Is there any way to get this physique natty? I'm not memeing here
Is there any way to get this physique natty? I'm not memeing here
how the fuck do you let your gyno get that bad
tbf, he had gyno years ago. even before he got huge
roided to the gills
how can you tell?
Please fuck off. Stop occupying space with your shitty thread after lurking Veeky Forums for 3 weeks
disporportianate traps and completely rounded shoulders (delts), these two muscles have higher levels of androgen receptors and benefit from anabolic-androgenic steroids more
the extremely thin looking skin and popping vascularity, plus the extremely low bf% at a high mass for height . those combined generally indicate oxidation drugs like clen, generally used to keep fat low while maintaining muscle growth
The size?
Yes (3 years in your young and have excellent training and diet)
The vascularity?
No, unless you're a genetic oddity. But vascularity is ubiquitously repugnant anyway so who cares?
i was fucking around but actually thanks for the explanation, that was interesting
No that is way past natty. You'd have to be 5' tall to be natty with that physique.
You forgot ze bitch tits
Was he natty?
it's not even gyno, barely even puffy nipple status. that kind of fat retention is quite common in both naturals and frauds even at insanely low BF
You could get that size but with more bf% and way less vascularity in a few years.
Natty. Do 6 months of Starting strenght
he does actually look only 5 feet tall, but the skin and the traps stretching his damn skin is a flat giveaway
Why would you want that? Jinder has one of the most disgusting physiques I've ever seen
>those traps
Yeah you probably can but the trap and delt sizes won't be the same if you're natty. You also won't be able to have the same leanless and vascularity will looking full like pic related
I have disproportianate traps and have never used steroids. It might be genetics or overtraining, idk.