
So there are now studies that prove listening to music while lifting actually lowers test, who here has taken the /nomusicpill/?

I stopped listening to all music a week ago, and my test has increased dramatically. I feel more energetic, I don't need as much sleep, I keep getting random boners, and all my lifts have gone up.

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>I stopped listening to all music a week ago, and my test has increased dramatically

Thats what you get for listening to kpop in the first place


I started using onions as ear plugs while lifting and have noticed I constantly get random erections and feel like punching people.


I don't listen to music at the gym but purely because I hate the cable getting in the way and I'm too cheap to shell out for wireless headphones, so away the music goes.

Just buy the $20 ones from amazon. Ive had mine for several months without issue.

the votes are in

Yeah, Im going to need source on that.


We didn't need two thread sfor this shit.

stop replying to anti-onion slide threads
report and SAGE

Wasnt it just one study?

Carried out by a bunch of nobodies?

Who took two samples of blood minutes apart and were surprised to see levels of every thing went down in the second blood sample for some magically unknown reason

is the sound quality absolute trash

The effect of the nomusic pill comes from the fact that music tend to hype you up and so raise your cortisol levels. While this is okay when you are training, you don't need more hype when you're not training. The same reason why lifting lowers testosterone during the training, but it quickly goes back up after.
>tl;dr listen to music when you train or during competitions or when you un general need an adrenalin spike. Don't listen to music in other moments because relaxation will raise your test.
>males are made to hunt in silence outside the social group for hours or days. They use music only in social groups and in fighting/battles (another function of the military drums is to hype you up).

Stop using pictures like this for OP

I'll take the most retarded thing I've heard all day for $200, Alex

haha yeah except this
please dont bump it, just laugh


Gym blasts shitty music streamed directly from youtube it's the only reason I even listen to my anime songs

I don't know about the lower test levels but when I lift I do it without music so that I can focus on trying to get a good squeeze on the muscle and not fuck up my form.

>not purposely doing everything you can to lower your test to make the workout even harder

what if i have tininitus?

>onion pill
tolerated it a bit, seemed cool and harmless

ugh wat dude. Pic related.

Also link related archive.is/9Dvqe


lmao same


Put the cord underneath your shirt

Stays out of the way

>not listening to drill music
never gonna make it

>tfw no gf

God, people on Veeky Forums will believe and argue about whatever the fuck you say if you just preface it with "so there are now studies that prove".

No-music pill also is a positive for social gains, nobody talks to a guy whose wearing earbuds or headphones.

>nigger speaking in ebonics
Ayo ayo who dis muffuga smhfam bix nood

I drive around my city at night listening to music on studio headphones in my miata pretending I'm a cyber beat-cop looking for crime, its super cool because my city still uses those orange lamps and is constantly overcast, causing sick atmosphere lighting. Plus at two in the morning nobody is on the roads. Shits so cash.

>tfw no tittymonster cousin to share lewd snaps with.

>not watching pornhub on your phone between sets and listening to it during.

I wish this was true people always say something to me then I have to take out my earbud and pause my shit and say "what?" then they act like I'm in the wrong. Just tap me on the shoulder or some shit and give me a sec.

No music, no fap, cold showers, onions, garlic, sleep on the floor, no pillow

don't forget to walk really slow and hold your arms out in a Y while you're at it.

delete this

tinnintus = always stressed = cortisil = low test? are we gunna make it?

Add blotmaxxing and you're set

How can Veeky Forums fall for so many memes but are too pussy to pin?

people with low test are demonstrably more gullible

>not lifting to comfy fantasy novels about drinking tea and occasionally slaying the forces of darkness
>making it

literally transferring the last wish to my player as I type this

Thanks user


>Bavarian 51%
Whites win again.


>Cortisol works with epinephrine (adrenaline) to create memories of short-term emotional events; this is the proposed mechanism for storage of flash-bulb memories, and may originate as a means to remember what to avoid in the future.[34] However, long-term exposure to cortisol damages cells in the hippocampus;[35] this damage results in impaired learning. Furthermore, cortisol inhibits memory retrieval of already stored information.[36][37]

No wonder I'm a brainlet.

>that feel when no kinda related gf

To what end, Veeky Forums? What else is left? Are we fighting for an end when there is no end?