Faces of Veeky Forums

Faces of Veeky Forums

Haven't seen one of these in a while.

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r8 my jaw genetics

they get deleted cuz ppl report them and you get told to go to /soc/

Round desu

Nigga you kawaii.

I'm not enough of a fag to browse /soc/
Always tempted to participate in these though

i'd like you fuck my gf bro

it is called a cbt nigga


ma nigga you look like a sims 3 character

This is a face that attracts exclusively fat and/or ugly girls. R8.

Sick Emolga hoodie.


Surprised you get girls at all, complete cuckface
Great eye area, good facial thirds.
narrow-faced deathnikk cuck :cage:
Horrible, BBC with cuck physiognomy = O G R E


Norse+Cuban. Only good pic of me atm.

>try to spread some positivity for once
>get accused of samefag
I mean I could write paragraphs about his retruded mandible and likely non-existent ramus, but I wanted to be nice because I recognized some good features for once.

>mfw people are shitting on his face
If he can't get girls then I must literally disgust them when they look at me

Whats up guys?

Post yours and let us be the judges.

This is the B*C poster, MOOOOODS
He's shitting up everything

Got that Chad Kroger ramen hair, neat look.

Short face, skull looks small
Good lower third, subhuman everything else, horrible coloring and hair texture.

Would bro with

Would not be bro with

this is Francisco Lachowski, objectively the most attractive man to ever live

Forgot pic

>inb4 some dyel who doesn't post his face rates me

>dyel brown twink


would not bro with. what an ugly fucking faggot.


you look like the type of guy who cries when his girlfriend's boyfriend yells at him for not doing the dishes

respect the >inb4 nerd lmao

I want him to bend me over and ravage me 2bqfh



lmao how long does a face have to be then?
I'm pretty sure I'm perfectly average in everything

Yeah we'd be bros mate

He looks pretty feminine desu

There's no real absolute measurement (above ~190mm is normal for males) but it's proportionately short, you could do wit ha few mm of lower third height.

lol anything else


>collar buttoned to top


needs to adopt healthy sleep habits/10

That's Togedemaru, the electric/steel gen 7 equivalent.

I hate my dark circles, how do I get rid of them? I already sleep 8-9 hours a day

You look like Matt Damon's son
Or Mark Wahlbergs nephew

You look a biy like the gooseman

I'm so unhappy, Veeky Forums.

I think you're all gorgeous, friends

>normie kind of a handsomeness
>easy 6+/10
>still complains
I don't understand people here, most of you look fine. I hope you're unhappy from something other than your looks

sup fellas

You look like the guy that goes to my gym, if so you do your deadlifts in the wrong direction. where are you from?

Also you look like Ryan Cooper

I try really hard to maintain my hygiene/trim beard etc. its life that's getting me down. standard shit, school/work/people

Oh hey /soc/


you look so happy, that's great

Just took this right now

Roast me bois

flip your pictures my dude. also if you smile you'd look a lot better.

Greetings go out to all my manlet bros in the pit

just shave and trim appropriately for goodness sake.


You should transition and hop on my cock

Short faces are more attractive dummy

nice jaw boyo, i can tell its gonna be ghud when you get a lot older if you keep lifting and dont get chubbyface

>unironically posting my face on a Mauritanian fat fetishism forum

jontron's been working out



>brown eyes

Like this?


Good skin, good eyebrows, fine. Pretty good for an Asian, would look great if you lost face fat.

>jaw genetics
Your jaw looks quite round and your lips are positioned awkwardly. You might have bad oral posture.



Good, consider cutting your hair and undoing your top button


Not "ugly fucking faggot" or "the type of guy who cries when his girlfriend's boyfriend yells at him for not doing the dishes", although your horn-rimmed glasses and sweater play into that.
Nice colours, square chin.

Another nice square chin, but a narrow jaw. You might have bad oral posture. You would benefit from shorter hair on the sides to make your face squarer.


Shave your chin

Nice colours and nice hairs

Good, consider shaving


Good, consider shaving

None of you are ugly. Just keep your lips together, teeth together and tongue on the roof of your mouth. Nose breath only. Chew gum and eat tough foods.
Most importantly, don't look in the mirror. Never care about things that you can't change.


Nice try but all the smallest races in the world have brown eyes


The tallest and strongest races in the world have blue


>None of you are ugly. Just keep your lips together, teeth together and tongue on the roof of your mouth. Nose breath only. Chew gum and eat tough foods.
This is really good advice and I'm Btw I do need to shave and get a haircut but my barber closed down recently so I'm kind of scrambling to find a decent replacement that can do the basic male cut.

could become chad if you fix hair

The sweater is to keep me cozy while lifting in my homegym in the Alaskan winters

honestly if you got contacts you'd be fine. I can tell you're handsome af. Also shave that goddamn stubble on the bottom of your chin. You have a nice jaw, show it off.


>brown eyes
>could become Chad
pick one

Tongue on the roof of mouth? Why

>brown eyes can't be cha-

Meds have brown eyes though, and they were the pinnacle and foundation of Western Civ, so... I mean, you jerk off Ancient Greece every day on this board, and you push forward the "shiteyes" meme? Please.

Ah, so you're a samefag.

>brown eyelets need surgery to achieve Chad
That's for proving my point

Ancient Greeks had blue and green eyes. Their current shit eyes comes from a thousand years on mixing with Turks and being conquered by Muslims

To support your maxilla and prevent vertical facial growth. Pushing your tongue onto the roof your mouth promotes mandible upswing (forward jaw) and mid face growth (prominent cheek bones, hollow cheeks). Also, pushing your tongue onto the roof of your mouth immediately tightens the skins underneath your chin and extends the corners of your jaw.

Haha thanks mate

I’ll take that, thanks
I’m pretty sure i DL correctly, am from Norway

Thx for the love and good advice. I’ve recently realised I look way better in pics if I don’t smile

Ah, it's more "we wuz Nords" shit. Funny how it's always Nordics who are acting like KANGZ.

>muh current Greeks are rapebabies
>but muh Nordic genes are closer to actual Greeks
>muh ancestorz

Was intended for

nigga are you studying in Beppu?

>The tallest and strongest races in the world have blue.
Try for green eyes next life you blue eyed beta.

Try harder next time eyenigger

Hi eric andre's lost fat son

>Any of those countries.
>A good example of white people.
You have blue eyes, like a little girl. Asians will like you, but that's about as far as your eye color will get you. You're more likely to experience nearly every type of eye ailment there is compared to the other colors. Green eyes are the best and you're just baiting.

Eyyyyyy I'm eatin gabbagool ovah heyuh

>posts non-blue eye'd üntermensch to try and argue that blue eyes aren't superior


Those are germans.

Lookismcel r8 me.

What does that have to do with not having blue eyes, brainlet