DYEL thread

ITT: we post people who think they are fit but are either DYEL as fuck and or fat. ill start with the gem i found today

looks pretty sexy to me

He's an idiot for thinking he's muscular, but careful with your wording. You can be fit without being Veeky Forums and vice versa. This guy might be very healthy.
Given the pose, he is a bitch no matter what.

Fuck you dude he can do 13 pull ups in a row

>tfw I can only do 5

lose weight then fatty

Tfw I looked like OP's pic 4 months ago, am now 200lbs and can only do 5 pullups.

You put on something like 50lbs in 4 months?

this asshole trying to fool everyone with lighting and a pump

That's actually pretty decent progress user. What do you have against that guy? Apart from
>The war room

30. I was 170lbs at 6'5"

How the fuck is that impressive in any way?
I do 3 sets of 20 or more every other day

an obvious cycle
>4 months

Did you get 15 likes for it, bitch?

Nice cardio friend

Just end me

Sadly there's no belt with a chain to hang weights from at my gym though :/
Then it wouldn't be cardio anymore

You can just do them slower, or buy your own damn belt.

Boy check your autism

He's in pretty good shape though

Use a backpack. Buy a belt. Are you going to be stopped by the fact that conditions aren't 100% optimal?

hes hot as fuark in both pics

not him but when I started lifting after losing 15kg (went from 95 to 80, I'm 1.88cm) I could barely do 5 pullups, after about 9months of working out I can do 10-12 depending on how tired I am

Is that supposed to be impressive?


13 is impressive.

wtf? im impressive now

how are you this dumb