Well boys, the year is almost over

Well boys, the year is almost over..

How much muscle did y’all put on in 2017?

It looks like I got about 6 pounds, not bad but not great either. My diet and training is getting better as I enter my second year of lifting.

>went from 63kg to 71kg
>some improvement but still look dyel
>hit the gym 4-5 times a week
>lifting for 8 months, lifts are embarrassingly shit

i'm in the same boat user but i've been lifting for just over a year, my lifts are god damn embarassing.

the good news is that i've finally started taking my diet & sleep more serious and i've been noticing an improvement. i'm slapping myself for not doing it earlier.

2017 will be known as the year that I actually started taking lifting seriously, so it will always hold a special place in my heart.

If I can start taking my diet seriously I think I could really go places, so in 2018 I will try to focus on my discipline in all aspects of life.

2018 it's going to be our year, right user?

wanna know why?

stop doing free weight
stop squatting
stop benching
stop deadlifting
start getting an actual pump in ur muscles and eat 200 gr protein daily. u feel for the ss powerlift dyel meme

"my lifts are embarassing" wtf. who cares about lifts
its about growing ur muscles, its not about squatting deadlifting or benching those are meme exercises used by fat dyel powerlifters who dont even do biceps curls.

here's hoping user

I kinda do. my body also looks like shit so i really don't have much to be proud of lel

2018 will be the year that I become the second coming of Zyzz. I promise you that, lads.

finished uni in may, was about 155
currently 185
Put on some fat, but idk. Probably gonna continue to bulk for the winter.
Self confidence is still absolute shit-tier, but getting better.

I put on 10kg from January to now

I only started wanting to gain weight a couple months ago where I was actually lifting a lot heavier and consuming a lot more protein

I was 13st 1 and now 14st10 or was like 175lbs and now 207lbs

I can do 10 pull ups easy, that's my fatness test I'm 6ft 2

>Went from 145 lb to 175 lb from March-June
>Stalled at 175 all summer (stuck on a 3 meals/day dining plan while at Uni for a research thing)
>Finally going up again, just broke 180
>All while maintaining ~13%bf

Went from 70 to 77

No one noticed, no one noticed any difference when I said I had a change in weight

Going to find a nice bridge to overhead press myself off

strength is irrelevant the only thing that matters is progression in inches unless ur a strongman but in that cased ud already be on tren test and mast

Added 70 lbs to my bench over the past year and escaped dyel mode. Downside is that i'm in the worst dry spell of my adult life (haven't had sex since February) and only fucked twice this year besides that (new years and that time in February). I know i'm not putting in enough effort right now and moving back into my parents house post-college makes getting laid even more difficult but i'm very ready for this year to end I feel like I cursed myself

>march 2017
>weigh 78 kgl squatting 150kg for 2
>december 2017
>weigh 68 kg and can barely squat 95 kg for 2

don't fracture your neck kids

jeez user that sucks. You all right now?

Pissed it away but I got a somewhat physical job so I guess it works out. Got real fast from it too.
If shit worksout, I'll have more time to spear next year, so I'm starting to capitalize from now.

i disagree

anyone who tries to set PR's is telling me that they arent trying to build muscle. that's strength training and nobody gives a shit about strength progression, the only pr i care about is your 10 rep pr. get a fucking pump stop memeing

I’m the same weight but I think I went down maybe 5% body fat so not that bad, my flat bench went up from 60 to 75KG working reps, in-line went from 45 to 60 KG for working reps, overhead press went from 35 to 55 KG for working reps. Deadlift hasn’t done shit since my lower back has been fucked constantly by a desk job with shitty chairs, my squat has maybe gone up from 40 to 65/70 KG but that is my biggest shame I ignored it my first yesr of lofting or so, went from pathetic depth to below parrallel tho so not bad there

A reactive CNS built through strength training improves hypertrophy by engaging more muscle

If you dont start with SS then you're killing your own gains

reminder nobody cares about how much you can spinelift

That’s why your bench has gone up so much user. Ditch the gains goblins.

totally, and when people do their meme 5x5 benchpress they cant even feel it in their chest, its the triceps and shoulders doing all the work. that sure sounds like proper cns activation to me

i can't play contact sport, do martial arts, or any sort of high energy activity again without running an increased risk of paralysing myself + no sports insurance would cover me. i have probable permanent numbness and slight weakness in my index and thumb. i have a weird patch of skin parasthesia on my wrist which makes the skin feel very tight and get this weird stretching sensation with any flexion of it. i'll have fleeting bouts of intense nerve pain throughout my life, and will probably have bad neck arthritis within 20 years.

it could be a lot worse though. i can still walk, lift and fuck so yeah doing as good as i could be.

>Started 4 months ago lifting bench pressing 7.5kg
>Complete Auschwitz survivor who couldn't run 30 secs without a heart attack


>Run 5 miles a day for glute gains
>Dead lift 30kg and benchpress 15x5 eezy squatting 20x5
>Lost alot of body fat but gained a tonne of muscle so I actually weigh more overall and look thicc

Thinking about how much I've turned my life around over the past months is making me all teary eyed.

You better be doing GOMAD or you’re pissing gains away daily

>Weighed 193 (5'7 manlet so I was fatfuck) December last year after stupidly bulking while I was prob 25% bf at 162 lbs no muscle
>Cut down to 146 by August
>Back up to 156 currently, fat coming back in too
>I am apparently fit/buff to normalfags now
I don't want to get fat again but I just want my fucking bench to hit 225 already.

bench pressing 7.5kg? that cant be right dude, with that kinda strength you wouldnt even be able to lift up a carton of milk and pour a glass

(except me)

Well the bar itself weighs 15kg so adding 2 7.5kg weights would bring it to a believable 30kg

Started the year at 170lb 12%bf
Sitting currently at 185lb 15%bf
Hoping to make it to 200 by the end of February and stay under 20% bf then cut down to sub 9% maybe around 7%

Probably but there's no reason for me to be not doing both as long as i'm single. If I had a girlfriend it would definitely be different and i'd be making way less gains bc of the time commitment but I pretty much have no excuse

>Just some guy here...

Company has given me a project which I have never been involved with before, one of the biggest projects I've worked on in my career.

T-this is all turning out great and better than I thought it would. Things are going good, I underestimated myself and my ability to get this done. The first stages of this project are going smoothly and all I can say is there is a God out there watching over me.

I don't know what to say Veeky Forums

>Things are going well
>Including a rare pepe to share my joy with others

Things are going good guys, I'm going to make it....

Very close to 123, 4 seems impossible right now.

>Rare pepe

Reporting you for falsely inflating this pepes worth you fucking scum

I'll look into it thanks

Put 8kgs on
Finally got 1.5, 2,2.5 bodyweight bench, squat deadlifts for reps (Aug). Job location changed messed my gym routine up and have been struggling to get to the gym, lost all gains

I started off the year expecting a disappointing year due to a diagnosis of osteoarthritis in my shoulder. I still have pain, but it has lessened somewhat and I still train hard, but I avoided exercises or movements that irritate the joint. More than anything, it was a psychological issue because I second-guess any uncomfortable lift..."am I destroying my joint or is this normal pain associated with effort?" I added 20 lbs bodyweight and focused on legs which has had an overall growth effect on my body. My coach used to say, "If you want to get big, squat heavier". I see the surgeon again in January and he will tell me whether my joint has degraded or not over the last year. Keep me in your prayers.

who measures like that?? also, a standard barbell weighs 20kg

good job user, good luck with the rest of the project