At around what time period did obesity first pop up and at what time period did the glorification of it start to happen?
At around what time period did obesity first pop up and at what time period did the glorification of it start to happen?
Veeky Forums
why did you post this during no fap november
Sept 11, 2001
Layla is a straight 10/10 feede/ssbbw, you can't actually deny
So, originally the "fatter" people were it showed how rich they were. They had more food than everyone else, and the majority of the regular population was starving, so fat people were EXTREMELY rare, which is why you see photos of that 300lb kid at the circus. Then fast food restaurants started popping up along with TV meals that were higher in calories but offered families cheap alternatives started to slowly raise fat levels. During this time you'll see those old fashion ads for things that'll help girls gain weight because, hey, a little fat meant you lived well. Then once everyone started to get a bit fat and the world started to change, working out for sport and recreation became more prominent, and the sturdy, muscular body became the image of a healthy, hard working manly man. Fad diets happened, weight loss happened, the cycle happened, and over the past decade we've been on the upswing of "body positive" and "fat is sexy" shit.
The rise of notable obesity is dirrectly caused by the inventionof insulin.
Before then diabetes was a death sentance. If you got too fat you died fast and clearly.
I'm unironically attracted to this, but only for a smash. Just imagine her gigantic booty rippling as you pound her from behind. I wouldn't have to worry about hitting her cervix because half of my dick would be in her folds before it reached her slit.
damn she's cute
God dammit Laylaposter. You need to learn to be more subtle than this. We'll never have a good stealth feeder thread if you roll up half cocked like this.
elaborate, who's the girl in the OP?
Idk man
You remember the fitness craze during the 80's and early to mid 90's?
There was a gym by my house, was always packed
Eventually it wernt out of business but I don't remember when. A shame really.
Hell back in elementary there was only like one fat kid in my entire class now it's rare to see a skinny kid at least here in the south. When I lived up north people were actually relatively thin.
I also remember everything being way sweeter back then like the cereals were sweeter and stuff idk.
>Probably when the majority of us moved into cities and manual labor became less common, I think.
>Legit like... two or three years ago. We can still stop it, I hope.
Internet has allowed for fetishes to become stable instead of it being a dark secret that you tell no one about.
she's actually really cute
Fetish model called Layla. Overeating and being fat and unhealthy makes her wet. I shit you not.
I can most certainly deny that. Unironically do nofap.
All of you are disgusting
But user insulin was first derived in 1923, the obesity epidemic didnt start until tye 80s
You're just retarded
*she (male)
To all of you who'd fuck that. I hope your children commit suicide by traveling to the past and castrating you before you can fuck their fat mothers.