>Isnt bloatMAXXING
Were you bullied in school, retarded or perhaps both?
>I-It kills you!
Yes, and? Was life a competition about who lives the longest?
>G-girls wont find you attractive!
No they wont ,expect if you are underage and incapable of bloatmaxxing properly.
>I-Its expensive!!!
Who forced you to not buy in bulk, you fucking peat-gavel?

I am bloatmaxxing though

How do I into bloatmaxxx?

i like the word-for-word translation of turvenuija

>Take your regular portions, double them
>Take a full range of motion, cut it in half
>0 cardio ever
>Cover your entire body in more belts and wraps than a Final Fantasy character
Congrats, you are now a bloatmaxxed '''''''powerlifter''''''''''

he isnt a powerlifter u dumb fuck

he is a bloatmaxxer

you from fitmisc also brah?

blotmaxxing now


bloatmaxx mog twinks like cobra bloatlord

I'm fine with the pasta but stop posting this disgusting looking fuckface.



bloat penis

nohomo just soft not hard

freaky cobra traps mog those geek twinks like true bloatlord

sorry i am schizophrenic and autistic virgin post my photo out of sexual frustration may as well cut my dick off because never get girl

maybe tren make me act this way like before i see myself in mirror talking and fire but i know i was not talking

really not me speaking in the mirror and feel strange don't want to go back to hospital. they take my belongings

You taking your meds friendo?

stopped taking evil SSRI because make me get fat and also jewish mind control drug

any jerkoff vids?


you will never take my belongings away never !!!

This is the most unironically gay thread I’ve seen in years

not gay just sexually frustrated so post my image online because girl never see my penis. i am autistic



take your meds, you have a nice dick but your crazy takes away from it

>>I-It kills you!
>Yes, and? Was life a competition about who lives the longest?

holy fuck my sides

who cares girl never see it may as well cut off

SSRI just jewish mind control drug to hold back aryan bloat god like me

if they take my tren no reason to live! i wont let them!!

He must have cried so hard when McGregor got Mayweathered

mcegreggor just a twink needs to bloatmaxx

Made for bbc

sorry i am mentally ill

Nice cock. No homo.

>skinny dick
get on them jelqs breh, you need to BLOAT

sad no woman ever see it because of mental problems. i can talk to girls online but can't make eye contact when i meet them or make sentance in real life

STop jerking off. Start meditating. I had bad anxiety/voices and I'm fucking cured from those two things. It's tough but worth it.

What the fuck is going on in here? How is this thread still up? Some mentally ill shitposter posts a bunch of dudes cocks and everyones chills but user posts a chicks nipple and the thread gets nuked and b&. Are mods literal faggots or does tge problem lie in the mostly Amerucan userbase?

>not being gay and enjoying this thread

Lets see how this goes

What exactly is wrong with you man?
Not trying to be rude, just curious. Been with schizophrenics in my time and been in a hospital for two years. Fuck meds man.

thats all my cock photos and i post them because womna never see it because my mental illness

SSRI just jewish mind control drug make me worse and gain fat so now blast tren and bloatmaxx mog jews nobody will take my things away!!

Press F for this man

>this thread


Long as you're happy.
Looking good.

Wow dude, just kys and get over it

now better but still sometimes see things in corner of my eyes or saw myself in the mirror speaking but i wasn't speaking

>tfw this thread
>tfw fucked qt this morning and the night before
>tfw he's this assblasted cuz he cant

Meds fuck you up long term. Again, long as you're feeling better and working to get better, you're golden.
I was taking mine and got tremors, hair loss, weight gain, skin problems, you name it.
All the meds and treatments ruined my memory.

christ this thread is all kinds of autistic

You are a total fucking loser if you tell ame tally ill guy to kill himself. Seriously rethink your whole pathetic life you piece of shit

Lmao GOAT thread

Welcome to Veeky Forums! How can I be at service?

Fuck you, these subhumans should be purged.

Kill yourself

What is going on here

I got banned. Now talking on cellphone


Keep at it man.



Lol this dude is from fitmisc

>Autism: The Thread™

thats not me some faggot pretending to be me n not being funny