When should you start cutting for that Summer bod?

When should you start cutting for that Summer bod?


start cutting now faggot

shouldn't take longer than 2 months so yeah spring. I plan on starting in march

and down the highway dont be a fuckboi

bulking/cutting is a meme, ask any natural who's been lifting for more than 5 years.

Seriously these threads are fucking annoying

left is better

I cut from November to April to look really shredded for the start of summer. Then I start my winter bulk on June 1st and keep going until its November again. Best way to do the summer cut/winter bulk bros

He looks way better on the left. Cutting made his face look like a meth addict's.

bulking and cutting is a meme for naturals unless you're severely fat

better to recomp as much as you can, then bulk slowly in accordance to your workload increasing

and getting any leaner than 12 percent is retarded

your opinions are WRONG

Just /FAST/ 1-2 weeks before you want to be shredded.

unless you start spooky skelly, get rid of extra weight and body fat then just workout consistently and eat properly

well this is maybe your opinion but girls dig the right

this. should've carried on a bit longer and worked the neck/traps before cutting.

Most people? Probably now.
But if you know what you're doing and have only a reasonable amount of adipose, you can start in april/may.

Cut ? Get a load of these homos
Who else /Recomp/ here?
Get stronger on a weekly basis while dropping fat, cut fags BTFO, 1/2/3/4 reached and recomping is still possible. I pity those who still believe in the MUH bulk and MUH cut meme.

Have fun with your N O G A I N S faggot

I bulk October to December and cut January to September.

Unironically this.
Train consistently, eat well at a 300kcal defecit and carb cycle

>calorie deficit
That's a cut

You're actually cutting desu and 1/2/3/4 isn't that hard to reach, the difficult part is not leaving the gym. Imho recomp and bulk/cut are just two ways to reach the same result, I'm actually on maintenance/bulking until I reach my limit on lifts (I simply don't care if I do 2600kcal on a day instead of 2400)
I'm not criticizing you, good job and keep it up!

I wrote desu again without noticing it, please end my life

His face is shit so only homos will mirin on the beach

Terrible it should be opposite

nattieis shouldnt bulk.

Who here /permacut/?

>feels good tbhfamalam

Cutting is not a meme though. I dislike having to be autistic about what I eat so I eat normally all year and then switch to cutting with IF before summer, do that until I'm happy and keep an acceptable bf% year round because of it.

Go look for daddy cummies elsewhere