What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and fat fasting
While fasting alone is fantastic for your health, Consider doing a ketogenic in addition to become god mode


>HGH , Test, and muscle growth?


>how can I get a quick rundown? Where can I start?

>any more info?

>Fung talks and lectures:

>Doesn't salt make you explode?


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First for /FAST/ed manga discussion

Can I get some bropinions on this shit?

>when you wish you were the bride.

I hear snakeman is looking for a young impressionable boy maiden, go for it my dude. You can dry bacon OMAD with him

>dry bacon

I have no idea what any of that means.

Will fasting give me a big dick?

go to youtube and look up "Snake Diet 30 Day Bacon Fast"

basically for 22 hours a day, he ate nothing. then for 2 hours per day, he ate 4000 calories of bacon.

his health literally improved

If you don't like slipknot you are retarded.


When on a diet containing a ratio of 5% carbs (if any), 35% protein and 65% fat calorie intake, how can I ensure I'm getting enough fat without having too much protein along with it?
Low carb/high fat & protein foods are easy to come by (nuts, meats, various dairy products etc), but I'm finding it difficult to keep to the actual recommended ratio of protein to fat.
Considering most foods come with a combination of both, it's hard to tell what proportion of each is contributing to the calories I'm eating.

I suppose my question is, so long as the carbs are kept to a minimum are the ratios not super important? Or, if they are important, any tips on foods high fat/low protein that will help me keep to them?

Lol slipknot is trash.

fatty cuts of meat like flank and skirt steak
butter and oil

Thinking about trying out fasting during winter break. Was going to fast for at least one day out of the week and continue doing my regular cutting diet for every other day, along with my usual light workout and light jogging.

Is there anything i should know before i try doing this? I figured there really shouldnt fucking be much since i'm only doing it for like 3 or 4 days total, once a week. But figured i would peak in here first.

being this retarded

IMO easier if you get into a keto diet first, start off with a day and work up from there. Last time I did a 4 day fast and I'm currently on day 5 of 7

Day Weight fast?
1 110 y
2 107.8 y
3 106.3 OMAD
4 106.9 OMAD
5 107 18/4
6 107 whole day eating
7 107 y
8 105.7 y
9 104.7 Today, planning to fast the whole day.

The reason for fasting is fat for fatloss, still have at least 10 kgs to go.
The reason for breaking the fast have been social or when I cannot risk impairment of my mental state.

SNAKEJUICE makes this all to easy.

If I want to fast for 3 weeks do I need to supplement with anything else besides salt or no? Getting nosalt for potassium is impossible for I live in the baltic shithole.


These include nausea and vomiting [47], edema [48], alopecia and motor neuropathy [14], hyperuricemia and urate nephropathy [49], irregular menses [49], abnormal liver function tests and decreased bone density [17], thiamine deficiency and Wernicke encephalopathy [50, 51], and mild metabolic acidosis [52]. Additionally, several deaths have been reported during or immediately following therapeutic fasting, with the etiologies including lactic acidosis, small bowel obstruction, renal failure, and cardiac arrhythmias [53].

The adverse events described above have only occurred during or following extended fasts of several weeks or more, and have not been reported in trials of shorter more frequent fasts


>SNAKEJUICE makes this all to easy
It really does. Except I don't use cayenne.
People who only fast with pure water are doing it all wrong.

Can't you buy potassium chloride powder there?
Because you need it, along with the salt.

Get a life.


stop posting. no one here listens to you and no one here will ever listen to you.

Says the faggot with the muscle mass of a boy who has not reached puberty.

Nope. Only have 130 mg tablets which are costly as fuck. I've fasted for a week with just salt and I felt fine, but I do feel cautious continuing.

it's like you're getting paid to do this.

what kind of workout at the gym maximises weight loss while in a keto fasted state. ive been doing 4x15


bumped because I always thaught of fasting as some hippie new-age bullshit, but there's actually solid science behind it.
Fung is GOAT, I realized I never really understood the role and interaction of insulin in relation to blood sugar and fat storage/depletion

I've been doing IF for 6 months now+ keto. I'm 3 lbs away from my goal weight, and I'll stop keto once I'm there, but keep the IF. It just works, plus it's super convenient to not eat in the morning, I have all the time I need to workout and even shitpost a bit

Not only does it work, but it gets really effortless after a while, and it kinds of "disciplins" your cravings. Ending keto I don't even feel remotely attracted to the sweet stuff, candy, jam, desserts.
I'm just happy to start eating bread, oats, pasta and bananas again.
My idea of a "cheat" is a platter of cheese with a bottle of red with the lads or a qt, the only reason I feel compelled to cheat is not even cravings, it's just to not be that turbo-autist who imposes his lifestyle on social gathering. I eat and drink whatever is given to me, and if it's too much, I fast 'til 6-7 pm the next day with a heavy workout and it's done.

The idea you're too weak to work out fasted doesn't apply to 95% of this board. Athletes must eat because they train for performance. Regular (You) lifting complaining about weakness and dizziness is pure placebo or dehydration.

I use the cayenne in combo with ACV and lemon juice for the SNAKEPOTIONS.
My SNAKEJUICE is 4-5grams of potassium chloride with 2-3 grams of Himalayan salt

>People who only fast with pure water are doing it all wrong.
That is what I did a couple of times. Man I felt so shitty.

certain kinds of wine and cheese are keto friendly anyway mang, my go to cheat meal is rice

Man, search for Now Foods Potassium Chloride powder, i'm sure you' ll find it

That's what I use. I bought it on amazon.

Will fasting cure my autism?

If you're overweight it can help you reveal your dick's final form by removing the pad of pubic fat.

I got mine from a Belgium brewery supply store.

Damn, that price is great

Fasting again from tommorow. Gonna have one last feast today. Cant fucking wait

>ACV and lemon juice for the SNAKEPOTIONS.
RIP your teeth

Drink in one go and wash mouth afterwards.

wait do you add it to your Snakejuice or not? Cause you should not

No I don't add it in.
I keep my SNAKEJUICE and SNAKEPOTIONS separate.

fasted for 8 days with snakejuice so far. weight went from 318 to 297. drink sips and other calorie free sweet shit during fast. no side effects. had food on sat/sun. weight up to 304. back to fasting. it's working.

reminder that both avocado fag and the canadian desert animal are well respected, widely loved and high quality posters in this general

sips and other shit will still kick you out of autophagy nigger, eg no skin/brain benefits

So what the fuck is a snake potion and snake juice? What are they for? I might try and live on snake juice. Going for a 3 week fast

SNAKEJUICE is for jour electorlytes.
water, potassium, sodium and some trace elements mixed together. snakediet on yt has more on it,

SNAKEPOTIONS are for liver and kidney function.
Applecider vinegar, lemon juice and cayenne pepper.
mix the cayenne pepper in before the rest otherwise it goes like a fountain.
Take these potions max twice a day and don't fuck up your teeth.

>Take these potions max twice a day and don't fuck up your teeth.

Are you not supposed to brush your teeth while fasting?

Pepper goes into snake juice

FUGGG, forgot baking soda

That is dryfasting.

You can if you like, the cayenne pepper keeps the baking soda and ACV from being a volcano.

>That is dryfasting.

But it's fine on a water fast, right?

I brush my teeth a couple times a day when waterfasting.You'll be fine.

Just don't swallow the toothpaste.

My friend you saved my ass it ships to my shithole except it costs 18 yurop shillings for shipping. Welp guess that is the price to pay for living here

Glad to have been of help.
5 grams max per day, a kilo should last 200 days. 200 days of not eating will save some money.

Happy fasting!

Completely new to fasting. About to go to sleep to finish my first 24 hour water-only fast. Do I need to "break" my fast in any particular way in the morning, or can I just eat normally?

You can eat normaly. Special refeeding is only needed after long fasts.

You might get the shits, happens to quite a few after the first fast.

Going low carb will keep you burning fat for longer (more or less).

Thanks breh. Here I go 3 weeks or bust

Thanks so much!

Good point with the low-carb note. Now that you mention it, I'll probably just start a week or two of keto in the morning since I'm already 24 hours in without carbs. Cheers, user.

>the shits

After not eating for even a day the gut can get a bit upset. When introducing food you can have watershits. Happened to me, never trust a fart when fasting.

It only happened the first time for me and I've heard of other anons who had the same experience. It may or may not happen, just one of those things that can happen when fasting.

Just started doing OMAD/23:1 IF the last few days. I've been doing IF for a while now, anywhere between a 4-8 hour window but figured I'd just get all my calories in under an hour now. Can I get away with more calories this way? I feel like my weight loss has increased the last few days since I started but I've been eating roughly the same amount of calories I was doing 16:8 or 20:4.

Can confirm pure liquid shits haunt me while fasting and I do not understand why. I feel good otherwise

You can, just use scale feedback to see if it inhibits your weightloss.
The good thing with OMAD is that you insulin is low for most of the day. The risk is that if your calories are to low your metabolism will slowly go down.

>Can I get away with more calories this way?
You're maximizing your daily fat burning on IF by doing 23/1, so technically yes you can eat more calories. But then you aren't reaching the full potential of doing a 23/1 fast. So I guess if your goal is weightloss then you're slowing your potential progress. However, if you're just trying to maintain your weight then it's no problem. Just keep track of your weight day to day and see how many calories you can get away with before you start gaining weight.

Not letting this one drop off the page.

Gonna have tasty kebab or two as my last meal

For how long are you going to fast?

Does 10 days count as a long water fast or is it still on the short side? I did 5 day water fast and ate a full chicken and half a kilo of broccoli to break it and I was fine.

Any keto bros got tips for staving off the keto flu? Been cutting successfully for months now and also doing IF. Getting near the end and figured I would finally give keto a try. Really want to avoid the keto flu if at all possible though. I know about drinking bone broth, plenty of water and doing cardio. Any other tips? Also, how long does it typically take to enter ketosis and how many days in do symptoms tend to appear? I'll probably do a 20 hour fast (since I do IF anyway) before I eat my first low carb keto meal just so you know, if that makes any difference.

If you do OMAD you don't need to stay under 50 g of carbs to stay in ketosis. I eat over 100 g of carbs daily and i'm still in keto. The trick is not to eat a shitton of carbs every single day, have your meal consist mostly of fats , then protein, then carbs. You can even have a day where you eat a shitton of carbs and follow that with a 48 h fast to reset everything.

Imho fasts > a week are long fasts

I would call 5+ days a long fast in which the gradual reintroduction of food is recommended.

The issue with long fasting is that the bacteria in your gut changes. The bacteria help with the digestion of food. After long fasts they need time to get back up to speed and multiply. It all depends on your gut bacteria if you need special refeeding or not.

I would take it slow first, don't want to risk digestive issues.

So I'll need to pay some care towards what I break the fast with this time around?

If the first day re-feed goes fine though it's all systems go, right?
What should I try? Soup and pro-biotic yoghurt or something?

>I eat over 100 g of carbs daily and i'm still in keto

Electrolytes prevent keto flu. Sodium, potassium, magnesium. Get some low-salt (sodium and potassium are the important ones). Some people like Mio electrolyte drops, but I don't care for artificial sweeteners.

Break the fast by eating light things, like green vegetables and maybe some fruit, maybe snag a probiotic too.
Then the day after reintroduce meat and other stuff.

What kind of magnesium is the good one to snag in powder form?

Do you have any recommendations for how to get the electrolytes? Just some kind of a supplement or should I just eat foods that are high in sodium, potassium etc..?

Until 23.12.
Then refeed in preparation for Christmas dinner and after that fast again

Been doing keto for a couple months now basically what suggested

For very long fasts, 40+days its two weeks of juices which are advised. For ten days soup and yogurth sound good.

Then dont eat the kebabs, get some good veggies in. Your digestive system wil slow down, you want viber in there to help it along, kebabs will fuck it up.

I didn’t bring enough SNAKEJUICE to work. Finished it in the morning, feel like shit bow. Drinking some more SNAKEJUICE now I’m home, already feeling beter. This is 69hours into my fast.

I always run out of energy on the third day. I don't do any of the meme salts though. Salts = energy?

snakejuice is disgusting, I just tried drinking it and kept gagging.

So I fucked up and I think I know how. Pic fucking related... artificial flavors in these coffee pouches at work. It didn't have any artificial sweeteners built into it so I thought I was in the clear, but yesterday is the only day I had one. No other variables that I can think of can account for this except possibly water retention because I finished my snake potion later in the evening.

>12/1 - 195.6
>12/2 - 191.2
>12/3 - 187.8
>12/4 - 186.6
>12/5 - 187.0

Oh well, interested to see if it goes down tomorrow.

Salt= electrolytes = energy

Yes, you'll be less autistic when in ketosis. I'm serious.

>kebabs will fuck it up.
How? It will be digested over night

>never trust a fart when fasting.
Words to live by.

...because you're a pussy

36 hours into my first fast. I can feel my gut bubbling. I know it's gonna be a watery shit whenever it comes. Planning to eat an avocado with some lime juice and salt tonight when it hits 48 hours. Maybe some nuts if I'm still hungry, even though I haven't felt a single hunger pang since before I went to bed last night.

This shit is so easy. I thought I'd be rolling around on the ground fighting hunger but I'm actually more bored because I don't have to cook or clean up or eat now.

Probably drinking too much water too quickly. /sips/ not /gulps/

Depending on how fucked up your body is you can get this shits a lot. I've had the shits for 3 extended fasts. Only the most recent one did I first have a solid poo on day 6 (was watery before that). I think you should tough it out if you can.

Stop using my image without permission

I think you just regained some water.

Epsom Salts. Just take a bath then you don't have to drink the magnesium.

I'm doing a 24h water fast per week and I don't feel any hunger but I always end up with a slight headadhe , is it bad and should I care or just ignore it?

I'd prefer to fucking drink it

Get your electrolytes. If you're already getting them, it might just be from going into ketosis.

thanks, I'll check my electrolytes intake

fasted for the first time and had to stop at around 36 hours because of a massive headeache and some terrible backpain. Should I get some snakejuice the next time I try?