>tfw no girl will ever love you the way you are
why do i keep lifting when i'll never be loved?
Tfw no girl will ever love you the way you are
If you lift for women you are already lost.
It's "I love you for who you are".
Jesus christ, fucking memelets.
I am loved for who I am, but it doesn't matter that much since I don't love myself. getting a loving gf changes NOTHING. if you're sad without a gf you'll still be sad with a gf, at least after the initial infatuation dies down. work on yourself and create a life you want to live.
I have two girls that love me the way I am. But the only opinion i care about is my dogs', who thinks i'm fucking awesome.
get a dog op, they give you real love, just don't be canadian about it.
I lift to make women uncomfortable (i.e. making them feel like shit because I'm so much stronger/better than they are). Does that still count as lifting for women?
What kind of situation are you in that you have to work on yourself to appear physically superior to women
You lift to love yourself. How can you love another if you can't do that?
>tfw you attract cute boys instead of cute girls since getting Veeky Forums
Guess I'm gay now
I'm already physically superior to women, but there's a difference between being able to overpower them and picking them up with one hand and throwing them over my shoulder.
>making them feel like shit because I'm so much stronger/better than they are
The shit I read on this board
> in the screenshot
>I lift to make women uncomfortable
That will only work for the following kinds of people:
>landwhales/fatties in general
Works because they know they got a problem - lets assume you are in perfect shape (which you aren't) - they see you and are reminded of their problem
>other males
Works because most males want to feel superior and be the best at everything everytime no matter who is around. If you are bigger you can make the males who lack self-confidence feel bad
>regular girls without mental illness or even qt3.14s
Won't work because they know that they are woman.
They know that you are physically superior but we don't life in fucking 1620.
They will mire you and like your muscles just like you like a well shaped ass or big tits on a girl.
You don't get self-confidence issues if you see a girl with bigger boobs then you right? i mean thats kinda how it is.
At this point you are literally lifting for other males and fatties. Kinda sad.
You realize women behave on social cues right? That society (big nose tribe) dictates wealth at every level of a man as a standard for dating, i.e. unrealistic expectations. Women do this because they already feel inferior to other females based on many subjects including mates. They get into careerism and you go girl ism out of inferiority complexes surrounding them already, as technology expands it only produces more worry for them too.
By you trying to become even stronger or superior to them (a deluded undertaking as most men are already physically stronger than the average woman) you further accentuate their low self esteem and therefore their less than mature behaviors towards the majority of men.
It's not like you're to blame or anything, millennial women especially have low self esteem. Even Gen Xers are worrying. The point I'm trying to make here is to work on yourself, in whatever you want. Women will follow you on your journey but not before it. If you use superiority (vengeance) as a means to get stronger then it will only take away your focus from nobler causes.
Yeah it counts and till you fix your shit ngmi
i wish i could just forget women exist
>best friend I grew up with is married with a kid on the way
>I can't get a girl to talk to me for 10 minutes
>got rejected HARD by girl I liked
>even though I don't want to talk to women they keep approaching me and entering my life
Life is suffering. I just want my qt bros
Because true love is expecting and pushing somebody to be their best, not accepting them as is.
>tfw you will never love any girl for who they are because thots have burned that feeling off you
Greentext how rejection went pls
Isn't it how can others love you if you don't love yourself?
it goes both ways
but it is undeniable necesseray to love yourself, or you will fail in the long run
Because I can change, the biggest gift god gave us.
I don't think most relationships have that kind of deep and unconditional love as this. To say "I love you just the way you are" is a strategic move to reduce the anxiety of the partner so he can stop worrying and creating tension in the relationship..
To have a relationship where the other means it...yeah...that would be...quite alright.
Well, I tell this to my gf. I really love who you are - that means, if you get fat, that STOPS, because you literally stopped being who you used to be.
go cry somewhere else
soooo.... be a soyboy so women feel better about themselves? sorry, senpai, but most woman are no different to bratty 7 year olds, and I do NOT want them to get their head anymore inflated then it already is.
>ask out qt that works at my gym
>talked to her the day before and it went well
>says she doesnt know when she will be free so I end up asking for her number
>get email from management saying I'm banned until I talk to them about an incident
>tells me I made her uncomfortable
>still have to see her every time I go in
>says she doesnt know when she will be free (...)
That was her way of telling you "look, fuck off pls" but you insisted.
You don't lift so women will love you. You lift so you can love yourself.
Where did I say that? I said work on yourself before you worry about them to begin with.
so you want a mother?
dont shit where you eat
>Cute boys
You are already
I try to use lifting to forget about women. I don't think it's been very effective
i'm lifting so i can become gay like my favorite board Veeky Forums
Here is the real red black purple-pill.
Men attracting women and women attracting men is like King of the Hill. You have to constantly keep your game on point if you want to keep the person. And that is fine, just fine, you know why? Because this game is fucking great af if you're conscious about it.
>Men attracting women and women attracting men is like King of the Hill.
Good for five seasons and than completly unbearable, ret-con filled shit?
eh, ops talking about relationships, not hook ups. i get bored cycling through archetypes to have sex with randos. wish i was in a relationship with a guy who was not gay like me. sounds the most fulfilling (no homo).
tfw oneitis gets back at me
i feel angry, mad, she looks shity
>Good for five seasons
no no
It was never good
Are reddit and /r9k/ actually one in the same?
>no no
>I am loved for who I am, but it doesn't matter that much since I don't love myself. getting a loving gf changes NOTHING. if you're sad without a gf you'll still be sad with a gf, at least after the initial infatuation dies down. work on yourself and create a life you want to live.
fucking kill me now
Just end my life now.
>girl has been really close to me
>or maybe I'm just ovetanalyzing her signals
I told her that I have the feels for her but she just laughed. We were both kinda drunk. We have known for about a half a year and she had been giving signals of interest. I'm just so fucking tired.
>work in factory with married immigrant couples and men
>go to college in a course of all men
>don't like going to clubs and getting drunk
>too scared for online dating
>work out at home
I don't like thinking about this stuff, it makes me sad.
How the fuck is it his fault that they banned him? Let's just stop talking to everyone in general. Yup, fuck making interactions with other people WE WOULDN'T WANT THAT. Just hang your head low, and accept the unending feeling of loneliness anons. Don't make friends at work, school, the gym, or literally ANYWHERE because this wise user has bequeathed unto the world:
>Don't shit where you eat.
Man, this show feels so romantic until you stop being 18 and realize everyone on it is a piece of shit and it promotes absolutely disgusting behavior. I used to think Barney was so cool too.
Thanks for understanding user. The worst part is they made me feel like I was sexually harassing her even though I was nice the whole time and would have left if she just rejected me or told me to leave. It makes me hate the world.
She browses Veeky Forums
She is already taken
>that image
my gf is mostly like that. less weeb though.
This never made sense to me. I mean, yes, you need to have a level of self-confidence to function. But on the other hand, how can you love yourself if nobody has every showed you that you are worthy of it through their love?
It is precisely because you can love yourself that you can believe others can too.
Seems to me to be putting the cart before the horse. I mean, I quite like who I am and what I've done, and do have a family that loves me, but assertions require evidence. Loving yourself for no explicit reason other than existence seems to me to be narcissism.
I never realized Ted was such a chinlet until now
Where do I get one
I found mine behind a dumpster
>gym thot took off her sweater when exercising next to me
I'm probably gonna fuck her in the toilet tomorrow when I go to the gym.
I'm brown so I scare white women by default
Based cuteposter
No girl will ever love you lol
>>>I can't get a girl to talk to me for 10 minutes
this but 2 minutes