You should come work out at my place, user

>You should come work out at my place, user.

Other urls found in this thread:

That looks like my home gym

clean your room

Are you a hobbo lifter?


Hey at least you have a high ceiling for OHP, my basement gym is only 7'

Same, I have to position myself so I don't hit the floor joists or ductwork under the ceiling.

Time to switch to Sots Press

Asbestos gains



Lol. At least theres no dog shit like in mine. My dog has chosen my gym as her designated shitting spot

That's fucking awesome. I wish South Florida had something like this.


Z press mein brother.

>tfw my gym doesn't have a Richter scale bar
I guess I won't be making seismic gains this season

At least you won’t be getting rat bite fever gains like op.

How do I into Ogremode?

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I intentionally contract diseases constantly now and it has done wonders for my stats.

>dumbbell skull crushers
>rock slips off and crushes your head


If you don't at least give yourself salmonella and or typhus twice a year your a pussy
Mad respect user I'm coming off a combo of hay fever and the bird flu
Gonna try for a 225kg squat pr in a few hours

Go get it buddy. Bodyweight?

wipe your shit down including the bag before you train. also if you really want to properly hit that bag i'd suggest remounting it and cleaning your floor too. makes me wonder if you even know how to wrap your hands.

damn that was a good read

that was one of the hardest bait threads i've seen.