Humanity has invented so many great things,
yet they are still too retarded to find out the 100% solution on how to avoid balding.
fucking ridiculous,
I rather wish all the money spend on spaceships and moon landing was spend on Balding research
Humanity has invented so many great things,
yet they are still too retarded to find out the 100% solution on how to avoid balding.
fucking ridiculous,
I rather wish all the money spend on spaceships and moon landing was spend on Balding research
There will never be a cure, because the market don't want a cure for it.
They can make more money by treating it than find the ultimate cure.
Lot of companies and products would go out of business if somebody found the cure for balding.
curing baldness > space exploration.
I think you have your priorities wrong user.
just wear a wig or get a hair transplant
We're getting closer, lads.
>why not both?
I might do it once I finish my thesis. Should be a pretty simple fix
Transplants have existed for a while. What you want is another pill to add to your stack. If you're not going to shell out hard cash or be born with good genetics then you get to be bald.
Wait what,
how this nigga grow hair suddenly?!
Yall are dumbasses. Stop using experimental bathroom products, invented yesterday in a laboratory. Get organic bath products, actual cleaning supplies instead of the experimental chemicals and watch how your hair only gets stronger and healthier. Yall are dumbasses for using those random ass 1$ shampoos filled with supersalts. Jesus. Get a regular fuckin shampoo and your hair wont turn into that dry ass fall out shit.
Long story short yall, your hair and skin is supposed to be acidic. Modern shampoo is 100% salt which is alkaline. Basically many modern companies are evil in valuing profit over health and so they make these poisonous cheap ass bath products. Dont buy them. If you make your hair alkaline with this shitty cheap experimental shampoo, your hair will fall out. Basic biology. Niggas retarded to talk like this. Go buy organic shampoo you fucking bum.
Got a buzzcut today
looks pretty shitty because my hairline already receded quite a bit and it's noticably thinner at the top than the sides
oh well
maybe exploring space is more important for humanity than catering to your complexes, you wimp.
Own it, and you will still slay in spite of having no hair, there are many traits in a man that are more important to women, and realistically speaking I suppose there hasn't been a single relationship or hookup in the entire history of mankind where no sort of compromise had to be made from both parties.
t. baldfag
You don't have to play by the rules in life when you're rich.
Because it doesn't matter. The only people who cry about it are ugly fucks who have nothing of value in their life.
im in that boat as well brother
I'm having my second consulation this week about getting a hair system. Fairly certain I'm going to get it. Fastest and best solution in my opinon, and as long as it looks good and natural, why the fuck not.
I did that too. What makes it look better is going even shorter. Not shaving it off but short enough so your fucked up hairline doesn't stand out
It's giving into your insecurity. You're basically settling for a patch job, instead of just moving on. A dangerous sentiment
What if we find ayys who have the cure?
I think Danny Roddy is up to something with his shit. He says baldness basically stems from thyroid disfunction.
It's called transplant and fin, retard. It's not the 90s anymore, any average joe can drop a couple thousand and have a full head of hair the rest of their lives
Tinfoilhat faggots are funny
But if it looks good and I'm happy with it, why not do it. I have a girlfriend already fyi
Dropped some serious bux on a transplant, pleb.
Don't have shit genetics infinityx1
>t. Full head of blond hair
>born with a functioning thyroid
I-I'll still be ok, r-right lads?
Do what you want. I'm just saying that you're cheating yourself out of some character development
Because male beauty is seen as a niche market due to society as a whole viewing males as disposable and predatory.