a handful of mushrooms

Going to buy some ground flax seed

Other urls found in this thread:

>Haven't counted my carbs as I know they will be so low already
That's where mistakes are made.
150g protein ~600kcals
200g fat ~1800kcals
Count that shit for real accuracy, then adapt. Don't just fucking guess.

Why do you think you need a refeed?

Recomps are done at maintenance kcals.

Hmmm well it was 2050 the last two days

How many calories will do for recomping on this diet ?

im doing it,i aim for under 10 grams to fully get into ketosis,then once im on it i aim for under 20 grams of crabs a day ,30 on weekends

Don't know about you guys but I've got some sharp ass teeth to the sides of my middle ones

My canines protrude soyboy

I wasn't going to (well until Christmas)but different peope online are saying to refeed every two weeks.That it's supposed to be better for the body and helps plum up the muscles a bit more.

Fuck soy I'm all about steak and eggs man

>after seeing this picture
>do you think we're meant to eat the flesh of slaughtered bamboo?

>doesnt have K9s
even the tiger has straight, flat front teeth

when did keto start becoming more popular on Veeky Forums? who is to blame?

You just checkmated yourself, buddy. Pandas are physiologically carnivores.

>tfw you realize other animals use canines for grasping, but humans have dexterous hands

Op here I didn't know it was

like I said I'm mainly on it because my body doesn't process carbs very well.

I'm not actually trying to loose weight and I don't want to go back to the olde see food bulk diet so I'm just going take my time on this and slowly add muscle to my frame
I'm also have about 17%bf so

>physiologically carnivores
>Bamboo makes up majority of diet
>Dying species

I mean


>physiologically herbivores
>animal products make up majority of diet
>Most of them die of heart disease

Humans are funny

Mate cocaine will kill me before the amount of meat I eat does so fuck to die sometime

Sentient? Nigger they eat their own shit

pandas are actually very maladapted