I’m looking at getting gyno surgery in early 2018. Any one had the surgery? How soon could you get back into training or doing normal shit. Don’t want to miss chest too much.
I live in Australia btw
nigga you have boy titties?
I'm about to have it and they tell me I can get back to doing strenuous stuff after about 6 weeks.
do they squirt milk
Mine do not.
tits or gtfo
Just enjoy your tits like god intended. Nobody cares about it except you.
Doc said not to lift for 3 weeks. I started lifting after 2.5 weeks because I make my own rules.
Just joined my local gym today. I felt like I've been physically diminishing as a man since high school and decided that getting Veeky Forums would bring me back to my peak.
I've been trying to do research and even read the stickied beginner's guide, but still am clueless on a routine.
To put it simply: I'm not really looking to get a beefy physique, but rather tone myself down significantly and improve my endurance along with strengthening my entire body.
I'm a 5'8", 160lb man. 20 yrs. old.
Share some routines that that target all the muscle groups, along with cardio. I'm looking to hit both the free weights and the cardio machines at my gym.
I had it. You can get back to gymming really fast. Surgeon fucked up though and i still can't take my shirt off cuz of scarring. Probably gonna have to go back in for another surgery to get rid of scar.
how much is the surgery going to cost OP
nice digits
Checked. Pics?
Just do push ups
I hope you got your money back.
Apparently only 5k aud
....his name was David Paulson.
Ausfag here. Managed to get super released to pay for it as "medical treatment to resolve chronic pain".
Surgery next week. Will have pics probably a month from now.
are you paying for anesthetics?
Writing this the day after surgery, haven't seen my tits yet. Wonder how they'll look
Like this
I'd probably kill myself
yikes. think i'll stick with my tits
>not trying letro/olva/rolx before getting surgery
Read the fucking sticky again you fuck.
>not knowing the difference between gyno and fat tits
No... I mean I know a guy... named David... with big ol' titties.
You can start gently getting back into it at around 4 weeks and ramp it up slowly. Don't be an idiot and start training early, fuck something up and its fucked forever, missing 6 weeks of chest isn't permanent, poorly healed scar tissue is.
>nipples aren't even
>missing part of areola
Jesus user that was a fucking hack job
>Just get surgery bro
>You'll look fine bro
I've had a lump under my chest since i was 13, i'm 21 and if i wear a semi-tight shirt they are noticeable, what doctor should examine me to determine if i have gyno?
is there's any way to fix my gyno before it's too late?
if this is fucking gyno, I must have autism
wrong fucking thread
I had the surgery user, and let me tell you, PUSH FOR THEM TO REMOVE THE GLANDS
Mine was pre-pubertal and going nowhere. Drove me nuts. God it done after college graduation and wish I had done it years ago. Obscured an otherwise nice chest. I only did cardio for about two weeks after the surgery, then said fuck it and started lifting insanely light weights, and then went right back in to lifting after 4. The only concern they have is your scars widening which are already small and idgaf I just cared about the lumps.
Well flash forward a couple years, life hit a hard spot, and now Ive gained chub and my test is low, so I go on Test. Well guess what, the gyno fucking comes back because they didnt remove the glands, and it had already sorta been coming back for a year. So even though its minor, I basically wasted 5k and now Im on Ralox for months to see if that will get rid of most of it before I just opt in for surgery again, except with a different doc and removal of the glands.