I'm fucking SICK and tired of eating the same FOOD

After years of having eggs, a protein shake and oats for breakfast(like 1000 calories breakfast) I'm fucking sick and tired

I can't chug one single more protein shake, or egg, or fucking oats....I want to fucking die.

T. Fucking skelly
But by all means tell me all about you high metabolism and ectomorphic genetics

So go on a cut and eat something else lol.

Me too
Fucking disgust

Change it up then. There are more food options than oatz and eggs.

I have a muesli with raisins and almonds added (no added sugar or salt) for breakfast, and change my lunches/dinners each week. This week for example, I have made myself saag paneer (with added sweet potato).

I have a kilo of salmon in the freezer I plan on cooking for next week's lunches; some of those eill just be salmon with potatoes, some will be used in a stir fry, etc.

You aren't limited by anything othrr than yourself. Sit down with a spreadsheet and make up 5 lunch/dinner ideas you can make easily/in bulk, then start cycling between them weekly.

>saag paneer

Get out Pajeet this is a white man's board

I am white, unless we /polm definitions

>brown hair
>brown eyes

protein pancakes? rice and beans? there are other stuff you can eat OP

>brown eyes

confirmed for pajeet

Try this:

2 banans smashed in the bowl, add 4 eggs, 15g of raisins, 50g of peanut butter and 125g of oats. Mix it well, put baking paper in a small cake tray, bake in the oven for 20mins(180 C).

I eat it 5 days a week for breakfast at 11am after 16 hours of fast, 4 hours before the gym. 5 days a week for the last 3 years and I still lick my fingers :)

Don’t fall for the Veeky Forums memes. These virgins all diet hard as fuck to look good for other dudes. Have buttery waffles with syrup, butter/jelly toast, bacon with a glass of whole chocolate milk and orange juice. That’s how a hard working American man starts his day before he kisses his wife goodbye.

Then why dont you change diet you stupid motherfucker
Not like you are a pro bb

The only right answer op

Gymcels are easily some of the dumbest and most useless people in modern society, as evidenced by OP

Stop being so autistic about it then, eating clean 100% of the time vs 65% is hardly going to make a difference.
>you're not going to get big natty anyway

Can't seem to find any healthy peanut butter where I live.

change your carbs, instead of sweet potatoes and white rice, eat beans, lentils, chickpeas, corn (natural), pumpkins
instead of bland chicken, eat chicken thighs with some butter, rosemary and garlic
eat filet mignon or if you're poor you can go for chuck, rump or flank, those are lean and cheap, and delifious if seared right
for your fats you can eat peanuts while watching something or add sesame seeds to your meals, or adding some butter and olive oil too, the options are endless

Once a week have a day where you eat all the fucking sugary cereal shit you can gorge in your mouth. It'll give you a break and give you something to look forward to when you're eating that cardboard shit.

Eat other shit you faggot. Who the fuck limits themselves to garbage foods like that. Fucking cuck this why ur low test I eat whatever I want whenever I want fagboy

You don't need that much protein, carb up fag

Don't know what your goal is, but honestly I dont see why yall stick to a specfic breakfast or meals in general. I eat random shit everyday but I just portion it out as I lift/run/martial arts and I've got a pretty good body. Literally just don't stuff your face and you can eat whateverop