What did you have for breakfast today Veeky Forums?

What did you have for breakfast today Veeky Forums?

>Pic related.
>90g extra lean back bacon
>2 fried eggs
>1 cup spinach sauteed

>two fried eggs over easy
>cooked onions
>two slices of wheat toast
>cup of black coffee

a large spoon of coconut flavoured peanut butter and peppermint tee


What's the nutrition on that?

289 calories
23 gramms of fat
6 gramms of carbs
15 grams of protons

its a big spoon(about 50g)

Why all that fat. My breakfast (I'm OP) is:

269 Calories
15g Fat
2g Carbs
30g Protein

And probably a lot more sating than a scoop of peanutbutter. What's your endgame?

>Breakfast less than 200 calories
Want to know how I can tell you’re small?

An orange and a diet soda.


>less than 200
>is a usually much more

Wanna know how I know you're fat?

How many calories was that?

My breakfast was 340 calories
25g whey protein
Cup of decaf tea
3 golden pancakes



Not him but fat is god tier for satiety and health. Good for energy too if it’s not coupled with a carb heavy diet. Basically if you cutting fat > protons > carbs.

Sorry for shitty quality

>3 boiled eggs
>some chocalate bread

Got it backwards. I'm trying to lose the some fat before I start the long slow road of recomp.

>Pic related

One big heaping portion of /fast/

>300g eggwhites
>70 gram of grana cheese
>half an onion(65 gram)
>10 gram of oil to fry it all up

>Estimations of bodyfat%?

nice try cia

I had a biscotti from Starbucks

>2 gluten-waffles covered in peanut butter and strawberries
>A teeny tiny quail egg omelette w/ spinach

If, it's less than 1200 calories, it's not, a meal twink.



1 raw onion
a head of garlic (15g small head)
9g nub of fresh ginger picked yesterday in my garden
cherry tomatoes from my garden
Parsley from my garden
3 free range eggs
little tuna
balsamic vinegar
cayenne pepper
1 beetroot
1 piece pumpernickel bread
come at me soyboys

Chicken and rice

I tend do better at work with a high fat breakfast(programmer)
If this meal would have been meant to fuel a run it would have been carbs heavier.
Also I don't get hungry again as fast as when I eat a high carb breakfast
Also also I'm not eating that much the rest of the day since I'm kind of observing the pre Christmas fast so it's a good way to ensure I get my fats in

Cup of egg whites and coffee with a half tsp of milk and honey and milk with a small handful of almonds

Post training a shake with greens, protein and some carbs.

>3 eggs (cooked in coconut oil)
>Rice,Quinoa,Barley mix
>Coffee (with little half and half)

700 cals
24g protein

2 raw onions
4 litres of milk
1 sip

>2 fried eggs with chilli
>a slice of whole grain bread with 50g cottage cheese
>a bit of cucumber nad tomatoes
>black coffee

Count Chocula

a couple of scoops of oats with cinnamon and 400g of lean christmas ham which is 85g of protons / 432 kcal

>100g turkey breast

only eating cause i feel asleep before my protein shake last night but atleast i can join in the thread for once :D

>t. Grill

>chocolate bread
what is wrong with you?

it's good as fuck and i'm bulking

>2017 almost 2018
>still eating food
>not just downing amphetamines/ephedrine/caffeine stack
what did he mean by this?

Proton shake with a cup of plain greek yogurt to help the yogurt down. Bowl of great grains cereal, fiber bar, fruit/kale shake and some flax seed.

Enjoy your addiction


A weird fucking shake, never again.

>protein powder
>cacao powder
>one tomato because why the fuck not
>comes out of the blender okay
>turns into a smoothie marshmallow seconds later
>bite through my gross smoothie

I have no idea what magic happened, it was like a brown marshmallow.

>cooked onions
So close, yet so far away. NEVER gonna make it.