/fph/: shiny new thread

Not getting free food is thin privilege

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Wow, talk about a first world problem. Boo hoo, I fucking hate these people.




Lucky guy. He gets to play with 2 pairs of tits.


So self conscious she put on socks to hide her fucking pig hooves.


Why is the Pringles man cutting that guy's arm off?

>gut tucked into her panties
>thought the roll under her bra was her tits
>DYEL feeder literally half her size

>fat fetishists

Natty Comic can fuck off.
It's so irritating that this dude (and yes, it's written by a dude) just HAS to ruin his already-shitty comics further by tacking on a pointless little "I deserve my comeuppance!" speech bubble on the end of every fucking one.

Ayo guvnah
Where's the- oh.

Can they just make a complimation board for all this garbage?

Nothing more aesthetic then a STEMI am I right boys

She has such a big heart

From a photo shoot called "stillness."
I would call it "sedentariness"

Please define the word "complimation" for me.


Good for a quick laff

mukbang videos are gross to me, but this one didn't make me gag, this one made me sad

just look at that woman, christ...


Serious case of hank hill ass

That’s Sam Hyde you dumb nigger

A lot of people might not like Tosh but I think he's pretty great.

Oh, well he's cultivating mass.


I would

Degenerate scum.

No you wouldn't. Don't lie.

>tfw having a gf like this is my fetish


>bra is a 40G in plunge style

this entire god damn string of words is disgusting

Is this not satire?

>you will never have a far gf
>you will never feed her until she can't move
>you will never call her a disgusting worthless bag of fat and leave her in alone except when you bring her food
>she will never be able to escape because of her complete lack of self control prevents her from just eating less
Feels bad man

pretty sure it's sattire and user its fucking autistic.

I doubt it, I saw it on a 3rd wave feminist fb page

bringing out the classics

get therapy


Woah how is she a racist?

Fat fetishists please leave.


She has to sit down like a fucken baby because of her girth. How is she happy? This one webm out of literally anything I've seen on fph stands out to me, how can she feel content with herself if she cannot sit on the ground like a normal human? How can one be so physically infirm and believe that they are alright in any sense of the word?

Also impressed she can bend over and actually walk.

I'd like to see a version of this with a proper ass.

>this is justified!
This is clearly sarcasm, dumbass.


Damn, Mike and James are the only non-obeast people in the Cinemassacre crew.

i was thinking about jerking off but now i think ill try nofap for a few years

The term is cardiomegaly.


I wonder if she can even put any of the jeans in the top row on by herself

All these fat guys look identical.. This is awkward as fuck



shes not black.

Whenever I feel bad about being a pedo, I remember there are people legitimately attracted to obese chicks, and I feel better

One of the recommended links led me to the following video and I had to pause it at the 4 second mark to process what she said. "Shopping for food is the only fun thing I do"


The author is a massive sjw, I doubt it's satire. If it is he is the most self rare liberal in the world.

Little bit of column a, little bit of column b.

>so fat that hog's dorito-encrusted fat rolls are hiding her ass crack

That wiggle made me puke in my mouth a little.

Get off the internet and figure your shit out user. It's just two different shades of filth, obeasts are not as bad as kid fuckers, though both deserve to be gassed.

Get out


That's actually fucking wrong dude :/ Stop watching degenerate porn, it's probably causing it

>and the ones who are striving to become them
This is new to me. Are there actually people out there who desire to be far and aren't?

leave this place before you learn

Tell me!

sadly yes
I still don't understand how these people put weight on to the extent that they do
I have to eat till I feel sick every day to put on a meager amount of weight
can't imagine eating more than I already do

it's a sex thing

This is Sam Hyde's insta account.
You losers get manipulated like sheeps.
I'm leaving this shithole.

feederism my dude

i admire the hardwork and dedication that goes into getting obese. i struggle each day to eat the calories necessary to bulk that i nearly throw up each day from too much food

What in the holy name of God is that food abomination.


>It belongs to fat activist and artist Substantia Jones, and is a part of her Adipositivity Project, which seeks to normalize and affirm fat bodies.

Ooooh, it's her again.

I hate Tosh more than fatties.

This is....this guy is cancer. If I were gay, I would beat the shit out of this fag. And that hammoon is on her last legs.

what is this gay shit

>feel your skin begin to stretch

Its super obvious she has no previous experience with a basketball.


fat bitch ripped the panties to shreds just getting them on

I would destroy her, help me lads

These fuckers are like crabs in a bucket, always attacking each other.

These are the fuckers that kicked Bootsy out

you just know... he's her enabler

remnder that mike has a massive penis






legbeards think they're hot shit, just like neckbeards



Didn't this bitch get shredded in the comments and actually take it to heart and make a change?

No idea. I've never seen a follow up. If she did it would be proof bullying works and I'd be interested to see it.

Are you kidding? She's FUCKING WH*TE

Once you chop you can't stop.

I hate when they have a cute face. I can see her in another life. A happy healthy life, where she isn't being strangled by her own body.

This is the first time she's managed to not immediately eat the basketball after being handed it.