Leg Day

So I hate myself and want a killer workout for legs tomorrow. What's Veeky Forums favorite leg exercise?

>unironically doing a brosplit
enjoy your nogains

>falling for the brosplit meme
read the fucking sticky

>he doesnt realise leg day is squat day


Squats, squats and then more squats.

not doing just doing lowbar squatmornings in the 5 rep range on "leg day" and then leaving afterwards

I'm a big fan of explosive squats.

I load up maybe 140kg do a slow squat down, pause at the bottom for 5 seconds then explode back up as fast as you can.

Follow this with some lunges, then hex bar dead lifts, leg press, and some other little things

leg day doesn't mean brosplit

arnold splits, ppl, and phul aren't brosplits

how do you honestly expect to make any gains if you're not following a plan that utilizes the progressive overload principle?

you think you're just going to walk into the gym 3-5 days a week doing whatever the hell you want as long as you hit muscle group "x" and make any kind of gains?

what kind of fuckery is this?

HIIT for legs. 4 sets, 20 reps ea
>squat jumps
>high jumper

No rest in between exercises. Max 60 sec. rest between sets.

>140kg for an explosive squat
Reading this has made me acknowledge the little bitch I truly am

Don't feel bad little buddy. I've played tight head prop my whole life. I have no neck and I can't run but I can lift heavy things and hit people

Oh, I meant 20 reps per exercise btw.

They might as well be

found the dyel soyboy

Say that to my face you fucking cunt and I'll squat your dead body for 5 sets of 20

weeew! all the estrogen must have you on your period


By hit people do you mean throw one punch and that's it?

Only estrogen I'm ingesting is from sucking off your dad after squatting triple your bodyweight

What the hell are you supposed to do then?

The only lie bigger than that is when you say you can't lose weight on a cut "because of your thyroid", fatty.

which, ironically, is the only thing you don't lose

You're right. The real reason I don't lose weight is because of all the calories I eat from eating your mom out
That's right. I was your daddy all along. Now get a fucking job, and stop calling yourself a zebra when you look at yourself in the mirror

if you trained as hard as you LARP you might make some progress. Also, if you stopped eating all that soy

Ignore all the faggot self-made responses you got. Do le 20 rep squat routine (look it up)


We've been over this. Only thing I eat is your mom's pussy. Now move out and stop wasting your life on this cantonese pro wrestling restaurant

Roman deadlifts

the only thing you've been over is the buffet, it even shows with your unnecessarily using "restaurant"

Do you even know how to meme you low life ingrate? The meme is "Nationality Adjective Noun". The only reason I choose restaurant was it ilwas the opposite of pro wrestling, thus providing contrast and therefore humor
Can't believe I have a filthy CASUAL for a son. Get out of my house by the 11th you dyel

I am well aware of the meme you tard, I was pointing out that you used the word restaurant because you're a fatass and thinking about eating occupies the majority of your rather limited mental capacity

Eating food? Nah. Eating your mom's pussy more like it

>arguing about how to say you're on a Cambodian basketweaving forum on a Bhutanese steeplechase board

We all know you've never touched a pussy, your mother even had a C-section just to make sure you would never get anywhere near hers

But user, just the mere fact I am even speaking to you proves you wrong

You're like kryptonite to vagina. You're so nasty that the UN has sanctions against you for abuses against vagina. Women have sex changes just to try and avoid being hit on by you

What can I say? The moment I even go near one, it floods the entire fucking block

As an immune response, yes

Nah. But I can't blame you for thinking that. Any interaction with the opposite sex with you is outlawed as unnecessary cruelty in some countries

Of course you can't blame me for thinking that, because it's true, women are allergic to your ugly.
And yes, after how hard I fucked your mum and her resulting withdrawal symptoms I do come with an addition warning

Withdrawal symptoms to opiates for having been exposed to your wrinkly dick, you sick fuck
She never got over being forced to touch you

full body or bulgarian

Hey man, those were her drugs to start with, something about trying to escape the pain of you being such a disappointment.
Glad to see my dicking made her clean her life up though. No need to thank me

5x5 low bar squat
3x8 front squat
3x10 leg extensions
3x8 stiff legged deadlift
3x10 leg curl

Do them heavy as possible and enjoy

Are you sure you're not thinking of your own mother? Because unlike you, I have a high paying job and an actual life, both of which you lack

Oh no I am certainly thinking of your mother. I'd say ask your father but you don't know who he is.

>"I have a high paying job and an actual life" lol sure thing buddy

4x3 squat
4x12 leg press
4x12 goblet squat
4x3 leg curls
4failure calf raises

My pants are now becoming skinny jeans, fookin gr8 my guy

Isn't that what your suppose to do?

I hit every muscle group every other day

they are.

>all bodybuilders do bro splits

>tfw neglected squads because I didn't wanted to get a huge ass
>all fucking sorts of imbalances in my pelvis started to pop out
>cant walk straight
>back to squats
>feel like new born

gloots for sloots I guess you can't have noass

Tried Hack Squatting today. Really nice but how can i avoid the bar touching my legs from behind with heavy weights?

I also like lunges because weak knees

breath properly, learn to brace, train your core (landmines, dragon flags, proper ab wheels). Get your back as straigt as you can. Try out high bar squats for a few weeks and see how you like it.

Ty, I already do coreworkouts every other day because my core is still weak, will implement this

squats, deadlifts, calf raises, one leg squats too.

>mfw 1rm is 2pl8
>mfw thinking of all leglets

>bench day, which includes bench accessories, which so happens to be triceps
>squat day, which includes squat accessories, which happens to mostly be all the other parts of the legs
>ohp day, which includes ohp accessories, which happens to include back

Are leg extensions bad?

>didn't want a huge ass
girls like ass, they just don't like wide hips
ass gives you more thrusting power in bed senpai, work that ass

Everyone did a brosplit until the early 2000s when the internet got ahold of lifting and made it cringy with "beginner routines" and the like.

Anyway, this one will kill you:

Work up to a back squat 8rm. Do 70% for 6,6, amrap

5x10 front squat at 50-60%

Leg press on the pin machine, start at the most you can do for 10 or so reps and do a drop sets dropping 20 lbs each time you fail and keep going

>I load up maybe 140kg do a slow squat down, pause at the bottom for 5 seconds then explode back up as fast as you can.

If I do that with 140kg the bar jumps up like two inches off my back.

I've literally popped the bar from low-bar (low delts) to high bar (top of traps, above C3) with 180kg, when ramping up to a double BW squat.

Do you hold that shit down somehow, or am I just dumb?