Does this shit also include male/female sexual intercourse? or is this for the ultrawizards only?
Nofap or nosex?
>the nofap cult, created to force you to talk with real women, now prohibits you to fuck
Oh am I laffin.
A single retarded OP asking if nosex is a thing doesn't mean everyone who does nofap thinks nosex is a thing. Same reason why a million people asking if """"edging"""" is okay doesn't mean everyone thinks edging is okay. It's not. What, if you fap but don't cum, it's not fapping? That's retarded. It's just fapping without cumming. Or looking pictures of naked women and then saying it's not "porn" it's "art" or some shit. Come on.
that one is noporn
I'm so tired of seeing these dumb ass threads that you don't bother googling firsthand before posting.
NoFap has a god damn 60 page guide book. Go read it.
No-sex is the most retarded thing I've heard in my life.
No-Fap is for virgins/Wizards who want to be able to get sex.
No-Porn is a viable regimen that I'm currently undergoing. Make vanilla sex great again, get rid of deviant fetishes.
>my simple shitpost, created to mock the OP, has baited a poor brainlet
Oh am I laffin.
Screw you! How could I know it was a shitpost! You god damn BASTARD! FUCK YOU! Why the FUCK do you FUCKING think it's FUCKING okay to FUCKING laugh about this FUCKING shit right FUCKING here? FUCK man, some FUCKING people make me so FUCKING angry, it's FUCKING infuriating. FUCK you, you FUCKING asshole piece of FUCKING shit.
sex isn't as bad because it takes some effort to achieve whereas masturbating requires none
Sounds like you're wanting to fuck.
i think i have to do no-Veeky Forums to do no-porn
which might be a pretty good idea actua;l;y
Sex is the goal, keep having sex with your gf while staying nofap so you always have maximum dick power.
No fap gives you dick gains when having sex
I'm on nosex since I was born and that's why I'm on Veeky Forums
3 weeks no fap
go vegan
fapped 5 hours ago
Woke up for work
I felt very over my handsome iq!
Mind blow
Funnily enough, since I started I've being coming way more to Veeky Forums.
I guess I have some free time.
Veeky Forums is a blue board, you should be fine
If you have sex regularly there's literally no reason to even bother with nofap.
> Be on nofap day 40
> Wandered into /gif/
Oh god
Aragorn mode here
I just dont know what to feel anymore. Sometimes I'm "begone thot",sometimes I feel lonely, sometimes I just want to rape women
If I don't fap I cum after like five minutes. I currently fap like 2-3 times a day and bang my gf once or twice at night. Wat do
>having sex regularly
>using Veeky Forums
pick one faggot
>tfw day one of nofap
doing noporn here, as some user said that it was okay to masturbate to memories of rl grills...which it was I think. Gradual but sure change, maybe with nolvadex, onion pill as well...
But I wonder, when I fap to rl girls I still get the usual depressive after affects when the body tries to replenish itself. For a day or so. So one day after a memory fap. I took additional zinc and my libido got back to normal levels the following day, when it kinda didnt before.
So I wondered...can you make a cocktail to reduce all the minerals lost in fapping? I think that about 30mg zinc at least should be in it?
post em
just gotta hide wheyfu, fitbabe, cbt, and any other thread with attractive women.
Fap once a day with super hard grip, this will slowly give you death grip dick. Just make sure to stop before you over do it and get to the point where you last 30 mins or even dont cum at all.
I'm on day 3 boys
It really isn't that bad, although I wasn't addicted to porn in the first place
Lmao at the thought of people actually memeing themselves into this voluntarily. One of the most stupid things I've seen kek
If a girl gives me a handjob, is it still nofap?