How does lifting affect your skin?
A trainer at my gym said I should expect to start getting more pimples since lifting will raise my test. Is this accurate?
How does lifting affect your skin?
A trainer at my gym said I should expect to start getting more pimples since lifting will raise my test. Is this accurate?
People are different, it depends. These questions are pointless
*notices bulge*
What's this?
Makes your skin more flushed
Some tranny escort I fucked earlier. Saved her pictures for my "trannies I've fucked" folder.
Did your balls just drop or something? Unless you're insanely low test, I doubt it'll make a difference
Definitely one of the better ones. Voice was very feminine too, which is rare, I wonder if she had surgery.
What city?
the fuck? She looks like feels guy
Brisbane, here you go.
I'm glad I recorded our session, because she is easily the top 5% of trannies I've been with.
Anyway, back to topic, did anyone experience more pimples or is it just a meme?
The DEVIL speaks
you just derailed your own thread
Not in my City bucko, finna king hit yr boi there in the valley when he suckin pee pee 4 a cap at rics
I started getting terrible back acne after I began taking lifting seriously. Like, permanent scarring bad. Fortunately, I started using African Black Soap and scrubbing the problem areas with a washcloth; it can't undo the scarring, but pimples aren't forming anymore, which is nice. Post more of tranny.
Ay nice thought she looked familar will check "her" out
Im too autistic to ask her, how much per half hour?
i notice a correlation between my lifting and the formation of seborrheic/perioral dermatitis these days. it could be due to lifting, it could be dietary, or it could be due to lifting creating an environment more productive for bacterial growth, i don't know and wouldn't speculate.
i took accutane 6-7 years ago and have had 95% remission of acne since, so i can't give any anecdotal information regarding that.
4 you op
Wojak looks like THAT?
He couldn't become huge, so he took off the UA-Hoodie and jumped on dat dere estrogene. Now
has a feminine penis and likes to be power-bottomed by huge men
What are you gonna do, not work out because you might get acne? Just get some liv52 to protect your liver and pop some isotretinoin. Look up warning label for the latter.
Lifting does all for you skin, wanking makes my skin looks like im doing heroin every night
I know fuck all about skincare but since I started drinking coffee with 3 tablespoons butter and 3 tablespoons coconut oil every day my face looks better and feels better.
Yeah unless I eat half a kg of broccoli per day I'll get tons of pimples from lifting.
this is a sure fire way to double your test in a single week. It helps if you're not too physically fucked but regardless you'll notice a difference. For reference I have damage to one of my testicles from this stupid bitch who kicked me when I was younger and my test is healthy.
things you'll need:
>tennis/football/frisby(ultimate)/pool(race laps)/basketball
>rainbow 6 siege/dark souls
>meat, steak, fuck chicken(hormones), oysters, shrimp, tuna, etc... also avoid milk
>The sun, if not you're fucked
>full nights rest
You need to get angry as fuck for this, play sports with your pals and get angry as fuck for sucking ass or losing or being beaten and gloat like a motherfucker when you win. Siege/dark souls can be supplemented before the gym if you aren't able to play sports. Lift heavy as fuck and don't let the
>cardio kills gains and lowers test
meme get to you. It's fucking stupid, HIIT and competitive sports will get your test pumping hard as fuck. also make sure you're getting a solid 45 minutes of sunlight on your chest and back. The more competitive the sport where your heart rate gets high as fuck the better.
>but anger increases cortisol levels and decreases test
no. Stress where there is no relief increases cortisol. In sports there's a back and forth of wins and losses. Just make sure you're pushing yourself to win and the stress wont build
>protip, the more challenging the competition the higher the test boost
beating retards won't make you feel accomplished
Cold showers, meme, no fap, meme, soy, meme, onions, meme. No porn isn't a meme. Competing is the number one reason test levels are at an all time low. People don't fight physically or compete physically near as much. People don't have to prove themselves daily so they don't need the test to make them massive and your body will work efficiently to reduce your mass if thinks it doesn't need it. If you don't believe me try it.
even playing chess increases testosterone a little
>things you'll need:
Yeah unless I eat half a kg of raw onion per day I'll get tons of pimples from lifting.
Cold showers and soy arent memes you collosal twat, i used to drink soy, had tits.. Switched to almond milk and they fucking disapeared didnt they.
Also pro athletes use the cold water method to improve test.. And im not enclined to argue with that
Looks like a young mom from married with children