My smart female therapist said that too much testosterone can make it hard to get an erection, is this bullshit?
My smart female therapist said that too much testosterone can make it hard to get an erection, is this bullshit?
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Sounds like total bullshit.
how would she know
Maybe she has a high test husband. That’s what I figured
yes, bullshit.
high testosterone is a meme
the only way to find out you are high test is only if you are an elite athlete at your twenties, like tyson or karelin, otherwise you are nothing but a testlet
if you were high test you probably wouldnt even be able to deal with yourself
If you're high test enough, you spend all day lifting and shitposting on a Mumbaikar Carbon Fiber whittling image and texf fitness subforum, so in a roundabout way you never have erections or sex
if you were high test you wouldnt even need to lift
you were already born with 100% of your genetics habilities already enabled
>female therapist
You are better off listening to you meme faggot
the fuck are you saying, dude? did you just huff paint or something?
She says she had high scores on her GRE. Went to top universities and she’s a short thicc woman
many people underestimating what high test really is,and how powerful its if you wanna see a TRULY case of high test search up for Thomas topham
thats high test
Well there are plenty of people walking around with high test that don't utilize it.
Ask her if she's vegan.
They usually filled with fake science, but doesn't realize it because it's from people they implicitly trust.
She a psychiatrist or a psychologist?
PHD in psychology
Top universities are a meme in this day and age
no, there arent plenty of people walking around with high test that don't utilize it; just because you are thug doesnt mean shit, when you are really HIGH TEST, you are just different than normal people
OK so she doesn't know anything about physiology.
Honestly a practicing psychiatrist might tell you the same thing but that would come from something they heard at a conference recently or from med school.
user it's important to remember that most people who go into psychology do it to push their agenda forward. This may or may not be the case with your therapist, like I'm not gonna go google something about test and boners, but just avoid psychologists and steer towards MDs if you can with your insurance/access in your community.
But maybe she's right. I dunno. Probably high test doesn't affect boners, or does through such a complex relationship that there's more of a sweet spot that's very easy to over or undershoot. Physiology isn't simple, it's not like test goes up and so too does alpha behavior and "man stuff." You're not a gas pump.
Did you show her your erection?
>paying money to see a shrink
>paying $100/hr for some woman to tell you to clean your room and get a job and stop being a bitch
Therapy for what you massive faget?
I'm not saying MDs are infallible but they are much more evidence based in general and you can sue them if they fuck you up. Can't do that with your PhD in psychology.
I'm not saying all therapists are bad either, but generally the ones who do private practice CBT are charlatans. Clinical behaviorists are the only psychologists who see pts that I would trust with, say, my kid or wife. They focus on small issues and don't try to get all freud with motivations and shit, they're more about habits and outcomes then "understanding" yourself.
>smart female therapist - PHD in psychology
Reminder that Psychology students IQ falls in the lower end,
as women gravitate towards educations that doesn't require problem solving (IQ).
Also they're all activists and produce studies that support their biases. Nazis, commies, feminists, racists, antiracists, SJWs. All have had tons of psychological """"""evidence.""""""
She’s a smart woman.
Parents were wealthy engineers.
She claims to be high iq
The more you tell us about her the more stupid she sounds.
Ant people can become engineers. Plenty of smart people do too but that doesn't prove shit.
IQ isn't real.
Dude she's fucking scamming you. These are not things a professional would tell their patients.
Earlier I was just saying don't trust her advice on physiology but now I'm saying get the fuck out of this professional relationship. She's clearly got something very wrong with her unrelated to her unqualified opinion on hormone levels and sexual function.
Run away before she convinces you to transition
Maybe she meant the increase in test also causes an increase in estrogen, which may have something to do with erections
wow she so smart
better hop on soylent and tie your balls off with a rubberband
>Iq isn't real
Oh boy
>She’s a smart woman.
No she's not smart, judging from your testimony and her notes on testosterone. (She should refer you to an endocrinologist instead of guessing.)
You want to believe she's smart, because you depend on her for comfort and guideance.
So when she tells you she is, you don't want to see her as a peddler of services, you want to feel secure in the knowledge you get the best possible help.
I would recommend you to get someone else. You could also flat out ask her if you should get a blood test and what to look for. Just don't blindly trust her, because she's not leading you towards a clear goal, just dragging you along.
I know a lot of people on this board disagree, but that wasn't the important part of my message which I'm sure you would agree with.
Even if it was real, a competent professional therapist wouldn't be mentioning it to their patients.
My dad is a practising psychologist and uni professor. He says IQ isn't real. It's dynamic problem solving. Some people have a knack for it, some don't. He published a paper saying IQ is easily trainable, most people just don't understand the patterns and shit they should be looking for.
>woman therapist
You want a man who you can relate to that can empathize with your issues
Not some pseudo science woman born with a silver spoon.
A male with a phd in psychology is also practicing pseudoscience bullshit, user.
psychology isn't evidence based, their standards for proof are hilarious. It varies journal by journal and some are really smart but in general they are professional bullshitters.
>certain types of problem solving aren't real because Im biased cause Im not good at certain forms of it
Jeez laweez
No psycologist is actually smart. Fucking meme of a "science"
Consult a psychiatrist, they are actual physicians with over 10 years of study under the belt.
Also, this therapist is a women, that should be a red flag already, if youre over 15yo you should already know how fucking stupid women can be.
"Smart therapist" a woman and a psychologist. Gtfo of here man lmao
>My stupid dad writes papers to prove his low IQ doesn't make him stupid.
Uhm, yeah and although I somewhat agree with his sentiment (since lots of things can't be measured with "IQ") he is also simplifying to the point where he ends up being wrong
Actually it's not about the patterns, it's about how fast you can test them in your mind.
>Turn all black dots left - did it make a match?
>Turn all white dots right - did it make a match?
>How about white dots? What if white left and black right?
>Up/Down, slide and turn... etc etc.
Do lots of questions like these, and those who can "think fast" can complete more questions correctly and end up with higher IQ.
Sometimes fast thinking equates to being smart in real life. Sometimes deficiencies in Emotional Quotient, Education or Long Term Memory makes you look like an idiot, no matter IQ.
itt: low iq incels try to tell ppl that iq exists
lovely board
Don't insult Veeky Forums.
Used to be the best board on this site.
Deserves some respect.
Maybe you misinterpreted her.
Too much testosterone only comes from juicing up, a regular test e 500mg per week cycle gives you about 3 times normal testosterone levels. Trenbolone is a known testosterone Esther which gives gains and a limp dick, Google tren Dick for lots of questions and replies about it.
So yes, she is correct in that regard, but high natural test doesn't occur since the body won't create more than it needs
High test becomes estrogen. We’ve known this since the 50s.
Thomas Topham was cucked by his wife. When he found out he tried to attack her with a knife but wound up inuring and killing himself by accident.
>my contribution
You have a sharp edge, but no point.
Does she watch rick and morty?
yes i know, at least did better than 99% of /fit who would do nothing
>BS in Physics
>MA in Education
I'm wasting my life, aren't I?
When I found out my girlfriend cheated on me I jerked off 40 times in a row. Had scabs all over my penis the next day. I was supplementing with ginseng at the time. I couldn't even function the next day at work, I was like disorganized schizophrenic the next day (sans the hallucinations and voices).
The fantasy of being cucked is much more rosier than the reality
Wisdom for the youth
For most of us it's not a fantasy
Did she say how much is too much? Too much water will drown you but I wouldn't go around telling people not to drink water.
haha this is an example of disorganized schizophrenia
I wasn't this forgone. But I jerked off so many times I couldn't even hold a basic conversation.
I'm not kidding...40 times. Boner after another after another
Ask her if she wants to find out.
Too much testosterone will not harm your ability to get an erection. Having too little estrogen will though. It's all about balance with the ai's on cycle. If you're not using steroids or ai's then only low testosterone will affect your erections negatively.
>Combining 2 types of intelligence.
Physics is for the smartest of all. Teaching is for the empathic humans (and the main thing that separates us from other primates, since we're the only one who find joy in educating others).
So I must assume you're ugly and suck at bench press. Otherwise it would be unfair.
mike tyson was pinning retard
She wants to convert you into her little feminine sissy boy. She's manipulating you. Watch out.
Phd in psychology from Cambridge. With 2 masters degrees and 2 bachelors degrees, and speaks 3 languages. He is a legit super genius who worked on harrier weapon interfaces as a civilian scientist back in the cold war, and did unusual shit behind the Berlin wall that he won't talk about.
Believe what you guys want.
>smart female
Wow, now I recognize him, that's our boy Hemingway!
>giving medical advice
Yeah, no.
What she might mean is that not enough estrogen can make it hard to get an erection.
A lot of time, people who inject a lot of test also accidentally reduce their estrogen to practically zero with AIs. They then complain that they can't get an erection and the connection to high testosterone and erectile dysfunction is made.
Therapists generally aren't the smartest people... Their job is to literally help people emotionally by blindly believing whatever their clients say. Not use factual based evidence to come to conclusions.
>She claims to be high iq
my test was at 2878ng/dl on my last cycle, i could control myself just like i do with my lower test, but when i got a boner it lasted forever and it was as hard as it gets, every fucking time
Shes correct you fucking invalids
As a smart female physicist I'm going to help you out here op. Listen: Psychiatrists and psychologists have no substantial education in biology or medicine. And usually people who study psychology do so because they have emotional issues themselves. Seriously, it's a known factor at most university campuses that the psychology students are flakes. Don't listen to anyone speaking outside their field of education, and dont listen to a psych major about anythong other than your feelings.
So my point is yeah get a second opinion from someone who studied medicine
My results.
Feel free to comment.
I'm using them as a base for the oinion diet.
low test yet bald? what the fuck
Best of both worlds...
Sometimes i really love you guys.
Also 37
you look okay, too bad for baldness.
Maybe try to trim your hairs clean.
>Everything my wife's son and I dont agree with is a meme.
What a jawline, desu
IQ is only good for yourself to see in which parts you do good at and at which you are lacking. Its a good way to see your strengths and weaknesses. People who tell others their IQ to look smart are losers and should be ignored.
The male sex hormone suppresses erections
>listening to women about anything
i don:t think high T is an issue for you