Engineering master race baby
Real engineering too, none of that desk job shit.
Engineering master race baby
Real engineering too, none of that desk job shit.
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I lift to live and live to lift. This is my world.
I bet its sound "engineering" or some other brainlet shit like that
I'm in medical school and my life is shit. I posted this in the last Veeky Forums career thread. It's still shit.
But, if I can make it to 30 without failing out or killing myself I get a 3day/week job for 300K. Couple that with societal respect and working with some very interesting patho and a fun pt population and I'll be solid. Just gotta survive the next 8 years boys.
Programming n sheit
im a khv NEET
The govt is getting into healthcare big time. By the time you get your degree perhaps there will be socialized healthcare already, and then the pay may be shit.
I've never worked a day in my life. My dad started a highly successful steel manufacturing business and has an eight figure net worth, I live in a centrally located condo that my parents purchased for me and get a $40,000 monthly stipend to do whatever I want with.
I've seen some forecasts. It works for me either way, but if I wanted to go into a surgical subpecialty I'd be salty.
Looks like procedure compensation is declining and bundled care comp is increasing. Trump gets his care plan through and it looks anything like what they tried earlier this year docs and admins make bank and nurses and midlevels are demoted to homeless status, which is unsustainable but no skin off my nose.
Engineer doing real engineering too.
whats your job mate? I'm installation engineer in the field.
What a sad meaningless existence you must have
Sound engineering
Fucking please mate
They wish they were engineers
manager at a small plastic factory making $16 an hour which sucks
low stress tho
Production engineer. Electronics based mainly but my job is multi discipline. Lot of military stuff. Proper engineering = most alpha career
In 20 years a robot will be doing your job so good luck m8s
>He listens to tech news about tech
Right on user, stay optimistic.
>Production engineer
sorry m8 the only alpha engineering is oil and gas related engineering.
>The Virgin production engineer
>The Chad Oil and gas engineer
Construction tradie ,
Im in Australia now so make loads of bux, pay was shit in Europe
Work in the sun all day with my bros, get mired by stay at home wives.
>mfw I manufacture, program and maintain literal robots for a living
So you are a fucking gardener? aahahahhahahaha
Oil and gas engineers just sit around all day and when something goes wrong you swap out a control card I literally manufactured, tested and sent to you.
Good luck when oil becomes too hard to get to m8
>be physics undergrad
>barely scrape by with a 3.0 GPA in physics classes
>switch to nuclear engineering for graduate school
>everything is fucking easy now, homework is simply busy work instead of actually thought-provoking or challenging shit
>3.9 GPA as a graduate student
holy shit why didn't I do this from the start
I'm an industrial engineering student.
College is killing me and I've barely got time for training. Will this be worth it?
"Real Engineering".
Fuck off brainlet - Installation "Engineers" are just one step up from a plumber.
>Good luck when oil becomes too hard to get to m8
Oh the peak oil meme. They said by 2000 there won't be any oil and in the current year it's price is the lowest ever.
Lot of oil and gas engineers round my way who go offshore and they are literally ALL getting cucked by their wives while they are away
I operate a marina forklift, do general contracting, and am trying to get 1on1 muay thai personal training going.
I plan on becoming a medical microbiologist when I get bored of this.
>real engineering
you mean like tanks? because that's my job
Gg m8
Proper engineering
Studying Finance
Biology research.
It's the stupidest shit in the world.
Stay the fuck away from biology unless you're happy losing an extra decade of your life before making any money.
>implying you will ever make money
Have fun with your 80 hr/week residency and 100 hr/week fellowship
substitute teacher pending acceptance into grad school for psychology
Just finished law, starting as a corporate lawyer. Right on my way to be full Patrick Bateman.
>unless you're happy losing an extra decade of your life before you even get a small chance at getting a job with money.
It's generally alright
The GI bill, Veeky Forums. How useful would it be for, say, a business degree?
studying web development, sure it's not programming or anything but I like designing and spent years managing luxury retail stores which was terrible so it can't be worse than that.
Flooring and goldsmithing. Learning mechatronics in trade school but it seems to be bullshit
>the state of modern man
Soon you'll 40 with no actual skills or experience. Good luck with the plan S boyo
Drive a semi, home every day
He enjoys it. Fuck is your problem?
Consulting in the energy sector desu
It's okay, get to travel a bit and on £38k at 25y/o
Sure m8 but if they can do high level tasks like surgery then we're going to be extinct in about 25 years so keep your "utopia tech will adjust for my mediocrity" story to yourself next time
This. It's the classic dunning kruger effect. People think a doctor's job is just making an incision, a small cut then some sewing. Same thing with a bunch of other jobs. Truth is, the level of complexity involved in highly intellectual jobs like engineering and MDs is insane and most laymen can't even begin to comprehend it.
>Soon you'll 40 with no actual skills or experience
Yeah except his dad will mentor him on how he got successful. He also would have received a top tier education school wise putting him miles ahead of smucks like you.
>hurrr the modern man, cant do anything himself!
You fucking realize for the ENTIRELY of human history until only recently the most successful were found through nepotism and mentorship. Thats why the army has always been so popular because it was the only way for a nobody to be somebody.
people in 80s unironically though we would have flying cars by now
Web developer
Taught myself after finishing high school, didn't want to waste money on uni. First job was a piece of shit, put me off programming for a few months. Then found a remote job that I love.
Highly recommend web dev for the autonomy.
nice, I'm this user
do you do more front end or back end? I kind of hate the back end side of things as I prefer design.. how hard was it for you to get a job?
What’d you teach yourself to do? Any certs?
I wasted 2 years in academia/research. Holy shit the level of incompetence in those government sponsorer leeches is amazing. Moonwalked right out of that shit and am now an R&D engineer in a private firm. Good stuff. Can't believe i almost fell for the whole science research meme
HTML & CSS, Javascript (jQuery & React.js)
Put all my projects on Github and made a portfolio
Applied to every place I could find (even senior positions). is great for jobs (if you don't mind shitty startup culture)
If you want a remote job:
Degrees or bootcamps don't matter, just if you can do the job
>never worked a day in his life
>daddy seems to give money to fuck around
Ofc u're right about the mentorship. His post on the otherhand applies he's sitting around spending daddys cash. He didnt mention education for a reason mate
NEET lol
Also web developer. I work for a global IT services company (think Canonical, Suse) doing mostly java web applications.
It's dull shit, but it's challenging.
Network "engineer" honestly even I hate the fact we're called engineers, it's stupid easy work.
Nowadays they call everything an engineer. It's bothersome as fuck. I have to constantly turn job offers down because most companies seem to think someone with a masters in electrical engineering is an electrician or something.
Most ppl in HR are outright fucking stupid.
Agreed. Engineer used to mean something
It still does. We have to make it “our word”
>Engineering master race
get back to me when you don't decide to place serviceable things in literally the hardest spot to get to.
I'm a mechanic and somewhere after the 70's engineers decided it would be funny if they started putting things we need to get at under, behind or in places that are not accessible.
you dumb fucks forget about maintenance and cause such a price increase in repair cost because of all the extra man hours needed. not only a problem in vehicles , but pretty much everything
what do you guys think is the most important thing to learn for web dev?
I'm one year into a two year diploma and so far we've learnt css, html, javascript (to an extent) and php (to an extent).
I'm not a fan of js/php but I guess it's important to know.
>We have to make it “our word”
That's inspiring shit right there. I don't know how to go about this tho. Currently i'm doing engineering field work but i'll have to switch soon. Bit afraid that i won't be able to find real engineering work tho after that, especially that i'm thinking about switching fields. Most of my buddies have the same problem, they've had jobs which hadn't challenged them at all.
>I hate the fact we're called engineer
you do know what engineer means right? by the very definition of the word you are one
Learn JS well, and a framework. React.js is very useful right now, tons of jobs for it. You can also go into back end and learn Node.js.
I was under the impression that projects were usually split up, and that some people worked on the back end and some on the front end, what if I only wanted to work front end?
Gambling. Only issue is that I work more hours than if I had a "real" job.
Depends on the size of the project/company. If it's small, you might end up working on both.
Yeah that's true. You can work only front end if you want.
any sites you'd recommend to really improve my back end skills? w3 schools has some good tests and things to help you learn in small fragments
oh.. well maybe I should look into learning some graphic design on the side too so I can be more of a visual designer in general.. I just fucking hate actual programming, I just want to make aesthetic shit, I feel like Veeky Forums would appreciate that.
Sry i'm not a web dev, just an electrical engineer so i can't help you out with specifics. However, what i do know is that the best way to learn is to find a good mentor. I know that can be hard or seemingly impossible but if you can, it's amazing.
well I study it so really I should have no problem, I had a fucking 16yo kid writing half my back end assessments, he was that good.. probably get one of the lecturers to help me more though.
Freecodecamp also has a back end section.
Think of something you want to make (or clone) that has a back end and go about it, you'll learn more that way
For graphic design, I recommend doing the Daily UI challenge (
Most of the jobs I see (mainly because of my skillset possibly) are "full-stack"; they want someone who can do both front-end and backend.
But there is also the expectation that full-stack developers aren't necessarily as hooked into the javascript pop culture. You should be able to talk about a modern framework (react, angular) like you know something.
For backend, Java, Python, Node are all popular in my part of the world.
nice, thanks!
fair enough
I'm in Australia, the market here seems significantly smaller.. I get the feeling once I start working I'll pick things up more, still have an entire year left of study anyway.
Computer science, engineering and mathematics are literally the only fields you need to focus on if you want to make money later in life and have a safe job.
That being said I'm computer scientist
Yes I know that it is technically engineering, but there is a clear distinction between my lame ass programming routers and switches, and the dude designing bridges that will stand for tons of pressure.
Sales manager at a huge haulier company.
>employed at 21 with a shitty english degree
>promoted to manager a few months ago at 23
>double the pay I started with, but still not great
>good friends with commercial director due to a night out where we ran into each other, he tells me - informally - he has big plans for me
As Jim Jefferies said, I've come further than a man with my looks or intellect should. But not much time to lift and do shit because working a lot sometimes even from home on the weekends.
I've got some offers from an insurance company to go work for them and the pay I hear is absolutely fucking insanely high if you're good/lucky, but not sure if I should go for it, because I really like it hear and people respect and appreciate me.
Help and mentoring aren't the same thing m8
jokes on you, radiosurgery does not make incisions
medical professionals are the gatekeeper of drugs though, nothing a bill can't take away nevertheless
How's that going for you.
I hang out over at Veeky Forums and trade bitcoin to pay the rent an gym
Living the dream
lol, not in my industry.
What kind of doctor works 3day/week and makes 300k?
If you don't enjoy working 80h+ I believe you're in the wrong profession friend.
i have a masters degree in CS and nothing pisses me off more than hipster fucking web developers fresh out of highschool
fuck off you rastaman with ear gauges
Law school. Finals are pretty shit and I can't do anything but cardio right now because my arm decided to form 3 new fucking blood clots for the first time in 3 years. Pretty shitty desu, but at least I have a qt gf for the moment
Fund & Corporate administration.
Feels good man.
>studying for that chartered accountant
>promoted earlier than expected
>given charge of 1 client and being prepped to take on another big one
>made mad social gains since I started
Hope to transfer to an asset manager at some point, it looks like I'd enjoy it.
Was a white paper analyst for a political think tank in the UK. Then i became disillusioned with it all and became a PT. Then i developed a throat condition where i cant talk and now i do security
You're the one who spent hundreds of thousands of $$, and even worse, wasted time, on a degree when you could have just got a job out of HS.
Stay mad
BcCS Junior (we call it software engineering around here tho), part time waiter, granny's bux enthusiast
Research assistant. I write Python all day to analyze videos. P comfy but after graduation (currently writing Masters thesis) I'll have to look for something else.
I studied telecommunications engineering so apart from software dev and data science stuff I can also get into the actual telecomms shit.
What do if I'm studying to be a chemical engineer?
It makes me miserable, but not as miserable as I'd be if I was wageslaving for someone else. The main issue right now is that my hourly rate is terrible, I need to "work" most waking hours, 6 days a week just to get by. I still find it somewhat fulfilling, but I definitely can't keep going on like this. I either need to make more money overall or manage to work less and live of less money.
Dude what the fuck, are you me
>tfw currently research assistant
>writing python all day to analyze audio
>currently writing masters thesis
>job is pretty comfy but after graduation I'll have to switch
>studied telecommunications engineering
>shitpost occasionally on Veeky Forums
What tier is mechanical engineering?
t. mechanical engineer
what does a mechanical engineer do?
t. neet
And those digits.
What country are you from, user?