Ok, since you faggots managed to resurrect a egyptian primordial god of chaos and fucked up the world...
Let at least ask him the question that /fits/ want to know the answer the most.
Almighty KeK are traps gay?
Ok, since you faggots managed to resurrect a egyptian primordial god of chaos and fucked up the world...
Let at least ask him the question that /fits/ want to know the answer the most.
Almighty KeK are traps gay?
Ur trying to hard op
Wasted roll. Everyone knows traps are a gray area. Look up berdache, Greek sexuality... it’s been a debate for thousands of years but no consensus yet. Clearly not going to be solved on an Egyptian reed threading enthusiast online marketplace.
I didn’t get my private equity interview from KKR or Carlyle, only Francisco and Vista... is there hope of me joining a megafund yet and thereby completing all self improvement possibly left to do?
God damnit. God damnit. Literally would have taken yes or no. Okay, next question:
Do I date that thot who works at Goldman and has a Yale degree for her pedigree? She’s kinda chubby tho
Is she worth it
do onions really boost test by 300%
We already did this on another board and got a trips answer of "yes" or some shit
Am I ever going to learn a lifting routine that works for myself?
Am i going to make it?
Will she come back?
Will my next relationship be the one
Am I going to have a date for this Saturday?
Will I get accepted into my BSN program?
feels fucking good man
Will I pass my exams?
Will I be swole as fuck next summer?
I need answers
Should I just SL+ until 1/2/3/4 then? You know me best
>Should I just SL+ until 1/2/3/4 then?
We'll see if this is truthful
>am I Veeky Forums
Yea it speaks the truth
Does she want to become my girlfriend ?
Will my workout get me a qt green-eyed christian gf?
Will my autistic ass get married to a cute white conservative aryan girl?
Will i reach 3 pl8 squat next year?
Should I off myself after my parents pass away?
Fuck off, should I commit the deed after my parents leave?
Will I make it soon?/
Will I be with a native qt who understands me someday?
Is IF helping?
Will I?
Will I bench 405 x 3 someday?
Will I make it into and have a good time in the Marines?
Am I going to make it
Will I military press 315 someday?
Will i get a gf?
>Claiming to be Christian
>Asking a manifestation of an ancient egyptian god on a Taiwanese sculpting forum about your future and believing it
Dumb-dumb, that is prohibited!
Should i start roiding?
Don't listen to him, he's a faggot
Will I get over my ex?
Am I wasting my time with her?
Will I lose the weight?
Are we all going to make it?
Do white women seek BBC?
Are onions just a meme?
Are you real?
Are 10 onions a day enough?
Should I go to the interview?
if he said can't predict now, then stop bothering him faggot
Should I hang myself dearest KEK
do onions raise test?
Will I make it
will they call me in for tryouts?
thx based kek for digits and reassurance.
I will fight in your name.
We're all gonna make it.
Should I give up
Will i become a great boxer?
Will my fucking shitty shit migraine disappear in the next 24 hours
What the fuck you frog give me a straight answer
Will i ever get a gf?
Will i ever get a gf kaiofrogsama
Will I find a feminine gf(male)?
Will she ever come back?
Can I ever fix things with her?
Will I see that redheaded angel again?
am i ever gonna make it
whats going on in her mind, does she like me or something
Will I get a chance to say how I feel about her?
will i make it?
Am I gonna get that job where I want it?
Right on, thanks Kek
But will my gf also get a job there?
Gf for Christmas?
Is OP a faggot?
it works. Praise Kek
everything's gonna be ok
Am I going to make it?
will I make it
Will i be autonomous by the end of 2018
Are you real
Will I fugg her? The Deer told me that I will, and you?
If I try hard, will I get a gf next year?
Will I be satisfied with my decision to move out?
Will I regret it in my late 20s?
Will my bachelor study work out and will i score a good masters program?
Will I get her?