Ketogenic diet

Hey guis, I'm 1 week into fast and the ketogenic diet and can already feel the fat melting off me, but i have some questions I can't find specific answers to.

How much cheese is too much cheese? Or is cheese fine as long it doesn't have carbs in it?

How much protons should i be eating? Everywhere on the internet it says that preferably 1.8 times your bodyweight, so if I weight 85kg that means like 160kg or some shit? (to lose fat and build muscle)

The only source of carb should be from fibre, amrite?

Are all types of fats okay to eat except trans fats?

+ Tips & tricks pls?

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I'm closing on about two months now, as for cheese, if its carb free its okay, and by okay I mean OKAY not the best source of fat, you need to make sure you have plenty of fiber and nutrients and cheese isnt great for those.

I eat plenty of veggies, usually green beans, broccoli, cauliflower and such.

Standard protein is 20-40% of calories, I eat at 25% myself. The proper protien should be measured for LEAN body weight, which is different from total as it excludes your fat, try using a navy body fat calculator (it measures your waist neck ect and estimates your lean mass, or get calipers or something to measure your body fat for this. I'm 183cm and 110.9kg (last I checked a couple weeks back) and mine is 75kg lean mass. The standard is around 0.8 grams protein per pound of lean mass try to cap it around 1.2 grams per lean mass, which is mostly for bodybuilders and athletes.

You can have some carbs, up to 20grams with no changes, there really havent been any differences observable between

Is mayonnaise okay???

Yeah so long as there is no sugar you can have mayo, a lot of people do eat it on keto, mustard as well

I know it depends on the persons metabolism and such but isn't keto up to 50-100grams of carbs?

50 is considered the high point. but 20 is considered the "safe" mark where anyone will go into ketosis. So far as I know that is.

Damn, 100 grams of avacado has already ~10 grams of carbs, this shits hard

It's not hard. Just fast for a day or two. Don't bother trying to get into ketosis while eating.

Are you counting carbs or Net carbs? So far as I know it is standard to do net carbs where you subtract fiber as fiber isn't something the body can digest properly (it gets murky with soluble fiber) but as a whole I haven't been tracking fiber and the diet has got me down 10kg in a month (haven't weighed in since the end of that month, almost at two now) Avacados have 9g carbs and 7g of that is fiber, so only 2 net carbs.

Thats the way i have been following Keto I know not everyone does that, but it has worked for me and is a pretty standard method of it.

how much did you weigh when you started out? were/are you fat?

i started out at around 280lbs around 15 days ago. today I weigh 265lbs. people keep saying it's mostly water weight, but I've noticed my gut and midsection has drastically decreased in volume. I also added in intermittent fasting into my dieting about 11 days ago, so i'm not sure which method is doing most of the heavy lifting

pls tell me it'll continue to get better?

I started similarly, 265 and I was at 244 at the start and I am still losing weight, I have been measuring my arms legs neck and stomach as I go.

I wrote that badly sorry, started at 265 and last weigh in half a month ago I was 244

I ate half a potato today just kill me senpai

It may boot you for the day but it isn't the end just get your ass back onto it later, one small cheat doesn't mean you break the whole diet and give up. just keep at it user

how do i speed up getting into ketosis, it sucks takes like three days of no eating

three days of no eating?

I know a bunch of people do fasts to help, but I never bothered, I just started eating Keto and have been mostly since, I've had a hiccup once but otherwise have been stable on it. I don't think you need to speed it up user, just work on fitness and keep eating the way that works.

don't go overboard on protein, excesses get turned into glucose and might throw you out of ketosis.

Focus on eating meats with high fat, decent protein. Cheese is always good.

Double up with IF, and have one huge meal every day and you should be golden.

You do IF and OMAD user?

Also for sure on the protein, GNG isn't sustainable long term and plus it will siphon protein away from gains

I did keto many times before. first time ever I went 180 to 160, but I ended up eating low fat as well and probably went starvation mode. was worth it, hit 7%. this past summer I wasn't too dedicated with all the vacations and whatnot but I did drop 15lbs in first 2 weeks. I have mixed feelings on processed food but these snacks are perfect for keto.
next year I go keto I'm gonna experiment with supplementing ketone salts and 7-oxo(keto)-dhea. and probably regular 5-dhea.

if i don't eat protein i'll lose muscle mass?

Yes but also too much will mean your body starts turning protein into glucose and will cause your body to suck away even more muscle mass, just keep lifting and eat moderate protein, you're on keto not Atkins. Too much protien on keto isn't great

yeah im pretty fattish around 225 at 5ft10 but with okay lifts

whats gng?

should i lift during this? and how do i know what amount is right for me?

yes lift.
I think they advocate like 70% fat calories, 25% protein cals and 5% carbs

okay thank you

Gluconeogenesis, its the process your body does to take protien and using the liver to convert it into glucose, it will stop ketosis and encourage your body to use protein as fuel in place of fat

Yeah, lift because your body will start to break down muscle on a diet unless you do.

That's a normal spread yeah, that and base your intake on lean mass

so my gold standard is just no-go alltogheter? Wouldn't i be able to just go OMAD, have a meal that fits keto and put a scoop of whey on top of it?

83 kg
23% bf
30.0% muscles

that sounded disgusting, i don't mean i'll add a scoop to the meal but rather drink it after lifting.

What exactly is a Ketogenic Diet? What does it have you eating/doing?

>fucked up yesterday with taco bell and a bar of chocolate.

Shill I know, but pic related actually helps, take 1/2hr it before a workout and you can be back in ketosis by the evening.-or purchase the components separately and it'll last longer.

your gold standard?

OMAD isnt needed, its based on the balance of intake, just make sure you lift and eat high fat, protein intake is mild, your body can only use so much protein daily anyways

Ketogenic diets or as most people say Keto, is a diet based on using Ketosis, a metabolic state that your body goes into while using fat for energy in place of carbs, you usually produce glucose, on this diet it produces ketones. The basics of the diet is to eat High fat, mild protein, and low carbs where carbs are kept usually under 20-50 grams per day.

High fats and protein with almost no carbs. Makes body go into state of ketosis which produces ketones from fat for energy instead of using carbs. Melts fat off - but you should watch some youtube to get a better description

alright i will, thank you

lol. there's much better stuff. supplement beta hydroxybutyrate (bhb) and medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). bhb comes in many form.

No problem! Its been working well enough for me! Good luck user!

Assuming you're keeping your net carbs well under 20g/day, if you want to get into keto faster be sure to nix alcohol, lower your protein a bit, and actually increase your fat intake.

Add some butter to your eggs, and some blue cheese dressing or olive oil to your salad.

True that if you don't eat protein, you'll lose muscle mass - but false that you need to increase protein (or really worry much about it at all.)

Ketogenic done right (

I'd amend that just a bit to say high fat, MODERATE protein, almost no carbs. Those guys who are doing 200-300g protein a day are almost certainly not getting any benefits of ketosis; they're staying in gluconeogenesis.

Thanks user, this seems like rather new and interesting stuff that I might try. It appears to help once you're already in ketosis for energy expenditure while my post above was for using up the last of your glycogen stores.

Just had the most amazing turkey soup ever

>boil turkey spine and wings for 3 hours
>add celery, carrots and onions
>add peppercorns, bay leaves and dried oregano
>after boiling the turkey for 3-4 hours, remove it from the soup, let cool, then pick apart the meat from the bones, and then add back to the soup
>remove bay leaves

Was fucking delicious, and I know that it's one of the best meals to have while on keto. Had to give it my all to not eat any until 2pm when my eating window starts for IF. Just a tip if you're on IF and doing this, don't salt it until after it's close to being done and your eating window starts, because you're gonna wanna taste it to adjust the seasoning.

Keto is a meme and can be very dangerous.
If the goal is to burn fat, you need to mix cardio with weight training.
I hope you faggots do not die. Good luck.

t. soccer mom from 15 years ago

>t. delusional retard that will hurt himself

>I'm unwilling to stop piling shitty food in my mouth so I'm going to tell everyone that does that it's bad for you
>I-I can eat muffins, just not a lot, right? Can't do that in keto nope.

I eat a clean diet.
And I don't abstain from carbs and other vital nutrients.

Lets get a list of essential macro nutrients going:
What's missing? Hmm..

proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.
Dumb arrogant faggot.

Carbohydrates are not essential, bucko. Use Google. Stop posting.

>use (((google)))
either way, it's irrelevant.
You need fats, carbs, protein and vitamins and minerals.
If you're on keto, it can work for a limited amount time. Long term is dangerous.

If i workout the same muscle group >3 a week on keto OMAD, how at risk am i at losing my gains?

160 KG protein / day should be sufficient lmao

There are people that do exclusively keto and live a normal lifespan. How long-term are we talking? 100+ years?

Can you provide any reason why you believe this?

What about the calorie count? Or do you just base your calorie distribution on the amount of protein needed

sure. I actually have your pic related, BOGO deal. also look into 7-oxo-dhea/7-keto-dhea, quite thermogenic. keto diets work great with thermogenic supps. clearly EC stack would be best, but I used to stack caffeine and synephrine while dieting. along with cla and yoh when you approach single digit bf%. great results.

oh yeah and don't believe any of that raspberry ketone crap

Wow man, reading this high has really enlightened me

IS SUGAR OKAY TO EAT??? I mean not literal sugar but those sugars u find in for example milk, or sour cream and shit?? Does it still count that less than 20 or none at all?

Bump, need answers from the smartest people on the internet aka the Veeky Forumsizens

As long as you're under your net carbs for the day it can be anything. Obviously it's bad to eat pure sugar but if that's what you want to do for your 20g/day then go right ahead.