so new /qtddtot/ because i didn't see one
im currently doing starting strength and its mostly going fine, but i have a problem with my low-bar squat. how do i stop putting stress on my wrists ? especially when reracking higher weights
I weight 70 kilos
I hace 35 kilos worth of free weights.
which high reps/low weight routine should i really follow for bodybuilding?
Please send a link to the PDF or whatever it is that describes
Is it possible to use steroids solely for the muscle recovery and healing benefit without shooting for growth?
i want to look like OLD bb's btw
he looks like puri puri's "angel mode"from one punch man
Dont ever use artificial foods man. Gonna fuck you up, make your dick small
is it TRUE that some trainers make the bodybuilders use male chastity belts so they focus their energy??
what happened to that site where u can see ur body in colors in terms of lifting advancement? cant find it
wow id want to see this too
These last few weeks I feel so exhausted after lifting, I sometimes can't even finish my workout. I don't know what it is, it's never been this bad. Had a shitty workout earlier today and since then I'm so tired I just want to sleep. Do I need to take a few days off to recover or what's going on?
How do I into a strong row? 3x fequency or 2? Cheat rows? do i need pullups ?
What is the best way to calculate my BMR or TDEE? Is there a surefire method?
Tips on how to recomp? I've ready on days I workout to eat 100 cal over my TDEE and on rest days to eat 500 cal under it. Does that make sense?
eat more carbs and get some turine powder or red bull before work out. same here only i'm cutting.
What type on onion should I be eating for max test? I've been eating white
afaik the study didn't say what type of onion.
Any way to decrease risk of heart attack besides eating healthy and working out?
Work in an office. Dude 30 ft from me just died from a heart attack today. Don't want to end up snuffing in a fucking office but the job pays really well.
if i can meme pull above the knee 555x5 for 4 sets , how much do you reckon i can deadlift?
Is the following enough to maintain legs? Part of an AxBxAxx routine where I'm trying to incorporate more cardio. I usually use 90% of my energy for lifting, 10% cardio and I want to make it closer to 50/50.
Leg Press 4x8
Sled Push/Pull x5 sets
HIIT exercise bike
Will depend more on your squat, if you stop above the knee you're probably lacking in power off the floor. I RDL 365 and could only do 315 on deadlift because I haven't trained it in a couple years.
>Was getting up at 730 am and hitting the gym regularly
>Started a new PPL routine that I'm digging
>Getting depressed
>Skipping the gym and snacking on sugars
Fuck, I hate when I lose steam like this. Can anyone help me with ideas on how to wake up and stay focused?
Genuinely, all I care about is having large arms/shoulders and chest. Surely if I just workout these muscle groups 3x/week I will gain more mass (given I eat a surplus) in these specific areas than I would for the same amount of time doing PPL or something.
Honestly, I couldn't give a fuck about anything else. I just want big (as they can be, for a natty) arms...
First time back in the gym in a while, did a chest/biceps workout. I've fallen way down to only bein able to bench 115 lbs for 8 reps (proper, slow reps) when before it was like 140. Then I did a few other exercises, cable pec flys, seated bicep curls, hammer curls. Been gettin plenty of rest, eating right, drinking plenty of water, been icing, still sore as fuck, even straightening my arms is painful. It feels like every time I work out I get too sore or injured and my workout split routine's totally thrown off because I'm suddenly having to wait two or three days before I can work out again without the risk of injury. I can't work like this, I'm never gonna make any progress with how fucked up things are now. I want to lower the weight but then I don't feel it.
I always hear swimming is good cardio, I just float and I have never been good at swimming.
Is there any good workout for swimming? Like a hiit routine or techniques, I want to try to improve but I don't know where to start
TL;DR what's considered a good swimming cardio training?
Need to work on pushups for muh service, running and "sit-ups" is already fine. I can't do more than 3 regular because of pain in the back of my hand+wrist, I can do 30 on my fists, but I was told that they wouldn't accept it.
How do I fix my bitch wrists?
There are days where I skip lunch and essentially fast with an apple until dinner. I'm cutting so I suppose there's nothing wrong with doing it? It's just the ol in out in out for the calories right?
Is it normal to get angry when working out? I had some moron piss me off today and I went into an autistic fit. Whole gym was staring at me. Normally I'm pretty calm and keep cool but I found it weird because I always thought lifting is supposed to relax you.
>to relax you
Apparently I can't even speak English, I meant: help you relax.
good pull exercises for shoulders other than pullups?
Get cardio up, limit sat fat intake. Keep nf sub 20%
Doing 5/3/1 right now.
Is it better/worse/neither if I do high volume low intenisty during my deload? Would that be better or worse for when the lifting cycle starts again than doing pretty much nothing at all?
Facepulls; behind the neck lat pull downs
>the boobs my dad bought for me
>they were only for him to see
Where did you train?!
3x5 OHP
1x12 Lat Pulldown
3x10 Incline Press (Steep 70°)
2x 10 Facepulls / 10 Lateral Raise superset
3x8 DB Bench Press
3x 10 Dips / 10 Bicep Curls superset
3x5 Barbell Bench Press
3x10 bent over rows
3x8 DB Incline Press (30° incline)
3x5 chin ups
3x8 DB Shoulder Press
3x 10 bicep curls / 10 facepulls / 10 tricep pulldowns / 10 Lateral Raise superset
21s Bicep Curls
Need a good pre/post-workout. No bs proprietary blends pls
I'm doing powerlifting only but I don't want to turn into a lunglet.
When I squat 3x5, +5 lb every workout, I take time between reps to wait for my tidal volume to settle down. If I were to do all five reps in a row, I would probably run out of breath and fail the set.
Should I continue babying my respiratory system, or should I demand more of it and risk progress and form?
Why do girls ar work always tell me they have bf? Even if I'm talking about work they drop the bf in, even when they're freaks I'm not interested in they mention their bf?! Wtf am i doing?!?
I'm doing a keto diet and I'm a little confused on something, say I have a product that has 20 carbs, and 10 of dietary fiber, I see a lot of people then saying it counts only as 10 carbs.
Why? Is this true that fiber negates carbs in some manner while on keto? Am I doing my math or something stupid? Help clearing this up would be appreciated, I'm trying to stay on the straight and narrow here.
If it's marked 10 g dietary fibre, you count the whole 20 g carbos.
If it's marked 10 g insoluble fibre, you count it as 20 g - 10 g = 10 g net carbos.
Insoluble fibre is not metabolised.
I'm not a ketofag so I welcome corrections.
What does GDE mean?
Disregard my last, I'm an idiot, you count it as 10 g carbos in either case.
That's women for you, they always bring them up.
Is 3 pieces of fruit a day too much if I'm under my TDEE?
ummmmmmmm i have a boyfriend..... awks
You're not going to get gains by only doing hypertrophy on a dyel body
Im around 180.lbs how long would it take for me to get to 170 or 165 without losing too much muscle mass
Thumbs and wrists over the bar.
My personal formula: (bw * 10) + 300
>i weigh 175lbs
>175 * 10 = 1750
>1750 + 300 = 2050
That's where i start and adjust of I'm cutting, bulking, or maintaining but find myself losing or gaining for some reasob
Does anybody have any sources, advice or info on the following:
>foods that aid in testosterone production
>foods that detract from testosterone production
>the effects of plastics and other modern packaging/processing on male testosterone production and levels in general
>any info or articles on why exactly male test levels in this country have continually decreased every generation in the last 100 years
Thanks in advance.
Correct. If you're doing iifym, as long as you're hitting protein and < calories, you're good.
Try Alex Jones Super-Macho Virility Extract, I got it for 1776 uBTC + s&h.
Seriously, as long as you work out regularly and don't have an endocrine problem, you won't be limited by your testosterone. Just eat right and exercise. Don't buy into the scams.
Pendlay rows and dumbbell rows a good foundation for my back day? Rest would be machines or isolation work
I'm a weak/skinny fag that's 1 month into Phrak's Greyskull.
The routine calls for a M-W-F schedule, but I want to bump up to M-Tu-Th-F schedule, mostly because I like being in the gym.
Am I gonna fuck anything up?
Post progress sheet
There is strong evidence suggesting that plastics can leech shit into our food and water and the chemicals act as estrogen as far as our bodies are concerned.
Last year I went in for a physical and my test levels were low for my age bracket. I'm 26 and while I don't work out enough/ consistently, I have always had physically demanding jobs, am outside a lot, etc.
I am looking for ways to help boost my levels, but I want knowledge, not just a gimmick. So no offense, but I don't think just eating right and lifting is enough for me. I'm apparently fighting an uphill battle.
I mix alittle Caveman in with my two scoops.
I wouldnt know how to make one.
Link to a Veeky Forums approved format?
So I started lifting about 1.5 years ago and am generally happy with the progress. I was skinny fat before at 5'11 150 and had very little muscle. I am now 180 and although I didn't pack on too much fat, I would like to cut down a bit then continue on with a proper diet.
I was figuring it would take about 2 months to lose 10lbs or so. Should I continue to train and eat the same amount of protein, or should I just focus on cardio for a while and drop back on the protein?
Have been screwing around for the past 2-3 years in the gym and finally looking to get serious after I cut 20 lbs. How do I know what program to do? I have some size but not as much as I should have if i ate right at the start
Tl;dr: cut and then bulk, or cut to a healthy weight, bulk to build some muscle, and then cut down low?
Fatty here, started around 110kg, down to 76kg, shooting for 50kg at least.
When I hit "healthy" weight I know I'll still be fat. I'm sure I'll have some loose skin. I want to get to low bf% to get the fat gone and maybe see how loose my skin really is. But is it better to wait before getting low bf% and build more muscle first?
I have been at the same weight since highschool. I've been off and on lifting. Turned the ripe age of 20 a month ago.
What are some effective meals?
To do what?
To just live by. I've been making chili and chicken with rice and beans. In the morning it's oatmeal.
I don't think eating the same things - at least these items - every week is necessarily healthy. I was going to cut the white rice for brown next shop.
My goal right now is to lose weight and gain muscle (however little muscle that may result).
I also will investigate doing two meals a day. Fasting, etc. I want to construct a meal plan that will not fail me.
if you have any insight on that, that's bonus.
banana and coffee
Peanut butter and coffee
The only gym I have available to me currently (be it due to cost or distance) is my apartment building's gym. It doesn't have a squat rack and it doesn't have a proper barbell (there are benches, though). It has dumbbells that go up to 50. I don't mind using dumbbells, but 50 is not heavy enough for some of the lifts I'm up to.
1. Dumbbells may only go up to 50, but there is one of these things (pic related). Should I drag the bench over and use this to lift heavier? Or should I just use the 50s and do more reps? Pic related has all these different attachments and I've never used one.
2. There is no squat rack, but there are a leg extension, leg curl, and hip abductor machines. Are these machines enough to work out my legs? What can I do to work out legs?
If, while keeping my legs and back straight, I can't touch my knees, is it 'bad' or 'bad enough that I should see a professional' bad?
Just regular bad. You may even be able to do it if you self-release your diaphragm beforehand (google it)
Use the equipment in the pic for chinups/pullups, chest flyes, face pulls, tricep pushdowns, etc. Definitely do leg extensions. Your legs are just going to have to suffer somewhat.
I'm obese but in recent months I've started living at a considerable calorie deficit(1000 calories) and I jog 1.6 miles 5 days out of the week and lift two twenty pound dumbs every other day at 15 reps with four sets with one minute between them.
I take zinc,fish oil and vitiman D
Any suggestions, am I doing anything wrong?
I've been lifting for about two months. Are these realistic goals to achieve by the end of the year, maybe + a week, or are some/all of them off the mark? All weights in lbs
DL: 270 -> 315 (2x5)
SQ: 175 -> 225 (3x5)
BP: 140 -> 170 (3x5)
OHP: 110 -> 125 (3x5)
Chin ups: max 8 -> max 12
I'm 170 lbs and bulking at a rate of about 5 lbs/month. Lifting 3.5 days/week, hitting each of these exercises about twice per week.
P.S. My squat is weak as fuck because I realized I was good morning-ing the weight and took time off to improve hip and ankle mobility
I guess I asked in the wrong thread?
Can somebody post the workout for girls by Veeky Forums? The one with 2 workouts I think
squat, chins, DL, and OHP all seem possible, roughly in that order, assuming you don't miss any gym days and get adequate nutrition + rest.
bench, i wouldn't recommend lowering your goal, but don't be shocked if you only end up at like 155-160. a lot of dudes find bench difficult to increase with linearity once they approach repping BW
Does 1/2/3/4 mean for 1RM or for reps?
is it okay to do like 50-100 pushups on my rest days? im already doing doing situps and it's nice to be able to do those things at home
or is that going to fuck up my recovery period or what have you
Lucky you. I was getting close to a girl at uni, taking her out for coffee and etc. Thought she was going to be the one, I got all excited one day and called to invite her for dinner and only then she tells me no, because her boyfriend might not like it.
Fucking thots man.
when people mean for reps, they will usually specify so
why do my veins change size?
one moment, they're like small snakes all over my arms, the next, it looks like a string
how long before I die?
When doing weighed pull ups my heart rate goes up to 170 bpm
Is that normal?
So I like Fage Greek yogurt, because it's a good serving size for work and I don't need fruit and shit because I'm not a woman. However now all I can find is nonfat which is not edible, and 2% which is slightly less disgusting. What does fit do for Greek yogurt? Women fucking ruined it now it's all sweet and bullshit
What kind of abs can you you expect after doing Stronglifts 5x5 for a while
Work up to it gradually and stretch your pecs every time. Then you'll probably find it only makes you bigger and stronger. If you jump head first into it, there's a risk of overuse injuries.
Perfectly normal. Nervous system activity, hydration levels etc.
Having visible abs are mostly a function of not being a fat piece of shit, which means your diet will determine what kind of abs you can expect, not your training routine.
Doing dedicated ab exercises can help make your abs pop more, but most people add this as extra work to their existing routines.
I wrote a verse that i read to myself every morning about why i need to improve myself and it usually gives me a ton of motivation, its pretty cringeworthy though so i keep it hidden in my phone notes.
Genetic dead end
How to I grow wrists?
What are some good first messages on Tinder?
I was Tinder when it first came out and had 1000+ matches and girls would just message me to fuck. Now I have 26 matches using the exact same pictures, description, and have swiped out my area.
Pic related it's the 1000+ matches I had back in the day.
>just came out
>image from 2016
You can't really other than increasing your total body fat.
That being said small wrists will work for you long term if you make your forearms huge because perspectivewise you'll look bigger than someone with thicker wrists.
It's the same thing with having a really thin waist but big shoulders and back.
Image modified 2016 internet detective.
>using tinder after they added the paywall
Are you retarded or something? Why don’t you just go outside and meet girls the normal way?
>hey mate take em down, I'ma suck your dick no prob k ;)
two sides of the same coin huh
also daddy's titties but that one I knew of
Sending a gif is what I do. Usually gets a response with another gif
I'm 6'3 stuck at 176 lbs, work 9-5 and eat a large breakfast and dinner, my lunch is lacking because I lack options at work, what can I do?
I can't afford protein right now.
(Should mention I gained 20 lbs in the last 8 months but I am stuck now)
please be in LONDON or 5'3 manlet
By what means does one become "skinny fat" ?
Why would a body, with no exercise, consuming a calorific surplus not instead reach overall corpulence?
By what mechanism is fat prevented from being stored in the limbs resulting in a singularly bloated torso?
is there a better stretching routine than starting stretch? I just recently got back to the gym and noticed how tight i've become
Okay so i've been in the gym for 3 months now and i'm stalling for like 4 workouts now on OHP and BENCH(not squats and deads).
I am however on a deficit (but i get enough calories).
Now my question, and please only answer if you're qualified.
Would going on a lean bulk increase my lifts regularly and is it easier to put on actual muscle. and when i cut, will i lose a lot of strength progress or only 5-10%?