Having brown eyes

>having brown eyes

Why do eyelets even bother lifting?

S-Shut up!

Excuse me?

This is the Veeky Forums equivalent to that one fag who had like 70 surgeries to make himself look like a ken doll

Comically ridiculous

Blue-eye Gang woop woop!

Fuck yes

Green eyes are superior for men, blue for women.

>nigger COPE

Checking in

low test

blue eyes master race lads

Lmao ikr

>posting slavic grey eyes as cope

Brown eye niggers should be extinct

I second this

>that one nigger who gets so buttblasted that he wasted several minutes of his life bumping my thread
hahaha classic

because brown eyes are genetically speaking perfect. Any other eye-color is a mutation/genetic error.

So fuck you :^)

that refers specifically to complexion and hair WITH blue eyes. its the contrast

How can people be so butthurt just because they have brown eyes? Kek.


>TFW eyelets will never get a blue-eyed cutie

It's from old black & white movies. The white skin of the anglos looked pale and the black hair and eyes contrasted.

While what you're saying is true, it also works if you're very white and have dark hair and brown eyes. The contrast is there once again. And besides, not all brown eyes are shit tier. Chestnut brown/doggie eyes are pretty cute.

Hard to see in this lighting, but yeah I got them baby blues!

Blue-eyed couples = most attractive couples

You look like the Shermanators retarded cousin. Losing weight, you look like a dog thats been stung by a bee.

Sorry this is mean, but you just have the face i wanna punch

You could use some pore strips my dude

>he thought dark was meant in a literal way

>you look like a dog thats been stung by a bee
Fucking hell user

See It refers to white skin & dark hair, but eye color is never specified. Jesus, there are all kinds of eyes. Why are you "blue" guys so insecure? Do you secretly have some dark grey color and are overcompensating or something? Because folks like Johnny Depp or Keanu Revees have brown eyes, and I don't think anybody would call them unattractive.

Awhile back I read a study on eye colour and found blue eyes have correlation with a low pain tolerance.

One time I read that if you ingest raw onions every day you will get a 30000% boost in test!!!

That's not him breh


lil nigga can see my chakra points lol

>lifting for beauty
whatever boio
might aswell call yourself a female and start TRT since you have their mindset you faget

Just lol @ OP for not realising that it's all about eye area and not the colour. Just lol.

gandy, francisco, ballou, o'pry etc. all have beautiful eyes, no matter the color.

>brozed like the colossus of Rhodes
>amber eyes

I'm happy knowing im unique rather than fitting a certain mold.

>tfw your blue eyes have gone green with age