/plg/ Powerlifting General


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First for this is important.

Ooh yeash

made for big bencher cock

Hit 120KG back squat for 3x5 today. It felt really good as my legs felt a bit sore during warm ups and my foot felt awkward. Didn't even know if i was going to get it for 3 reps but thankfully i felt good. This is important as i only got 3 reps last week out and had deloaded at 115KG before, feels good to get out of 110s after a month.

Tomorrow, I'm aiming to hit 40kg on the db bench press.

way more impressed with your db desu I can do bit over lmao3pl8 but struggled with 35 for 8 when I tried it


iley u neber lern


Reminder that we're gonna have a swedish world champion next year

Is chemo anabolic then?

>pulls sumo
im telling you guys every WR under 242 has been pulled sumo why you guys havent hopped over to it already baffles me

you dont need to do an ultra wide stance

In 5 sessions, you reckon you can hit 50kg. DB press is a slightly different movement pattern and requires more proprioception and stabilisers for the isolateral movement. Might be a fun goal if you don't have any training scheduled.

i could do 40kg on db for 4 reps when i had trouble benching 85kg for 5

might focus on it after 2 pl8 ohp or 240 dl since I'm running out of goals when I hit 200 Sq and 140 binch

250 squat and 180 bench are nice goals

>havent eaten and trained for the past 4 days
>finally decided to go to gym today
It was the worst and the best session at the same time. Fuck i'm gonna be sore tomorrow. Thanks for reading my blog.


I don't quite get how RDLs hit the hams? What do the hams do? When I look at the movement it's literally just the spinal errectors doing work?
Yet my hams are sore since 3 days - even though I was convinced that due to my short ROM i wouldn't even hit them, since I only go down to above knees.

Hip extension obviously. They cross the hip joint.

the hamstrings have 2 functions
1. flexing the knee
2. extending the hip

in the deadlift and squat they serve the 2nd function, with different emphasis obviously

True but those are minimum 2-3 years goals unless I go full bloatlord mode meanwhile the do and ohp should be achieved in 1-2 year if no injuries

It's crazy. It's been three days and the soreness just has reached its max.
I want to get strong hams now.

Are you retarded?

ohp will go up as bench goes up if you practice the movement on a regular basis(not heavy per se)

maybe not at the ideal rate but it will go up. If you bench 180kg you better ohp at least 100kg

is it smart to do a whole c6w cycle but with paused bench?


Owen Hubbard couldn't OHP 100kg for a while. Meanwhile he benched 200kg+

probally because he did not practice the movement enough, also maybe because he benches very wide

if you do it light for high reps after bench it'll go up

Do leg curls for the hams to target them

Anyone who sits a lot is going to have weak hams

according to that study leg curls are the worst thing you can do for the hams

makes sense tho since leg flexion is not needed in the deadlift

this study

Why is candito such a great guy?

I'm 8kgs away from 100 ohp I doubt ill need to hit 180 binch first


>hit 4x6 @80% easy
>next week
>10 rep max set @80%
>form feels like garbage and I fail at 6 reps
>do the extra emom squats but realize doing emom won't work
>try and hit a plain 5x3
>Fail third set

Am I an ultra gde? What the fuck is wrong with me? How do I even continue from here?

Not true i ohp 3 times a week and my bench keeps going up while my ohp goes down. Tbf i dont really care about ohp, but you said it will go up no matter what.

Lower your training max.

Lowered by 2.5% as the program says but how do I recover from this level of mental tilt? I'm supposed to go even harder on Friday.

Bad sessions happen. Bad blocks, bad training cycles happen. Find your mindset, take something away from a previous training session that you can build off of. Focus on that, and try to improve on that. Most importantly, get a good night's sleep and eat well leading up to it.

Can't you up your calories and do Friday work on Saturday. Im not familiar with c6w but I don't see why it wouldn't work

Lmoa just lift. c6w is the only program i can always do without failing. You must be huge gde if you struggle with it. Next session i want you to go to the gym say to yourself im gonna lift it and then lift it.

i've had a bad 6 years of training how do i recover?

eat more
sleep more
stress less

Adopt a religion that lets you reincarnate as someone with talent

i am talented, i can spot an interesting rock or geode from 1500 feet

Then do shooting or archery

Fuck i am starving, i forgot to bring my snack. I have to wait til my next class finishes to eat which is in 2 hours :(

You know how the try harder meme gets thrown around a lot, do you all think bugenhagens training ideas are retarded or not? Seems to align pretty well with that and training two lifts maximum for size and strength.

I'm not even sure where you go from doing a lift everyday or every other day when you stop making progress.

Not for PL purposes but is it really that bad or is it just minor differences? I don't understand why top coaches wouldn't do the same if it was so good unless its total shit.

I have retarded my way through lots of tough sets before. The issue isn't that the reps are difficult. It's that they're difficult while my form feels and looks off. I cannot "try hard" when I've got doubt in my form. Form was perfect last friday. But today it was fucking trash and it makes no sense.

i am 99% positive youre the same guy who keeps posting the same thing very frequently about ''muh 1 lift a day'' and something about betadestiny ''novice program is is good''

shut the fuck up with your youtube memes never post here again

Bugenhagen style meme training only works if you've got the genetics that makes literally anything do you work.

Do you lads think you can actually perform better if you get into the right mindset with every workout?
I heared McGill talk about "neural drive" with duffin and it kind of sounds convincing.
But then again, if you are strong enough to lift shit then you will lift it and when you are too weak then you wont.

poo poo uni gym is getting an "upgrade" and asked for suggestions for what to get. What should I ask for other than more squat racks obv?

If you're angry and confident you're gonna be stronger than if you were lethargic and worried for your lifts. No science necessary.

Of course.

My biggest fucking issue was my form. Why was it suddenly so much worse than what I have been performing with for the past weeks? I can't figure out where to begin solving this.

>do it for 6 reps for 4 easy sets
>cant do it for 7-10 reps 1 set

gde p much

Well since you can't train how you feel, does it have any relevance at all?

>I'm not even sure where you go from doing a lift everyday or every other day when you stop making progress.

You try harder or focus on another lift you want to do.


Memes aside, unless you're an autopsy with no emotions of course it's important

You can

High level athletes do though. Figure out your how mind works, and use it. Psychological switches are a very real thing.

Not sure what you have, but the things that are on my wishlist for the average gyms I go to are
>higher quality bars holy fuck whyyy do they cheap out on these
>blocks for pulling
>more fucking bumper plates
>ssb might be nice

Getting a little bored and might try lifting for fun. You know how upper body pulls are done for posture and to support the lifts etc and usually at lower intensity, do you think the opposite would have a good effect for pulling? Imagine comp lifts suddenly became some kind of two arm row, one arm row and a pullup.

Would you even need much pushing?

I don't quite see how, though. What matters is your CNS and actual strength, no?

I feel like someone such as Duffin just acts really serious.

>twink walks into gym wearing power perfect II's
>does some bitch weight dumbbell bench, curls, shitty """power clean""" (not even close) and push press for 20 reps or sth

Meant to say
...why wear squat shoes?

Can anyone rec a good program for a strength block following a hypertrophy block? Was thinking about nuckols bench and texas squats and deadlifts, anyone got a better idea?

>I don't quite see how, though. What matters is your CNS and actual strength, no?
Have you ever lifted or done anything stressful ever? Are you a robot?

>I feel like someone such as Duffin just acts really serious.
Acting serious is being serious. Like "turning it on" but less gay and iron lyfe

if you are confident and willing to give it a 100% you will do very well

if you doubt wether you might make the lift or not very high chance that you will fail. I see this a lot in the gym; guy keeps missing rpe 8 reps when i clearly judge the bar speed as not grindy. hes just mentally weak

I need help! I am autistic ;-)

Its dogshit. We have one squat rack with permanent safely bars. A smith machine and 2 crappy benches. But we have a super expensive ghr machine for some reason??

Idk if I should even bother asking for power bars because the normies will just misuse them

Why am I so weak

Y hav I no frend :(

Are you a literal socipath? Do you really not see how emotions and your mindset could affect your abilities to lift? Literally every team sport coach ever told us to mind break opposite team. If they think they have no chance of winning theyre not even try to win. I know lifting is solo sport but the same principle is true. If you think you cant even lift the weight there's no chance you will try hard. Sure youre not gonna squat 400kg by just thinking you can do it, but good mindset can easily increase/reduce 20kgs to your max.

Strength saves the day

>4 years of lifting
>296 wilks

first reply ending in 4 2 9 or 6 decides how I kill myself cause I've waste four years of my life hoping I could achieve proficiency at three arbitrary lifts and I'm just fucking done.

My training is going shit lads

I believe you'd wish to know

Judging by your squat and bench your training has been shit your entire career

You're a shit lifter

I have lifted for almost lmao2.5 years.
I have not missed a single session
I am now officially sick and missed two sessions in a row (upper lower split)

>pls hold me /plg/
>was mentally ready for this
>wasn't emotionally ready for this
>really catching steam and on my way to a 200 kg squat and lmao 5 plate pull
>/blog/ over

tell all of your problems
why is it shit?
are you mentally affected by this?

max every day or 3x5s for fast squat progress as beginner?

get out while you can nobody is happy here


Filip if ur reading this I want you to know I'm disappointed

>do 5pl8 squat
>every girl is congratulate
>every guy is hehe bench it yakob


eat more, sleep more, try harder, stop trying to make your own programs, read more about volume, intensity and frequency, go to a PL gym, get more consistent, fix your technique, get a coach, video your self, watch someone with similar leverages as you

If you havent gained more than 10-20 kg since starting lifting, theres your answer


ok I’ll just try maxing then thx will do

Whats a good intermediate squat routine

I was just teasing you bro :3 i'm mirin hard

texas method

I've gone up 15kg lean weight in these 4 years. I haven't run any program I've made myself. I've posted my form here multiple times and recently I don't even get a lot of critique on it.

I have no fucking idea what my leverages are. I cannot afford a coach nor a membership in the local gym where the PL club trains. Why the fuck would they even want a failure like me training with them? I've taken four years to reach a strength level most people reach in less than a year. I'd only look like I don't treat their sport seriously.

The common saying is that "you're not a special snowflake". But really, I'm starting to think I am. In the bad way. I'm just fucking weaker than everyone else.

collect rare minerals

i cant tell if its the same guy who keeps posting neurotic shit like this or if this place just attracts people like this

any way optimal leverages are important i was benching 95kg for 1rm for 6months once i fixed my form and training i benched 125kg 4 months later

I've missed this meme.

I feel like you have no idea what neuroticism actually means

you're just fucked man collect geodes


Ben Rice has trained for more than 13 years and he is one of the top 105 kg lifters in US. His leverages are shit for squat, shit for bench and only his deadlift is his redeeming quality
But he has done it for long enough that he will surpass anyone who doesnt embrace the grind

Russell Orrhi has lifted less than half of that and imagine where he will be in 5 years and he almost matches Ben being younger and has lifted in less time. His leverages are built for PL.

I'm telling you, if your total is 300 wilks, your technique is shit no matter how you view it. Fix it.

Imagine where you will be in another 4 years. Getting strong is hard. Let it sink in. Is is gonna stop you?
Somewhere in this world, someone more GDE than you, lifts less than you, has shittier technique than you, trained for more than you, is built worse for PL than you, has less resources than you, has less knowledge than you, has less lifting friends than you, has no videos of his lifts, sleeps less than you, has overall less progress than you.

If you stop, that guy will surpass you, because you stopped and he didnt. He didnt let some arbitrary sterngth standard affect his work etchic which is, in the end, the only thing YOU can control.

If you can link me a solid source describing how to measure my leverages and how to properly to use them I would be very thankful. But from what I know it's just lmao something I have to figure out and I've been fucking trying for four years. Everything is where I feel I'm strongest, but my strongest is barely even adequate

I fucking wish I could have gotten interesting in something more practical like collecting rocks, playing music, or drawing hentai. But no, I had to decide to make it my hobby and lifestyle to do the one thing I was genetically disinclined towards.

Fucking hell, I'm embarrassed to ever admit how long I've been training when someone asks. I barely even have the guts to admit I lift for a hobby because I have so little to show for it.

Back to my original post; reply ending in arbitrary selection of numbers picks my method of suicide. Bench guillotine not allowed, don't want the gym manager to have my death on their conscience

I can fucking not afford coaching and I can fucking not afford a PL gym membership. My only source for technical advice is right fucking here. But everytime I post form I receive 1 or 2 replies mostly being memes or pointing out irrelevant details in the background. Where do I even go from here?