Is 5'11" short?

The heightism is all over the internet and everyone seems to bash manlets, I'm 5'11" and since this new epidemic i feel like shit irl, because i check others height

Everyone is short. You ever see a giraffe? Now those are tall

>new epidemic
oh you sweet summer child

>new epidemic

just how naive are you?

Giraffe are something like 18 feet btw. So that is the manlet cut off

The only reason Brad Pitt is successful and seen as attractive is because he is 5'11

6' = getting tall but won't stand out
5'11 = taller side of average
5'10 = average
5'9 = shorter side of average
5'8 = getting short but won't stand out

This only applies to mostly white countries. 5'10 would probably be considered lanklet in a place like India

king of the manlets


Felt so good to measure 6'2" yesterday. I had thought I was shorter. I'm satisfied with 6'2".

It goes like this
Prince of Manlets
Apprentice to Normal Men
Basketball freak


Lmao could you have made it more obvious you're biased?

There are many manlet kings, but there can only be one manlet god

I am 5'9 and 3/4 measured at the doctor today.

I have never felt short in my life.

I dont know whats wrong with you faggots

It's literally just memes and bantz, roll with it, stop feeling insecure about yourself, have fun, enjoy life

Wrong. The average includes the shrunken elderly, non-whites (white people are the tallest ethnic group) and the underclasses who grew up with poor nutrition.

These all bring down the official average. Against the actually human classes you are around / work with/ and compete against every day, OP is noticeably short.

>actually letting the memes get to you
Weak mindset, just get fit. I've respected plenty of guys shorter than I am. People on here are just cruel for the sake of it.

Manlet cutoff is 6'2 non-meme 2bh tqbh.

money and face are make height trivial. its only lanklets without either of those that cling to the manlet meme.

5'7 and below
>forever short, nothing to do about it, accept it
5'8 to 5'9
>shorter than the majority of males you will meet, also should just accept it
5'10 and 5'11
>approximately average, but with good posture and thick-soled shoes/boots you can look a little bit taller than average. Don't expect to be taller than most men you meet, and women will notice that you are average
6'0 and 6'1
>as long as you're not a skinny faggot, you're "big" - you can dominate the vast majority of women and will be on equal, if not advantaged, footing in male competitive relationships i.e. workplace
6'2 and above
>again as long as you're not a skinny faggot, you've won, regardless of hair loss, eye color etc you have won genetically. acne is a different story tho.

it's about how dominant you look, generally in social situations, but other situations too depending on what the female values - e.g. self-defense situations for most (being athletic would be a plus) but in a niche maybe like how well you can sing if that's what she's into, idk.
Obviously having strong facial features and lots of cash is good, but height is also important to women. only the most golddiggingest 10% of women would date a rich man who was shorter than them.


>manlet fantasy

in all seriousness, people who get leg extensions are the biggest fucking losers in the world. Men who get leg extensions should be purged BEFORE men who get "neovaginas" there's no bigger indicator of a huge faggot than even thinking about it. Imagine literally crippling yourself because you were insecure about a receding hairline. It's the ultimate faggotry.

manlet detected



They are 6ft4

In the middle 5ft10


Even most women are 6' tall now. If you're not 6'4" you're going to be limited to about 0.5% of the population.

I'm 5'10" and I've been reading about manlets for years and it still hasn't affected me at all.

>wahhhh I'm 5'11" I'm so shortttttttt
stfu I'm 5'6" because I haven't grown since I was like, 13, for some ungodly reason


5' 11" is not short kek. Stop worrying you autist

>long legs short torso makes you look dominant
More like makes you look like you want to be dominated you fucking feminine stick. Anyway reality says it all when all the lanklets countries don't breed at all and let turbo manlets have their ways with their women. So dominant mang