There's no routine r8 thread so I'm making one.

Started doing balconybro's routine and noticed something odd.
Can anyone enlighten me as to why he trains chest and biceps on the same day and shoulders and back on the same day?
This goes against most normal PPL routines. Just trying to figure out WHY?

Other urls found in this thread:

because he just made a random ass routine and it worked
also why doesn't he squat?



Incline Benchpress (db)


Chin ups



Triceps extension




Leg extensions

Leg curls




Incline Benchpress (BB)

Decline Benchpress

Rows (db)

Lat pull down

Millitary press


Triceps extension




Leg extensions

Leg curls





Pec flies

Barbell row

Pull ups

Lat raises


Triceps extension


Monday to Friday, weekend off, 20 mins of cycling every day, cutting atm

because he doesn't want to

Reminder that if you don't have 1/2/3/4 yet you're still weak and you should do Stronglifts + some shoulder and arm accessories

Stop embarrassing yourself, stop trying to pick up and invent new routines despite being a dumbass beginner

Upper left and right have best physique, bottom right has best legs

>routine looks similar to the one on the left
knew i made the right choice, the one on the right is so boring, its more fun to do all the isolation exercises

that is such a shit routine, i'd list the numerous reasons why but i just don't have the time for paragraphs

They’re the same person you dumb nigger

This. I'd say if you can't OHP at least 165-185 and bench 275-315 you have no business fucking with these high volume ppl things

god that routine sucks and i didn't even read the exercises on it yet
>chest + biceps
>not 100% on back day because biceps aren't 100%
>triceps + legs, hamstrings already sore from deadlifting on back day, squating without legs 100%
>doing chest one day after working out triceps is almost suicide or wanting shitty chest

>this is bad. I won't explain why but trust me.

>improper muscle rest periods
>isolating muscles on different days than their compounds
>terrible core work
>etc etc etc etc

Have fun taking 3+ years to get the same gains as if you had just done the routine on the right for 6 months

The routine on the left is literally Fuckarounditis: The Program

The "routines" on the left are fucking shit.

I completely agree with you, but there's only one thing wrong with either of the right side splits, frequency.

the full brosplit on the left shouldn't have double rest days, and the shoulder on leg day modified PPL on the left-right should only have one rest day a week, then they are great

well, the full brosplit would be okay, they are never better than okay

*only one thing wrong with either of the left side splits

>Wake up at 6
>1L of Coffee while checking email & news
>Get to the gym by 7:15
>Push, Pull, Run, Legs, repeat
>Hour workout, shower
>Get to work by 9
>Browse Veeky Forums until 10
>Team meeting
>Do work until lunch
>Eat my entire TDEE at lunch
>Back to work
>Finish early
>Daytrade cryptos and post on Veeky Forums until 5
>gf's apartment for light dinner & sex or home for videogames/tv/Veeky Forums
>Pack tomorrow's clothing in gym bag
>Read for an hour before bed
>Asleep by 10

Bahahaha butthurt powerlifter. God damn you guys are a meme

What does Veeky Forums think of the Arnold split?

>t. fatty

When and what do you eat faggot

Is 5/3/1 while cutting a good idea?

Im lifting 4 times a week

1pm, whatever they bring for lunch that day (forgot to mention its catered)

Usually its a protein, a starch dressed with a bunch of fat and a salad

I think you should shut up

Your schedule seems pretty comfy except for the way you eat. Good genetics I guess?

Yeah its ideal - at least in my 20s.

Its hard to eat my TDEE at lunch but it also keeps me lean.

it's hard on you because of how it hits muscles and leaves as little time for recovery as medically possible

> hurr durr fat butthurt powerlifter lel lel xD

the funny thing is is that the routines you think are for fat powerlifters are objectively better for gaining size and strength than any cookie cutter "hypertrophy" split you can churn out.
Doing a fuckton of isolation work isn't going to shit for a natural lifter if you don't have a good foundation. That's just an objective fact.

> he thinks a 165 1RM OHP and 275 1RM bench is tough

Lol, jesus christ, how about some fucking will power? if you've been lifting consistently for 2+ years and you can't do the above for even 1 rep you need to reevaluate your training, period.

>4 years
>still look like shit
>giving advice
welcome to Veeky Forums fellow bloatlords

>he doesn't use a direct application of prilipins chart combined with proper assistance exercise selection based on variations of the main lift that will help strengthen his individual weaknesses
>he also doesn't utilize the repetition method for smaller hypertrophy work
its like you dont want to be strong


Mike Israetel has some of the best hypertrophy info I've seen

both routines on the left are garbage, way too much bullshit for a novice to recover from and make consistent linear progression. They would be perfect for gear users tho.

Squat 5x6*
Paused Bench 5x6*
Pendlay Rows 3x12
Curls 3x12, Tri Ext. 3x12

30 min steady state conditioning
8 min Ab wheel
8 min pullups

5x6 OHP*
6x8 RDL*
DB Flat Bench 3x12
Curls 3x12, Tri Ext. 3x12

20 min HIIT
8 min Ab wheel
8 min pullups

Deadlift 5x6*
Incline Press 6x8
Leg Press 3x12
Curls 3x12, Tri Ext. 3x12

*indicates that the first 2 sets are work-up sets. 1st set at 68%, 2nd at 73%, 3rd, 4th, 5th (6th) at 78%

Please rate. Whenever I post in these threads I never get rated :(

forgot * on Friday's incline press

pretty cool brother. Any rear delt work?
what are your lifts?

Make me

>Doing split
>Following a DYEL ottermode who isn't even natty

Look at this dooooooood hahahahahaha legs hahahahaha

rows,pullups and OHP (and sometimes chinups) are just fine for rear delts I'd say. But for a set of 5 my lifts are
Squat 345
Deadlift 360
Bench 215
OHP 165

Please rate my routine;

Lift heavy x f for gf

Is it ok to do more than one of the optional compound and assistance lifts in this routine? I've been lifting for a year with not so many gains so I'm trying a routine, but I want to do more than 5 things. I feel like if all I do is dips for tris I wont get much gains in a week, kind of feel like that for a lot of these exercises. I could be wrong though, I'm not very knowledgable in this area. I'd appreciate any thoughts or help, thanks anons

My stats are nearly the exact same lol

Squat 320
Deadlift 405
Bench 225
OHP 165

>w-well I wasted months/years on strength s-so should you!
>w-why are all the girls fucking those o-otters, please love my b-b-bulk mode :(

You should still build up strength until you plateau in all your lifts though, even if you're going for aesthetics.

You get to good size and have a body to work with

he looks disgusting

his skin looks like ballsack

you're doing bench, dips, db bench, and OHP for your tris without any optional lifts added. you need to consider secondary and tertiary muscle groups worked by exercises, not just hurrr bench is a chest exercise, durrr chinups for the lats.

i would not exceed more than 5 exercises per lift day as prescribed in this schedule. you can do 5 exercises on the B days, though, that's fine. definitely add CGBP since you're so concerned about your tris, ab work, and either face pulls or lat raises.

> wasted years on building strength

If you actually believe that getting a pump fucking around with fluffy isolation movements will make you more aesthetic then someone who benches 275+ and presses 165+ for reps, you are 100% retarded. And no, you don't have to become a fat powerlifter to do that. There is something called diet.

you need to post his stack otherwise this routine won't work

you dont have to be extremely strong to max out your physique. especially when you weigh the risk of injury. a lot of nattys looks good doing nothing but 1pl8 bench and 2pl8 squat, some even without deadlifts. I'm not against being strong but a lot of folks can't control diet when improving strength is a constant concern

nice tits bro

That’s a huge pecus excavatamus

to any newfags:
do SL until you stop seeing linear gains. no you will not get "big" but you will not get big doing shitty brosplits in 6 months.
but in 6 months of a brosplit you'll be small and weak while after 6 months on SL/SS you will be small and relatively strong.
after you have strength, do whatever program you want, but not before

no one ever got big lifting baby weight - remember that. a strength base is necessary. you can build a strength base doing brosplits but you will spend years getting the same progress as on a strength program and you will still look like shit.

get strong, then get big if you're a weak natty noob.

bro all we're saying is stay on SL/SS until you stop linear gains. linear gains will stop earlier if you eat like shit but the upside is you won't gain much fat.
hell, I even recommend skinnyfat faggots to cut/maintain + SL because dat dere CNS activation and noob gains are still god tier even with a shit diet.

Post more of your chest at different angles. It is very interesting.

> a lot of nattys looks good doing nothing but 1pl8 bench and 2pl8 squat

If by lots you mean nattys with 1/1000 genetics, and "look good" you mean lean with abs but skinny as a toothpick every where else and not looking like you lift at all, I guess you're right

nop, thats implants

>faggots don't know who that is
Veeky Forums has really gone to the shitters

My routine right now is a 4-day split, but I'm starting to think 3-day or ABCABCX would be better, and I'm worried I'm missing a few important lifts. As it stands, my split is as follows:

A: Legs, Abs, Traps
Wide Grip Pull Ups 2x8
Hanging Leg Raises 3x10
Front Squats 2x5
Back Squats 3x8
leg extension (machine) 3x12
leg curls (machine)
side leg raises 3x10
side bridges 3x10
Calf Press 3x12

B: Chest, Triceps, Abs
Chin Ups 2x15
Pull Ups 2x12
Bench Press 3x10, 2x5 (heavier)
Cable tricep extension 4x15
Cable Crunches 4x15
Inclined Bench Press 1x10
Overhead Triceps Extension 3x10
Weighted Dips 2x10
Plank for a few mins

C: Back, Biceps, Triceps, Forearms
Pull Ups + Hanging Leg Raises 2x10
Bicep Curls 3x10
Tricep Kickbacks 3x10
Deadlifts - lots
T-Bar Row 3x10
Overhead Press 2x5
Barbell Wrist Curls 3x10

D: Chest, Delts Abs
Neutral Grip Chin Ups 3x10
Cable Wood Chopper 4x10
Cable Twist 3x10
Cable Crunches 4x10
Cable Fly 3x10
Inclined Dumbell Press 3x8
Reverse Dumbell Fly 3x10
Neutral Dumbell Press 2x8
Kettlebells Lateral Raise 3x10

I usually do the first set a little lighter and put my heaviest set in the middle, and when I'm done a muscle group I try to push it to failure

what even is that? If you're talking to newfags why are you using acronyms? Are you just trying to make yourself feel cool?

damn bro just shutcha. do you like that acronym? is for SHUT YOUR MOUTH

have you heard about QUITCHA? QUIT YOUR BITCHIN

As has been said before, if you're not lifting at least 1/2/3/4 for reps you have no business messing with some high volume fluff and pump program like that. That program looks like utter trash anyhow

>have you heard about QUITCHA? QUIT YOUR BITCHIN

fool doesn't know what an acronym is

>As has been said before, if you're not lifting at least 1/2/3/4 for reps you have no business messing with some high volume fluff and pump program like that. That program looks like utter trash anyhow

so you're telling me I shouldn't be doing pull ups and shit until I can do 1/2/3/4?

Do you have your transactions ready for tax season? I'm dreading the entire procedure that is taxes and crypto

>fool doesn't know what an acronym is

probably a burger

what is your TA game? bought high and end up bagholding

Finished SS after about 6 months, and starting on this split, would appreciate any advice

if you want to look good just do ppl and even that is redundant. i know you think doing more than 1 or 2 exercises for a body part will yield a better result but it's just suboptimum unless youre on vita S. ultimately it's your diet that matters the most. what you're doing right now will burn you fast with nothing to show for it

Youre trollig right? That is the worst program I've ever seen posted here, no joke

>legs abs and traps day has no trap work
>front squat and back squat in the same session
>Bench Press 3x10, 2x5 (heavier)
>incline bench 1x10
>pullups, ab work, and arm work BEFORE DEADLIFTS

>ketlebell dumbbell raise
yeah this is a troll routine


coming from ss i don't think youre prepared to handle that dl volume. triceps work also seems redundant desu but if you can keep workouts yo 1hr i wouldnt fret. personally i would opt for gzcl for ul split

ok what should I do?
I basically just wrote down what I already do

Pull ups are fine. That program however is not. Probably the worst strutured program I've seen.

Focus on:
Rows (pick one and stick to it, t bar, dumbell, pendlay)
Weighted Chin ups
Weighted Planks

Thats literally all you need as a beginner. Don't waste your time fucking around with leg extension machines and fucking cable flies

not him but what's your strength level, duration youve been lifting? youre prolly one of those skinnyfat dudes who see some jacked asshole and decides to copy his routine 1:1. fraud or not rome wasnt built in one day

Do either Starting Strength, Stronglifts, Greyskull LP, or Alpha Destiny Novice Program

I know it's shit. That's why I posted. I have discipline and I go to the gym or run far as fuck every day of the week, but my strength progress is shit cause my routine is shit.

Hes clearly a new lifter, probably pretty young

(No offence dude)

that's kiiiinda what I was already doing (minus the weighted chin ups). I just added all the accessory lifts cause I thought I had to hit more muscles.

im not lifting for strength so

I'm 23 but I've lifted since I was 20. Like I said I wasn't making great progress recently 'cause my split is probably shit.

right now I'm at 3/2/1.6/0.7 ish

a natty who doesnt do strength training will usually stay small and weak, j sayin

no its not. just looking at how you decide to split them makes it obvious how flawed your understanding is

you don't need those extra accessory lifts. You dont need anything besides what was listed

train all those big compound movements and every muscle in your body is covered

only thing I can think of to add is some forearm and neck work twice a week.

the thing is, you cant get big and aesthetic without being strong. You can't seperate the two.

ok sounds good. What if I just do PPL?

ppl is suboptimal to novice-intermediate especially if you lack strength. take the general routine for upper body as an example, most of them recommends bench, incline and ohp on the same day. if youve been lifting say, less than a year with subpar strength stats your performance will be terrible.

PPL is a waste of time for anyone except advanced lifters.

Do a full body program listed here, milk it for all its worth, then you can experiment with other shit

then you're not lifting at all
>if the bar ain't bendin', you're just pretendin'

>Not working antagonistic muscles on same day
>Using complimetary muscles on same day all the time and reducing strength gains

Are you retarded? have you never seen a routine like that before?

What the ideal rest period? I usually see 72 hours. Ive frequently gone 48 and never felt like Ive been overtraining and Ive done that for years.


48 is more than enough unless youre talking about smashing PR for someone obviously advanced

I’m okay with it taking a while, right now lifting is just to supplement my weight loss

If my lifts are 0.5/1.5/2/2.5, should I just stay on SL? I’ve been lifting for 8 months

how many times must it be said that you stick to a LP program until it no longer serves its purpose, that is youve exhausted you noob gains

Dude, for Christ's sake eat something.

Mine, I just made and started today

Out of SL/SS/GSLP/ICF/All Pro's what would you guys consider the best and worst for beginners who want to focus on a balance of strength/hypertrophy? Yes, I'm a newb, and these seem to be some of the most common.

routine on the right has optimal frequency.

post your "strong, aesthetic, mired, dat ass" physique then twink