Cold Showers

Discuss cold showers.
How to properly perform them.
Tips for beginners.


step one get in shower
step two take shower

towels? i use thoughts
showers? i TAKE THOSE



I do them for no other reason than they feel good.

I can't go back to hotshowers now. It feels wrong.

How did you start? Freezing cold 2-5 min showers?

I give it a try today actually for the first time. I started with hot water for about 1 minute, then slowly decreased it.

next thing I knew my heart was racing and it felt like i couldnt breath. I was hyperventilating and started to feel lightheaded about 2 mins in. Then I got out.

I have been feeling more alert today and my skin isnt falling apart which is really nice.

thanks doc

>nazi image
>tells you to get into shower
don't listen to this guy

What is the starting strength of cold showers?
>5x5 shampoo scrubs
>5x5 facial scrub
>5x5 body lather
>1x2min back cold water exposure
>1x30sec penis cold water exposure

That is your body's response to shock. Remember where the dial was before and keep moving it colder as you get used to it.

I accidentally took cold showers for 3 months because my hot water heater broke and I was too lazy to call the landlord. You get used to it eventually. I can't take normal showers now.

I live in korea
In the shower room there is a communal warm, hot, and ice bath :)

Korean sauna culture is the single best thing about korea, and something the whole world should embrace

Did you see any benefits from those 3 months? In skin or performance?

cold shower FAGS

take a cold fucking bath and see what true iron will looks like

I don't know man, I just take my shower like normal then at the end turn the water to full cold for like 3-5 minutes. wakes me up and makes it easier to deal with the cold.
nah man I remember the tub backing up once and even though it was just water in there the thought still makes me sick. fuck baths.

-Slight test boost (not much)
-Brown fat burning in upper back area
-Decreased cortisol (More relaxed and focused)
-Increase in sperm count
-Decrease in inflammation reducing pain from DOMS

-Slight test decrease for prolonged exposure
-Decreased cortisol (can be used as energy source during day though this con is outweighed by its pro)
-Decrease in inflammation caused by workout which will decrease muscle synthesis

Skin wasn't as itchy and it really woke me the fuck up. That's about it. People will tell you shit about more energy and test and shit, but honestly I was drinking/smoking too much so that prolly negated anything.

I have been taking them for about 2 years now. Look up wim hoff and do his breathing method if needed.
Now days it's still cold but doesn't feel as bad as it used to. I guess you can of get used to it. Instead of dreading showering its just another part of life, there is no other option than the shower being cold for me.

I usually start relatively hot (working outdoors as Canada heads into winter is less fun than one might think) and do my shampoo+soap scrubs with hot water then when I put my conditioner in I slam it on to cold for about a minute and spin around let it run all over me, then back to hot for another minute, back to cold etc. probably 5 or so times. Rinse conditioner out with hot water, final full body rinse with cold.

Benefits - Don't get flaky dry skin under my beard, warmer after the shower because the air temp is warmer by contrast plus internal fire burnin HOT 2nite. More energy than the couple times I just have a purely hot/warm shower.

Cons - none so far I've noticed.

Too many factors in life to consider if it truly contributes to body composition. Would love to be a cold exposure guinea pig for experiments though and have bloodwork done before during and after SHIT

Why does it decrease test for prolonged exposure? Do you mean prolonged exposure as in taking long showers or as in cold showers every day for months/years?

i live in los angeles and the korean spas here have that too. i like to go from the hot sauna to the ice bath, i feel like a god after

Our hot water heater broke about a month ago and we're too poor to replace it so I've basically been forced to take cold showers daily. It actually isn't so bad once you get past the first part. Skin is clearer and feels cleaner. Soap comes off easier because pores are closed. Highly recommend cold showers.

i alternate as well, i usually go hot cold hot cold, but cold hot cold hot cold feels like the true way to happiness

Doing pure cold showers are retarded, most studies on the subject show more results with hot/cold combinations. What I do is
>Start hot
>Wash so that soap is more effective (literally impossible to get the shit from my job off in cold water)
>Rinse in cold water as long as I can hold it
>Change back to warm, usually not as hot as first time while washing any dirt that still remained after first cycle
>Cold again before getting out making sure face is also covered with cold water
This way you get the bnifit of warm water with the soap, and the cold water for your skin, plus the changes between the two is good for your heart and circulation.

I can't explain it but I've lost the urge to fap (day 3) after starting to take cold showers again.

Your body will eventually adapt, but you gotta stick to it.

So its better to do a hot cold combo then. That sounds safer imo. When i tried it i felt so damn lightheaded desu. Felt like passing out. Maybe when I get to that point i should just turn on the heat, then close of on cold again.

dubs kekd

Remember, don't use a shower handle, it steals all the cold. Use the tap, take cold showers under your tap to maximize your daily cold water intake, which should be a bout a water a day a.

is this true brah?

>25 shampoo scrubs
cunt what the fuck just do 1-5 reps for hair strength, don't even bother at that volume

by how much does it affect muscle synthesis? this seems to outweigh everything else there desu

take a normal shower and then blast yourself to high heaven with the frigid chill of ymir's scrotum before you get out, best way

b u m p

Is the single good thing about Korea*


Yes, soap works better with warm water.

I used to do the first half of my showers hot, then cold, but now it's all cold. It got to the point where if I didn't finish with the cold, I wouldn't feel fully... clean, for some reason. Now if I take a hot shower at all, no reasonable amount of cold will fix that weird feeling.

I've never felt any shock symptoms, even when I first started doing it back in high school, then again, I've never been bothered by cold, so maybe that has something to do with it.

In any case, I love cold showers because it's like a cool glass of water for my whole body. It's refreshing.

I'm not really sure of the benefits, aside from the supposed increase in circulation. Maybe that's just from shock? IDK but it sounds fishy to me for long term effects. I wouldn't say I personally feel amazing doing it, just that I don't feel gross getting out of the shower. One good thing is lower utilities. Not much but I guess it adds up over time.

The only harm I could think of is that maybe your pores. It's actually great for me. Ever since I switched to full cold showers, my skin has never been clearer. This could different for everyone though.

Scottish showers is where it's at

Listen to dubs
Scottish showers built James Bond's character

Here's what everyone should do :

1. 5 minutes > Start shower with hot water, get yourself shampooed and clean your dirty bum, enjoy it a litlle.
2. Step away from the shower hose and do the wim hoff breathing, I hyperventilate 10 times, takes 10 seconds.
3. Put water at the coldest temperature you can bear and hop right below the water stream
4. Continue breathing hard, I do some primal screams It feels so fucking good I feel like a lion.
5. Endure at least 1 minute, you get used to it after 15 seconds

That's it, now you're awake as fuck and if you do it after exercise and drink a bulletproof cofee or take some adderal you'll have elon musk productivity levels, not kiding btw.

cold showers / nofap is just mental masturbation for people with no actual tactile success in their lives

instead of worrying if a 5 minute cold shower or not jerking your little pecker for 5 days raises your testosterone by 3,08%, get a fucking hobby or a job

In the beginning i didn't turn on the water to max pressure, makes the shock a little lighter if it's just dripping frol your head and not hitting you with force

Lmao it's just a shower and not touching your dick 24/7

How hard is it to integrate that into your life mate come on

Roman baths were like this
Maybe they really knew better