Music KILLS gains

Listening to your favourite music HALVES your testosterone.

Listen to Gregorian Chants instead.

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what if i like gregorian chants?

Maybe it's because of the fucking blood loss when they do the test, user

I swear, if this is another fucking meme on this board... this week it’s onions and if I start seeing
>who here /nomusicpill/
because of you autists next week, then I’m just going to go FUCK MYSELF

>Trusting the japs on testosterone advice
I'll stick to the Bugez's philosophy on music while liftin

kek quietlet

>tfw I don't listen o music at the gym
>it's nice because everyone else is so they don't notice me and my mistakes

>listening to enjoyable music
Wow you faggots still do this?

What does browsing Veeky Forums do to your testosterone?

>Veeky Forums filled with cuckoldry
>talks about new stupid fads
>literal board devoted to ponies

this site is the epitome of low test.

my gym plays dance music on speakers.

they must want us weak so that we must keep coming to the gym


actually I take this back, come to think of it...
on doing reps to failure I often end up stopping when the song is over, which you might interpret as the music carrying me further, like I did at first.

If this study is true, however, imagine if I had it reversed and I could've gone farther if I wasn't waiting for the end of the song.

Conversely, I feel that Japanese men's "favorites" are probably chiptunes and girly K-Pop.

Some of my favorites are heavy shit like Perturbator and old school Metallica, and I swear it gets the murderbrain going to make me want to pump harder.

TL;DR: Needs more data.

This is total bullshit. Listen to proper music (pic related) and you will work twice as hard.

>Fukui interprets his results from an evolutionary theory perspective.
>He thinks that humans invented music to make living and working together in groups easier.
>The high level of testosterone in men, which is accompanied by aggression and more or less continuous sex drive, is an impediment to this, and music helps.
>Fukui did not look at what music does to men and women who train
>it if they react in the same way as the subjects in this study, then natural male athletes may be reducing their progression by training to background music.
Its over boys, rev up those gregorian chants asap

>Japanese people like K-Pop
I don’t think so

eventually people will stop brushing their teeth because it's the new test booster i fucking swear to god

Unfortunatley I am very susceptible to memes so I will now be unironically listening to Gregorian chants during my workout

>Believing large effect sizes on hormonal levels in small samples
Y'all been snookered again

>doesn't enjoy TMR
>calls others faggots

I'm gonna hypothesize that listening to songs that make you think sexual thoughts or recall sexual encounters boost test higher than other music. Its unfortunate for me because that means listening to the soundtracks for Drakengard 3 and Star Wars Episode 2

this desu

is this from amy cuddy's bullshit
i'm so glad she's hated in her field now

Really wish you guys would start pinning and get it over with so at least you feel strong while looking insignificant in comparison to me

Why don't you try saying that to her face after she goes Super Saiyan

because she got fucking laughed out of harvard

*blocks ur path in a power pose*
Not so fast, kiddo. My test levels are rising as we speak. Take that back or you will be sorry.

that's why i only have sex during disney movies

>inject testosterone
>test levels are always the same no matter what

feels good man

You motherfucker

they dont want you to come to the gym. they want you to pay and stay at home

This doesn't surprise me. Music is escapism, I notice it's always beta fags that need to have music on 24/7. Also notice how music critics are always low test balding soyboys. Ive noticed that the more I ground myself, the less I want to have music on. Silence is stability, realism which you are at peace with when you're living right. And I also feel like you appreciate it way more when you're not always listening to music like an autistic manchild. Only listening to music when I'm in my car.

>tfw gym bard is stealing my gains

u must b really fun at parties

>in my car
Either you drive a Bentley, blare your music at deafening volumes, or are a pleb whose taste lacks dynamics. A car is the worst place for anything with subtlety or quiet parts, which is funny because of your declared fondness of silence.

Chad doesn't know what music is. The virgin /mu/tant discusses the latest trendy artists at parties while Chad is fucking his gf to "pleasant background noise".

Don't your gyms already play music? Never understood why autists have to play their own music..

This reads like a parody of the low test fags I'm describing. Look, I used to own HD650s with expensive DAC/headamp kit and now I think it's a meme. You can enjoy music on the shittiest sound system, what makes it good in your car is the setting. The landscapes, the adventure you're on because you're actually going somewhere and not being a pathetic nerd passively listening to music in his room. The passiveness isn't worth having better sound. Plus like I said, since I only listen to music when I go for a ride, it makes the music itself more exciting and something to anticipate. When you abuse something, it loses its worth.

Where does death grips land on this

>Not eating onions while listening to sexualized gregorian chants while you lift
Never gonna make it

Who here /nomusic/?

I wish I could listen to Gregorian music in my gym, but the gym is full of normies who like generic electrodance shit and rap.

>Enter the lifting temple
>Remove my garb and other worldly belongings
>Eat one whole raw onion as proof of my determination
>Recite the mantras and dab myself in oils
>Go past the chamber of cardio trials into the inner sanctum
>My brothers are all chanting
>Pray as warm up
>Lay down in the altar of benching
>The chanting intensifies
>I need no spotter, for I know if I fail I was unworthy and deserve nothing more
>The blessing of gains is in the mind


Why does this sound kinda comfy?

>Enter temple of physical culture to hoist weights
>Deadlifts day, as a tribute to Christ Jesus, who was dead and lifting His body to Resurrection, Amen
>Purify self in onion juice and sprinkling holy water on mine hands
>Enter the inner chamber and light the candles
>Read the Nicene Creed to purge heretics
>Then read selected passages from Proverbs and Psalms, as a means to keep myself humble to God as my body improves
>Approach the lifting altar
>Gregorian chants begin
>Pray for strength and good form, and not to enter SnapPurgatory
>Hit a deadlift PR
>Thank God through our Lord Jesus Christ, who had the best deadlift PR ever, Amen.
>Attend Midnight Mass
>Attend to almsgiving
>Gains are nothing if they do not have love of God and His children

does listening to music that makes me angry negate it?

No, because anger isn't explicitly linked to testosterone.

>test levels are instantly halved if you listen to music
>unless it's this very specific kind of music

So now it’s

>no soy
>eat onions
>sleep on the bare floor
>no music while lifting

Cold showers too

What about synthwave?

>go to gym
>see pic related flying at full mast
>gym muslims running away
>this starts playing as i start lifting
>tfw the gym knight hospitallers are helping my gains
Deus Vult

Um you're making some decent points but I much prefer headphones to listening in my car. And I enjoy music too much to need a reason to drive to listen to it.

Who /nomusicpill/ here?

So what the fuck doesn't lower test/increase estrogen?

There's seemingly millions of things that lowers testosterone amd only a handful of things that increase it.

>the majority of herbs and foods are directly estrogenic
>pesticides that are estrogenic
>chemicals/hormones put in meat and milk are estrogenic
>chemicals in water are estrogenic
>the air we breathe is estrogenic
>most artificial compounds are estrogenic
>music is estrogenic
>the pots and pans have estrogenic coating
>alchohol is estrogenic
>not moving/sitting is estrogenic

If this is all true we are either completely fucked, or filter most natural estrogens based on our genetics.I know most men in history didn't have to worry about these influences, but when it comes down to shit like relaxing and listening to music, it's bullshit.

If listening to music or having a drink once in a while is going to make me some beta, I'd rather be low test.

you probably count the bar too you weak faggot

cold showers, no fap, no washing hands, porn before working out

>doesn't mention metal at all
highly androgenic factors

>listen to Bathory albums
>grow a third testicle

>sleep on the bare floor
I do this and my wife thinks i'm a freak. I started it because i went to snap city doing deadlifts. It's the only thing that made my back feel better, so i kept doing it.

Are there actually any benefits of sleeping on the floor?


What effect do yugoslav war songs have on testosterone?

literally this, who /filthyogdubstep/ here?

I'm still gonna fucking listen to music you know

I work out I silence and even I understand why. Music in commercial gyms is absolute garbage and they play the same songs 30 times a day

Ooo look out its So Soylent Crew

>implying that my nigga Daz Dilli lowers my test instead of raising it by 100x with that old school G funk shit

wait people dont count the bar

Are you having a laugh, or are you trying to convince me that shills are real?

The fact my Gregorian Chant mixtape is on offer for just $4.99 is completely irrelevant to my scientific arguments

, atheists

Yeah the testosterone thing is bullshit, but sometimes when I need to really focus on a heavy lift I'll take my earbuds out. For some reason I focus more when I don't have music playing. Either that, or I listen to songs without lyrics.

Insufficient information is presented here to make proper scientific conclusions. We also see correlations between popular music and test loss, so the test loss could simply come from people liking low-test music.
Mozart is objectively manlier than Jazz, which is objectively manlier than Pop music.

who here /nomusicorbedpill/?

but what if gregorian chants is my favorite music......................................................

Probably destroys it

Shouldn't it depend on the sort of music the test subjects like? If they like calming smooth city-pop or some neanderthal black metal like ildjarn?

Looks like he became a testicle
Or a Behelit

>implying I don't unironically listen to Gregorian Chants already
>implying I don't mime along to Da pace Domine while rowing for cardio

>can someone redpill me on /nomusic/?

people who use the term "redpill" unironically need to be culled from society.

>Not listening to byzantine chants instead for the ultimate musical aesthetic

enjoy shrunk balls

People who think other people should be culled from society for saying a word they don't like should be culled from society.

I usually lift in complete silence. However, when my final set approaches, I put on the PRIDE FC theme and imagine stomping on gook heads before I pick up the bar.

>webm related: it's the Axe Murderer. Does he look like a bitch to you?

>report ergo log a couple of times in pastebins and in other places
>some user took the garlic pill, makes giant chart
>then the onion pill takes off thanks to like one research thing
>now the music thing as well

Ergo log, the creator of it, somekind of dutch bio med professor most likely, must be getting pretty good hits now lol.


I listen to a hour 2 hour sounds recording of people screaming. It keeps me going.

Hmm yeah no Metallica and Black Sabbath do not make me lift less thx tho


Normie tier metal.

No fucking wonder It lowers test I would kill myself if I could only listen to that

>Not listen to drill music while you workout
never gonna make it

Go red pill yourself

mfw this is both a meme and real atst

This is unironically what lifting should be like. Except for the fucking onion.

>At the gym
>About to do AMRAP for squats
>Unrack and get through the first rep easy
>Favourite song comes on the gym radio
>Want to scream out at the gym squire but I can't sacrifice this sick brace I've got going on
>Test levels drop near instantly
>Bone and muscle density decreases soon afterwards
>Instantly drop into the hole pulling both quads
>body flops forwards
>Bar lands directly on my head giving me brain damage
>Start visiting a Bahamian Cross Stich Forum

>mfw no slipknot

They tested saliva, not blood

>Missing out knee day
>being this low TEST

That's already a thing. Hard dry fasting. No water contact period, including teeth brushing and showers.

>Listening to your favourite music HALVES your testosterone.
Oh fuck this shit, the only reason I'm able to workout at homegym for longer than few minutes is music I blast, otherwise I get bored as fuck.