Confess your fitness sins, my son
Confess your fitness sins, my son
My cheat day turned into a cheat month...
i hate squatting
I deadlift in the squat rack.
Off the ground.
Makes it easier to rerack the bar so I can add weights.
Dropped my session after one exercice yesterday.
I was feeling week, I could not concentrate.
Also I ate too much since october, I took back few kg, I'm trying to fool myself calling this "winter-bulk" but I know it's not going anywhere.
No matter how heavy the weights I lift are, the weight of my burdens on my back will always outclass it
I ate these for lunch, they fit my calories and macros but yea, that's unhealthy.
But fuck that, I never cheated in a month, not even with unhealthy shit
Forgive me father. I had a week off the gym because of a shoulder injury. It has now been 11 days since, even though my shoulder has healed.
Nigga just roll the plate onto a 2.5 so it's a little bit off the ground
go tomorrow and you will be forgiven
I've not worked out properly since April after my arm hyper extended, lost all my weight from 75kg to 69kg at 6'1 and I'm incredibly depressed since finishing uni and not being able to find a job
I skipped squats yesterday
What must I do father?
I only go to gym once maybe twice a week. I decided to go on tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays. Sometimes I also don't eat enough during the day, I'll have lunch at 5 pm etc
I had cheese fries last night at the bar. They had bacon and jalapeños on them. I only had 500 calories allowed. Also drank nearly half a fifth of vodka. I feel bloated today.
But then what's the point of the squat rack? :^)
Despite everyone's advice i'm training x9 a week for 2+ hours each and only consuming 650kcal a day in a desperate attempt to lose weight quickly. I've lost just under a 1lb/day for 3 weeks.
I ignore the slight pains in my back, im flirting with snap city everytime i deadlift
I farted in the gym after drinking a huge protein shake. Now the UN is trying me for chemical warfare.
I went down from 250 lbs to 185 the first half of this year but I have been binging the last 2 months and now I'm probably going up to 200 lbs
I think I have an eating disorder, help me holy /fat/her
I never squat as hard as I should
Haven't made progress in months.
No clue what the fuck I'm doing wrong
During finals, everything goes to shit. No cardio, no gym, lots of shitty food, lots of sugar, lots of coffee.
I'm sorry, but the stress is just too much.
I do fart a lot too because I eat too many brussels sprouts.
t. Belgian
>STILL haven't tried to make a move with the 9/10 from work
Might just end it all
just fast dipshit 650 call a day is retatded
You rack pulled...
Same, the holidays have fucked my gains. I'm dead in the water and no motivation to get back to the gym.
I went on a junk food binge when I had the house down in Florida to myself for a 2 weeks and there was no gym near me. Was awesome and barely lost any gains desu.
I skipped cardio during today's workout.
I haven't been able to workout for over a year because of injuries. Now I am finally without pain, but I want to put it off to the new year, because I don't like the idea of basically starting all over again. Help me Father.
I have an adult capacity for scrutinizing ideas.
Don't give up user. Plan and start going back as soon as possible.
Back in my newbie days, thought it was a good idead to do SS without reading the fucking book.
At first I broke my PRs left and right by increments of 5kg every 2 day on almost every exercise except OHP.
Worked perfectly for deadlift, but I ended up being cocky and thought I could do the same shit on my squat.
At first it was ok, but as soon as I hit my first pl8 evar, little by little my form went to shit... But my stupid self thought that by magic, adding MORE weight was gonna make everything right. As soon as I followed this train of thought, I trained everyday and started to get repulsed by the goddamn bar. I legit got PTSD style nightmare of squatting during my rest periods, but I simply ignored it and squatted on, my form degrading every single time, thinking it was gonna be alright eventually (It's only later I realised that I stressed the fuck out of my body bc of this). Eventually I was squatting 80kg, bar included.
For the whole 3 sets, my form was so shit I did only good mornings.
>Mfw last rep, but without the tears
Bloodshot eyes, veins popping from forehead, felt the taste of blood for a few secs everytime I was breathing via my nose or mouth, but happy.
Only then does somewhat buff gymbro comes towards after witnessing my autistic victory face and tells me to cut that shit out or I was gonna hurt myself.
Next day after that my whole back just started to hurt, like a really bad case of DOMS... But also on my spine.
It's a miracle I didn't just slip a disk right then and there.
Anyway, learned to master proper squat form and am on 5/3/1 now, wish me luck
I'm a tall fag with a busy job so I regularly eat Arbys cheesesticks to get to my calorie goals every day. The guy at the drive throigh recognizes me and waves me past the speaker before I order now.
Father forgive me for I have sinned. I masturbated on the 3rd of december and I am on day 2 of NoFap/NoPorn. I also went to bed at 11 last night and slept in untill 7:15 I also forgot to pray. For these and all my sins forgive me.
I’m a tran that learned how to pin estradiol valerate from /fraud/ and I chuckle at the irony
>never achieved more than two months of lifting
>started working out over twenty times in the past
>started again yesterday
I didn't wipe the barbell off after using it.
Holly shit, are you me? ... this was pretty much my Sunday but with 95kg. Another gymbro had to correct my OHP, my form was atrocious as fuck.
i am literally nothing but a shadow of my former self
now i feel like the whole lifting shit is a meme after FOUR YEARS OF DEDICATING MY LIFE FOR IT AND PLACING AT POWER LIFTING MEETS
whenever i plan to go to the gym i just crash on the couch eat shit and just ask: Why bother?
now i can't even bring myself to touch a barbell
do legs?
You can do it, user!
Are you me, just injured my shoulder and I'm going to take the week off, but knowing how paranoid I am about my joints I'm likely to not do anything for a fortnight
powerlifting ahhaha was never gonna make it
I ate $17 worth of fast food last night after hitting new PRs on every lift
still sitting at 10% body fat though
I haven't lifted for 2 years.
I have been lifting inconsistently for about 3 years
usually while at school ive had a pretty regular schedule of 3-4x a week.
I took the summers off due to working in remote locations, and have had to start more or less from scratch.
This last summer i kept going to the gym, changed up my program and have been lifting for about 8 months straight.
I am only now hitting 1/2/3/4 i feel like shit for taking so long.
haven't hit the gym in over a month because of shoulder pain from the OHP. everyone says I've gotten smaller
Haven't been keeping up my cardio like I did in the summer, father. Just been completely wasted post squats/OHP to commit to accessories/cardio so I just go home and nap.
I'm placing cardio as a priority for my upcoming programming though.
Paranoid that I'll fail basic if I can't pass the grad requirements on day 1. I'm supposed to cut 2 minutes of my 2 mile time and figure out how to de-bitch my wrists so I can do more than 8 pushups not on my fists. I've figured out how to lose the 80 pounds I needed to since new year, but I've been not working out either.
i keep ordering papa johns instead of bulking seriously
I failed a class and delayed my graduation by possibly a whole year and got kicked out of honors society
I've drank 52 beers since yesterday and want to kill myself