wtf is this?
Wtf is this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>he doesn't do weighted overhead back-snappers
but really though why does rippletits promote this shit?
I'm so autistic about my ohp form, if I don't brace correctly my back hurts. Meanwhile this guy bends 90 degrees backwards with 3 plates and is fine
he's strong though
Yeah so? The more weight he puts on the bar with that form, the more likely he is to snap his shit up.
his spinal erectors are also strong, and he's maxing out too
this is a sure fire way to double your test in a single week. It helps if you're not too physically fucked but regardless you'll notice a difference. For reference I have damage to one of my testicles from this stupid bitch who kicked me when I was younger and my test is healthy.
things you'll need:
>tennis/football/frisby(ultimate)/pool(race laps)/basketball
>rainbow 6 siege/dark souls
>meat, steak, fuck chicken(hormones), oysters, shrimp, tuna, etc... also avoid milk
>The sun, if not you're fucked
>full nights rest
You need to get angry as fuck for this, play sports with your pals and get angry as fuck for sucking ass or losing or being beaten and gloat like a motherfucker when you win. Siege/dark souls can be supplemented before the gym if you aren't able to play sports. Lift heavy as fuck and don't let the
>cardio kills gains and lowers test
meme get to you. It's fucking stupid, HIIT and competitive sports will get your test pumping hard as fuck. also make sure you're getting a solid 45 minutes of sunlight on your chest and back. The more competitive the sport where your heart rate gets high as fuck the better.
>but anger increases cortisol levels and decreases test
no. Stress where there is no relief increases cortisol. In sports there's a back and forth of wins and losses. Just make sure you're pushing yourself to win and the stress wont build
>protip, the more challenging the competition the higher the test boost
beating retards won't make you feel accomplished
Cold showers, meme, no fap, meme, soy, meme, onions, meme. No porn isn't a meme. Competing is the number one reason test levels are at an all time low. People don't fight physically or compete physically near as much. People don't have to prove themselves daily so they don't need the test to make them massive and your body will work efficiently to reduce your mass if thinks it doesn't need it. If you don't believe me try it.
even playing chess increases testosterone a little
>the more likely he is to snap his shit up.
he's strong though, you aren't.
You'll snap your shit with 2pl8, he'll do 3.5 just fine.
okay you see i see some conflictions
dark souls and sun and full nights rest just don't add up
I was feeling nervous about my ohp form until I saw this
>even playing chess increases testosterone a little
i get angry as fuck at chess
>scandinavian EVERY MATCH
no matter how we meme him he's not going to snap city anytime soon. twat has unreal strength genetics, what bothers me is that he's probably a bro too in real life
back when the press was still an Olympic lift, Oly lifters would press like this. Part of the reason it was taken out was because of injury fears, how difficult it was to quantify, and how it sort of turns into a horizontal press.
tl;dr he'll be fine
>wtf is this?
The olympic press. It's a more legit feat of strenght than deadlifts and squats, since it was an olympic event.
I'm not the guy you're replying to, but this thread isn't debating the fact if he's strong or not, no doubt this mong is strong as shit, but that doesn't justify horribly atrocious form
that pic
>don't worry bro my spinal erectors are strong
>he doesn't use the double layback
it's not atrocious form you DYEL it's an oly press
this is the OHP equivalent of powerlifters who arch their body into a perfect circle for bench
why would you do it if OHP isn't in competition though, you're getting the same gains as you would at a lower weight with a vastly increased risk of injury?
lol oly presses were banned for a reason lil buddy
also OHPing like that is going to fuck your shit up because of the shearing forces it produces on your spine
You're objectively wrong
We know it's the olympic press you faggot. It's still a shit lift that will snap you up.
>why would you do it if OHP isn't in competition though
>he doesn't know about the Starting Strength Classic.
>It's still a shit lift that will snap you up.
Name one person who snapped their shit on an oly press
Why was it removed from the olympics?
how the fuck was there no leg drive in that press? he dipped and drived as if he was jerking
>there was once a weightlifting comp called the "friendship cup"
due to politics and difficulties in judging people snap their wrists way more in snatch.
hell bench press literally kills people and yet people here act like they're the safety police
your deadlift
>can "press" 3 plates
>still looks like dog shit
why would you even risk snaping your spine in half for that?
>how the fuck was there no leg drive in that press? he dipped and drived as if he was jerking
>>there was once a weightlifting comp called the "friendship cup"
you do not understand soviet times
with the cup of friendship between soviet nations the people get records or you get gulag, so you judge like your life depends on records. because it does
the dyels' butthurt is so strong in this thread
>pajeets and americans EVERY MATCH
>lol oly presses were banned for a reason lil buddy
the reason being they're hard to judge and turn into a horizontal press
>also OHPing like that is going to fuck your shit up because of the shearing forces it produces on your spine
and squats are bad for your knees, right Dr. user?
You know I've always wondered, could you actually snap your back doing an OHP like this, or would something else give before that happened (ie you would just fall over)?
At what point does it stop being an OHP and turn into a standing BP? This form is shit and it's just egolifting. He is NOT OHP 3 pl8.
Well yeah it's surely not an "official" OHP but it's impressive whatever you want to label it
>also OHPing like that is going to fuck your shit up because of the shearing forces it produces on your spine
You sure mean compressive forces, right user? Or are you talking out your ass again?
Not really. He's basically BP 3pl8 in a dangerous way. It's impressive in the same way seeing someone doing neck curls or otherwise misusing equipment is impressive.
Isn't there some rule in some lol-fed about your upper back not leaning behind your butt at any point?
Yeah, because it breaks form and makes it easier to put up because you recruit new muscles into the lift. It ceases to be an OHP.
because it's not an overhead press like you see in gyms, it's an olympic layback press. If he were attempting a regular, stricter OHP, then yes it would be considered "bad"
>Any female should be proud when you breed them. Make sure she’s sturdy. The spawn will be genetically superior.
>Somewhere a Kardashian is jealous af..
>315 is 315 - pretty hard to pick on form at that weight. Insane man. Awesome.
>normie comments
>The olympic press
>Although it looks like he is very close with 455.25, he couldn't quite lock his arms and stand erect
>stand erect
The olympic press needed you to clean the weight from the floor and then press it, that back bent was not how it was supposed to be performed, it's too exaggerated, besides the same photo says he didn't made the lift
Here you can see people actually pressing and it looks the same way it is performed in gyms, standing erect. There is some bending, but no where near the one in the photo
>not doing Lumbar Snaps
Get with the time Gramps
Youre not as smart as you tjink buddy
>Any female should be proud when you breed them. Make sure she’s sturdy. The spawn will be genetically superior.
don't try and tell me this wouldn't be out of place in a Veeky Forums thread
why are they cleaning and snatching with a split stance
this shit is bizzare
More like incline pressing 3pl8 with instability as a junior. Still impressive, regardless what you think about the risk of injury.
>layback press
From a general fitness perspective, there are actually two layback press forms. One is beneficial and the other is not.
One "style" involves pushing the bar a little, quickly leaning back, and locking your arms, then using your abs to stand erect. This turns the press into an ab exercise and is dangerous.
The beneficial style of layback press involves using a lean back to do a standing incline bench press that ends with an erect body, shoulders shrugged, and the bar above the head. This method is a great exercise. It uses uses more muscle mass than both incline bench and the military press and avoids the shoulder impengement problems a bench can cause.
The Starting Strength book actually teaches the beneficial method and NOT the dangerous lock the arms and use your abs method.
Incline bench press without the bench.
It would be very easy to produce a large shear on your spine from that position. the slightest bend and you're fucked. the compressive forces are not particularly high. less than a decent squat. i see no reason whatsoever to perform this lift. it's an incline press without a bench. you can do this much more safely with resistance band decline push up.